Police still i f investigating i l Sandnwne i l Park murder i i merino regronal police homi- W‘ide detectives are still fol- lowing up leads in the dis- Covery of a body in tiandvwne Park last week that shocked a quiet Water- loo neighbourhood. The body of David Johnston. 34, a resident of nearby Camelot Court, was found in the bushes of Sandnwm- Park in the Uncoln Village area of the city last Monday. Police treated his death as suspi- cious from the beginning, and con- firmed last Wednesday that it was it homicide following an autopsy com- pleted in Hamilton. Iohnston was a married father of two, and was last seen headed mward the park the night before. Police wouldn't ('nnfirm if John- sum was spotted with another person in the park, and wouldn't rclvaw if there arr any pcrsunx of interest an tar in the investigation, Police cordoned off the park for mostoftlw weck while officers warrhed the arm for Clues. Inhnsmn “'erka as u welder with Budd Canada 1m the pew iew wars. and was deathbed an a friendly man by civvrrrkers and m-ighlmurs stunned hv the news Stan Sgt. Bryan Larkin unuldn'l confirm the details m his death Eh part or Ihv "r0,'mng invcsugatmn, but reaffirmed that Iltere n no necd tor “mu-m from 11w grncml publir in this rust: "We believe thut thy puhIir is nut in any immediatts (Idngrr. and thcry isn't any threat m tht. imrnvdiaw neighbourhood," he sand Larkin said dou-rliw-s arr umlimr ing to look fur (luvs in the .‘smulnwnp Park area and humid. hoping lfy mm up some m-w Information "We havc [llllnt'l’lllh [rad-s that we're fullnwmg up I‘IIL and part nl that is the work wv'n- lining m thy (our munlry." said Larkin "Wr'u- hrs-n ('anvassmg thy noughlmurlmml nun stop .. Poht r have n-mmm-d iairls um» lion» in lhl' tlmeuls Ihvy'vv rvleawd with the "Ivvstigatirou ongoing In [mum t [hr mic-grin; ot tlw l use 1hlATERL00,,,,,,,fllIfl0NIcII BY Bun VIIBAAM Ummn Er \mfl (bummed on page 4 . . __ " - O . C n“~r-o~- = -. move your mmd l RIM Park needs more people ‘g and better marketing, says a local advisory committee WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER IO, 2004 . WATERLOO, ONTARIO cw hirings and more mar- Nkvting could be the only way to rcsruv RIM Park from financial hard times. says the eight-member RIM Park advisory committee, And they prvsented those options in great detail to city council Monday night. "Back in the tate 1990s. there was a dream, and that dream was In build a 500mm facility north, ms! nl the city," said Ruben New mg. " memtrcr of the rnmmitu-c- who personally invvsted mnn' ling Tang performs a silk dance to help open the 10th annual Gst Asian Festival's Culture and Family Day, held Saturday at the University of Waterloo's Renison College. BY TIM MURPHY For ITN' t 'hrrrrririe Serving your community since 1856 2005 Saabs Are Here than 100 hours to prepare the report. _ But a rude awakening in the form of a $227,7-millitrr: hill for the park. a $3.8-miOrn inquiry into the infamous fmarwing fiasco, and most recently a slew of lawsuits targeting almnst lwn dozen people who were connected In the deal. put that fantasy an hold. "We haven't started In live that dream yet and this is what the advisory committee is (tying to do," he said. ttvvr l7 meetings, thc mmmil- tee looked at the three main ele- Int-ms of HIM Park: a mulliruw n-rrealinn lurilily. the Indnnr rinks Silk swing Check Out Our Low Mileage Demos 2004 SAAB CLEARANCE and field, the outdoor sportsfields and the l hey Silt) Gulf ( Course. Hennig said the three compu- nvnls of the facility are critical, and various cost reduction and mmhim-d revenue options were Innkt'd at The first recommendation Is the hiring of three new employees at RIM Park. The first hire would he the creation ofa new position. a prison responsible for the entire facility The Ttext position, which is currently existing but vacant, is a director of sale, and marketing. $1 INCLUDING GST [he last position (In the list is a Casntinued on page 5 nu Munmv mom oCttttaGor-wuterioo 663 Vidal'itl St. N. 744-58†h _ a; Saab 933%,,,,,, 32 ow Pages 36 Viewpoint Sports Canadian Idol's Billy Klippert visits Waterloo. WHAT'S INSIDE Page 1 2 tt l0