Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Nov 2004, p. 11

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More than a moment of silence duv. That mums crummy would get the day off to remember thc snai- Gres that t.anathart men and wunu-n [undo in um World Wars. Korea and m ullwr conflicts uwr the past century. And while the immediate rent lion is that it's the least we can do, perhaps we can also do a lot more - like marking me day with more public participation at the rere- monies that go nu at our local cer10- laphs, and stopping all activity for two minutes when the clock strikes 11 a.m. on the lllh day of Novent- ber each year. Young people continue to remember know you are aware of the situa- Ition in Waterloo. especially the one at Green Acre Park. The further this disregard of seniors and low income families is allowed tu spread governments and politicians are going In suiTcr. _ It has heciame apparent that most of you are turning away and passing the buck. The homes we Iiw in arc safe and comfortable and realise no MPP should stand up for citizens btcrans! Rmm-mhvr this win-n l j you [mirth nu (hr lllh In the t'vnmnph m when yin) watch the Itemvtnhrunce Ugly srrvu'v an M-ltwismn hrvuuw vnur hrnhh won't lcl you walk any, nmrt'. Romemhrr this during the spu‘rhvx. Hui wmrmhvr this ups» wally during the. silt-nu- at l l gun. You gave up your mum in (hr her- vice of irtwdom and that sat'lil'in- shall hr n-mmnhvrul for gem-Hr tions to come, If ynu dnuht that, get in much with any local high school and ask d they have it Romrmhmm " Day pr” gram that you ('nuld attend, You'll hr rmwim't-d that rwn four gnu-r alums lull-r. "May's vouth are hm) timing yours 0n Tturrsdax mmnmg. I will hrad "wt In Gritrttl lint-r Colksgirttr' in Kitt hmwr m (nu-ml a Rum-m branrc hay play I began unending in men whru our young-r son and his friends wmu' thas NI npl lor Ihl‘ play that yl-ar With mu- "xrcpiion, I've attended (-w-rv war M5ttN' Hum Thc plays arc wan-n and pH formed by lhv slum-ms until-I the guidance of the drama tvacher The flavour (If the plays has changvd m1" the pas! In years There us less l'mphasis (m thc Vin lent side of war and a greater farm on the need for pram. And that H a This rimmem is marked with u Itte dclratc h nailing again alrout win-[hm Rvmrmhmnu- [luv should luv u muimml hulir Lener to Waterloo MPP Himbem Winner "r'iirFfiTii" To THE CHRON EEBNiCLE EDIT deep sulcluniu in the [{umpcun Humilwa iouchcd by the greut wars. where cvcrythrng mum‘s In it stop: but In Canada must pumpk- (‘JIIH be hulhon-d to lake the lime mu m Ihrir bum; schedule. Perhaps we had lo share in sums of the destruction wreaked [In war- mm countries to understand thc trttc horrors they experienced. When it was a national holiday back in the 1970s. few people marked the day as solemnly as they do now. But sharing the pain isn't as impnrmm as respecting the fragility of what so many lake for granted. And anothdr day oft' would be taken for granted by far too many people. _ - problems to anyone Due to the Walkerton tragedy. the provincial Conservatives launched a witch hum on water supply and trailer parks. This witch hunt has gone too far locally and is going to deprive peo- ple of their right to live in peace as well as leading to civil disobedience. As you see on the news lately in other parks as you will see here. we are not leaving. You failedio speak up earlier when mmacted by Judy Greenwood Spot-rs. do you now have what " good thing. Sim‘t- l will hr at the 8:30 mm. pertorrnance rathcr than the later “no. I will still have plenty of lime to make it hack for tht. march and the- wrvin- at the Waterloo ('vnnlaph. I'll be unending thc unit? this your alum: I used In taLe my father and mv fathvr-irvktw. but my dad dicd in 1999 and my futhvr-ir1-luw four months Hgtr. llerck, what I'll hr thinking about as l maul: alum; the sidewalk ht-sidt- the w-ts to thc u-nmaph How's what I'll be thinking about during the stwerhcs and "specially (luring rhe silt-11w at ll am on Nov ll Dunng mv RH wars un Ihls varlh. lie been stranded in the frmmng cold on a rural road In (In tral New Brunswick, but I ran'l pos- sihly imagine standing on the my Maybe it's time that the working "You'li be convinced that even four generations later, today's youth a re honouringyours." John McVicar (0’\ I'ORIA] NICL] "i)r,//l _",_)r,,,(l TV "f world lullnvu [hr loud tot our whnuls and (“has who mark the occasion wnh the rt'rsprit u dcwrxes. {hey hold special Cmemnnivx and renteruhratwes, inviting mu aging veterans In share their expcri- 0mm. And perhaps that role Canada played isn't celebrated enough in our schools year-round, with Cana- dian military history not as cele- braled as its social history. So stand for those two minutes of silence and remember. Remem- ber and give thanks. it's also a little to fur our youth In 92mm» their rhanks. But that doesn't math; the rest of us any better, We know more but do far less than our children. lakes to stand up for the citizens that need help? No morehush and shove. We deserve better than this. If you feel you can't help. then why not challenge the Liberals pub- licly. to do something about it before it is too late? dcck of a mcrrhant ship in am Atlumir convoy watching the ship In front luring mrpt'dnvd and