2C3 _,_--l--,-i,B illy Kllppml dot-an" Bwunl tu be a ihasl1 Ill the pun. He kuows that to become " Mar in the music Industry. he has lo pruu' himwlt’ n my day And that's what local [aux xaxw him do Saturday night when he perloruwd " half- tiuw rumor! during the annual Naismith hasketball [annulment at the Unin-rsiv ly Hi Wauerloo's Physical Artivitiew, I Inmplex "Right now, my goal isn't ttt perform fur lust the Ireo- pie who [mow tne," klippert said helm? the ,,how. "I want lu perform for the people who don't know me. NU that they see what I can do." And Klippert. whose tal- ent was nationally recog- nized in 2003 when he was voted second runner-up in the first Canadian [dul (at ent competition. has made significant headway gaining new fans since Canadian Idol with the release of his first. selr-titled album. The CD is fast approaching gold Still strumming "I tpi, APP purchase Vlnancrng available "am And: Funarrue vo Quaid buyevs lor up to a 60 month warm on ar 2005 M and S4 Sudan and Aver! mom‘s delivered ham dealer Stock No down oavmenv man-red Funarvmng example 335000 at a Wwamum equalsSG“ Bloc-v mortttthr60mortths Coetottmrto-t.7t6a0trtr.ttmltiertot'36, new mwcnymm amttxtstottsom-gwtitraryt-ortgoo-, amour! Wound and down payment Must lake noel-very by December 2 2004 See deem m, further dam-Is anadian Idol's Billy Klippert stops in Waterloo 1h Aunt“ BANN- f hmmn‘lr 5nd} The Race to Audi Days Sales Event, From the racetrack to your driveway Now tf, thc hum. to (Ind mu. value: on And: 9 "auoumonarytorhoologres like out mulmmmr '0†m nvarlahle "oad gllppll‘lg auattm' Audi Advantage 4 years or 80.000 kilometres Ila-charge scheduled maintenance' all wheel rim/e. And wrrn a name bred four llnk {rum snap-mum. Hm aq-Ie All knows how l0 how the road and traosforrrrs a curnrnule mm an advonlule Vtsit amLLdrm'ln ml to 'md out move Former Canadian idol contestant Billy Klippert entertained fans during the halftime show of the UW Warriors versus Bishop's University basketball game Saturday night. status in Canada. Klippen said there's no one more surprised than him at how well his career has blossomed, considering just a few short years ago he Crosby Audl E JlfflS"rfYLrl, was making small sums af money busting in Australia. "I hever thought I'd be doing this." Klippert said of his budding singing career. "I thought ltd get a not» 2005 A4 & S4 the hire to fmd exceplsonal Never Follow l 175 Weber St. E., Kitchener mal job or something." Though, people close In him may disagree. Their kndw Klippert's Continued on page " www.crosbyuudi.com 894-9300 ANDREA SAILEV vac-10 The day will run from IO run to 3 p-m. at 306 Ertr St. W. in Waterloo. Volunteers 'will assist ofiict. staffduring the once-a- week weekday shifts. " hey will help to greet and answer questions from the prolrlic received via the phone (Ir at the tuslumcr service window at MM Park. They will also assist with occasional clerical tasks For more information. call 88343488. The event will include over In vendors, such as locus. Tupperware, Grand River Candles. Crafts and much more. Practise your oftice and custmner service skills as a midday omce helper at a Waterloo recreational facility. The doors will open at 6:30 pm.. followed by a fashion show by Fudgers Apparel of Waterloo at 7:15 p.m., and seminars on entertaining for the holiday season at 8 pm. Home Furniture in St. Jacobs will host Home for the Holidays. an evening of fun. fashion. entertain- ment. education and door prizes. ttmight. Tickets are $25 each. and can he purchased at Home Furniture. KW and Area Big Brothers/Big Sir ters, Fudge's Apparel. House of Elegance. The Village Shoppe and XOR Gallery and Studio in Kitchener, The Waterloo Infant Toddler Daycare presents ils Iottt annual Shopping Day this Saturday Proceeds from the eveni will supptilt k-W and Area Big B_r0therst' Big Sisters. - ,, _ Splurge at Shopping Day Show helps two charities Office helper needed AUOI