know- ing that my uwn ship will nm stop ttr pick up survivors, ouridg my 38 years. unlv unu- With I lwalvn up It was by a hull}: when I was a fluid. " was It-rrilying In mu. But I t m"! possibly imagine gut wrenching fear while wailing in a slutty trvnch waiting for 1hr ordcr to gm Over the mp and {are trossihlc death, During the Ins! five years. I have watrhvd my parertls div. I-arh pcatvfully and without pam after good lung Iivvs. and I mm possibly Imaglm- [hr horrifit iWuty rd wring your best fricud. unlv 20 years old. thrrrw hunst-ll rm n grvnudn- In snu- llw lives of his buddlt‘a That is what I'll hr Ilnnkmg uhmn during yum [mirth and dur, Ing ttw sitenrc at ll amv un NM: fl I (an! pnsuhlv Imugim- those things, that hnppt-m-d to Wu and that also is a good thmg, "Fur thow who have fought for it. fn-odnm hm a ulsu‘ the [mm-1 [ml writ m-wr knnw." mm: mm Hum.“ rkl G.MRed) McCausland President Green Acre Residents Association John MrVirar Waterloo The Osama factor LI", many Canadians, not att, but mosl, 1 wax duupwnnu-d ll the 0111(1an ol km work's Uh. maxim-lulu] chrction, George w, Hush surprised mam. people with a dorisiw vw- wry. Hr defeated Sui. Inhn Kan; in the popular “no. wun two um oi' three so-called "huulegrourul" slates. and helped Republican.» maintain and increase their (majorities. Ut hoth Houses of l krilgrwis, From the onset of the election. many people were speculat- ing not if but when we would see another video from (Mama bin Laden. His message to the American people on the final weekend of the campaign did much to bolster the president's re-election. Bin Laden was trying to extend an olive branch to the American people and sublimely attempting to persuade people to vote for the more moderate candidate, Le. Kerry. His strategy backfircd tremendously The video reminded people that bin Laden was still alive and active. and that terrorism remained a major threat to American security, When corafront- ed with bin laden's image on television. many Americans were reminded of the fear they felt on Sept. ll, 2001 and decided they better stick with Bush. Never in American history has a war-tinte president lost an election. and the bin Laden video was a stark l V - a _ Ireminder that an Etttizty" was still a; l S leChL‘l arge in t e wor _ rt. is motivate 1 people concerned with terror to vote l SPEAKING l for Bush in record numbers. l _ k (By the way. bin Laden sure looked rested and relaxed for a man who is reportedly suffering from diabetes and is allegedly hiding out in the hills of Afghanistan.) Exit polling is a device that has m been used by pollsters to predict the SEAN outcome of elections for a long time in the us. Canadian polling compa- STRICKLAND rites very rarely use exit polls to pre- dict the overall outcomes of general elections; When Amen cans cast their ballot and leave the poll. they are selected at random and requested to answer a few quick. simple and straightforward questions. Based on their responses, the poll» xterx predict the outcome of the election. On Tuesday night. early indications from exit polls had Kerry in a firm lead and had the Democrals buoyed for victory and the Republicans preparing for defeat. Ity 9 pm. the exit pulls were totally dis- rrcdited a: the results indicated a much \tronger vote for the president. By 9:110 pain. the exit polls were no longer being rel- erem’ed. the tide had turned, the Bush ramp was buoyed for victory. and the Kerry camp was preparing for deft-m. Based on this cxpericrlcc, [ pretlit't exu polls will he drown the exit in the 2008 ell-Hum. Exit polling Political truths gone awry Convcnttrutul wisdom has it lhm When thvrv lh" a large voter turnout, it us had for intuunlwrtis and gum! for rhallvngt-rs. l'rnplv arr mobilized whcn they want change Wcll puliriml s,Clenrist_, an- gning m rethink that um- slnu' 20 minim] mun- pruplt- votcd in 2004 than 2000, and the majority uf them voted for the mcumbent. In Ian. thc 2004 Norman had the highest [umum sinu' the 196m, Both the Drnmnals and (hr Republicans did a great In!) in mobilmng the. "lccttrrareitruliwttingtht'm out In vow. Hut thy Republicans did " lteticr wh. lit-aching nut far and dvcp mm the evangvhial and hmtlanumialist Chrimart mnvmm-ms. Ihr Hopuhlirans arrangvd In gm more of their groups In [hr ballot box then ever lteftrrv. I rigincerirrg l l sum-x m have n'frn'n dums on gay mamagv was " hnllianl political unlit-m; to hrlp mobilize the (are Ik-puhlu an “an ()hviouxly the RrpnhIil ans nm a hnllmnl I mnpmgn and surprised many with thc slmng virtory Ihts pmhlt-m with hrll lmnl strategies during elm mm l ampuigns Is mm the urateitrr") that hl'lpl'd get you rim In! an- rarely sun cssful when n lumps lo govvrrtirlg. Elcrtsorwering and governing are two distinct and wwumr challenges (If runlrmpnmn' prMics. Huw-fully Hush'x rowhov mentalitv will hr snnwwhnl rempcred In his sm ond Irrm and he realize, that divide and l nnqum slratvgirs may work well In an efet non :‘ampalgn. but thvy cvrtruniy don't work well when it fumes to running" I numry l'rmail your questions/comments In seartpseartstrirk tand.com. And thee are own loss effective whrn n mmvs m gaimng the trust and rape-rt of the rm! of the world Looking through the tea leaves of the election

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