Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Nov 2004, p. 10

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'_ia r. “I, [he Gatcrloot hmuu te h publeutcd awn hrdnmd.“ m me l mm as Group owned twt m’Mnlm hump " a \utmdun ul lunuu (up [hr l "ttiettt ot tttis [um-l h pmtn [rd 1» rnpn'lghl and "In [w Una! "uh tut pursuing] nun minim-n sal purpnsm Ul "thtu rtgtrrs Jh' n-wnm! nnd _ (mum-II LII uw Is pndnlnlml b, mnv my at tht, "tarstal \nu 1mm ttrht nnnm Hm prflllhxuul “I "I" mum ol [hr mpnguI rdllmmll-J halvrhmchrunu . L " spnnw‘Vuwrlum hmnn h- m sal-a watcrloochromrtv m n umplmngld waterlmu‘hnuurlr m WATliflu)() CHRONICLE lhe Hawrlnor hrotor be with "me, Inn-n m lhr Mum Flu-v should hu- man"! unlh mm! address and phnnr numher and will ho w-nlin'l fut an um No mum-”ml Inn-vs win be poMeshed 'Urhrots- may hr mhts,f in Win. mpknrhrhnd (am: m burn and slim numuk strbmattmt to the Publisher and ans-purl Gr [nyhhramn mum with the arm-m hm rhe mush" and m hum may _ npmdmr them m Pro" Fla "mm m other forms ' but mm address Is J7RWrhrs 9 hi Ill"! JO Wavrrlnn NN "v “Ir um“ ul our (alumni-ah are mm mm and do not mu evsarils mph-son! Tturse ul my IwwspJprr 279 Weber M.. North. Suite 2tt Waterloo, "ruario Ne, 3H8 Phum- Am. msu Ln mu. an” Fur 'eus hum Innnnr '6euteudort (my Publisher Group Sabes "irectort Willa Pulllilhrr sin-rid Prom; WI] Praia-u unlit! W. 62.1 1050.51! 20h Far 2m l ..n...x..... mm. mum Mad 'urle, r r... Vgouuvrr, Mumm- h.~l>.'.unvL ir" ”th|! Wags-In. (amp-an. FdWor. by Tis Spores Him. Fat, 229 Inn-num-ml sumLm: V'IIJA‘ Mum-u nun uairioorhroruclc t a I um Marml 5.1m» ' hula Letters Policy Retail Slit! :ir2sst-"ti, rr, M "'" " [SAN [1113: “It! 401513478 \udllrd .mnmmn mu". Marrlar' M." 'tr It., wag. nah “a .r, k rlmlu: She did that by talking In the Italianlianadian media in Toronto. appeal- ing tor people In step for- ward and takc pan in the simple blond lest that could he her salvation. "All it takes is a leaspmm of blood to make a dill impure." said Chris Holder, leaving nu sumo unturned in the search. And while she struggled with her illruvss, Cathy inspired those around her, including family. friends and neighbours, to take up her cause. And wrulr the Inrn-awd rvspnnw wax gn'm. " cum" lnu law int ta1hy. HUI that dm-sn'l mm" there awn'l humlrmls of. other pl-uph- nul thcre sull walling In: that phnnl' (all. Additional information can he found at wwwhloodservires.ca. or by calling t "anadian Blood Services donor registration at lvmrzasvazm 7 And while Cathy m-w-r got to go to Hawail like she wanted, I'm sun- shr'e found that little pimp of paradise she was looking for anyway 7 That put on hold plans to see the world, includ- ing a trip to Hawaii that she and her husband. Chris, talked about. And while you could see the concern on Chris's face when Cathy brought up the future, she was resolved to continue squeezing as much out life as she could. But she needed help, and she put out [he word for anyone who was able to register with the Canadi- an Bone Marrow Donor Registry -ti-lltl Cathy had exhausted all her options with family, and it was down to the genetic lottery of match- ing up with someone of Italian descent from her parents home town of Ruvo del Monte, 80 miles eaxl ol Naples. She also spoke lo the IL____.__J local medm. new: know- ing whore that lasl-minulu miracle would cunn- from. hwn her daughlcr's iribnds at school in Michigan held a ciinir to get more people registered. Words of summrl and c/u-ou/agement could be. found on a Well site (Ihris launched. wwwbrntsuaihycorn. In gel tht' word out ' The results of that heartfelt plea won- quite nulu'vahll- as [ho Canadian Blond SI-n‘irl's. whit h administers 1hr Lanadran Borw Marrow ftcgistry, saw a spike In thc |nral pvoplc registering with ther daunhasn "Ira nm lust for me. thru- un- hundreds of us hulking for help," said (why lu-[nn- she dit'd, llw wan h gut-s ml Hu'n- an- ulm'nlly 2no (“Humans looking fur " donor, with another TGO International pant-ms look ing for a potential match m (mmda (nnada's mlllllt ullural makeup makes us and the ll h a grvat sou" " for possihlv donors In! people all nw-r the world As Chris said. if you weren't the nnv for Cathy you could be the one for somebody else Holder's lite ttttttttld inspire others to help he m'wx nulmdy wanted In hear turns on Hal- I lower“ last week m. Cathy Holder. who had "ccume the local law (If bune murruw drum- uun. kw her brave [mule against lcukemia. She was 46. The "tother of two was a survivor, lax-mung an aggrcssiu- form 0! breast cancer in February 3001 But in her case the m'aunem proved l() be worse than the cure. as a little known side effect of the massive chemotherapy and radiation she endured gave her treatment-irtduced leukemia. th more than 2 50.000 potential dmmn "‘ng Il'l’f‘d with the Canadran Borw Marrow Honor Reg wry. " has room to krtn" BOB VRBANAC 1,Tlc.l,,1iTC.)r?i,,_; U.S. knows how to throw an election The Big Muscle: Not much wax made of wnmrn "lertesi, and that's a ITII'FISIIH' on how far wnmrn have (um? in the pulim ai going it's a bizarre limo of year. Soon there'll he hordes swarming In places whore'll lhcy'll pay $100 a day (tt get the tompvralures they moaned about last summer. Then thcre's the matter of counting. " lakes time you know to count In loo, let alone in the hundreds of thow samls. I“ George Duhyah’s people vwm expert in counting Inn-aunt of the “mes they've had to pony up the numbers an a hunth ofhad wrurilivs, He fought a good campaign. but he was running smarkdah mm [ho tnrut-rvatism that lu-apz-ah Amerira. It's Iriglucu- mg In [hulk that lyutrvah Is a: wimung iigurc for unymun Irwidesttally, the Fixrited sae, now have more lawyers than it has smug. only the smog doesn't charge $225 an how. Ah yes. everybody in America now Is vixlwr a lawn or somebody who needs one Fl That seemed like a brief autumn this year. The leaves turned colour abrupt- ly and the season was kaput. Now we await the arrival of snow and fanny-chilling weather. x Marks the Spot: The Americans knuw how lo throw an BIPCIiOIl. don't they? They spend almost four years talking it up. and Ihcn they I?! it go. With all the hal- lots, neur-lrallots and sulrhallots they have. it's no wonder it lakes them days In tole il up. And [01 us not forget the lumps of lawyers standing by. Estimates pul them in llw lens of thousands. Ah yes. have enough solicitors at the ready, and they're mm lo lock writs. As you may knuw. I wax rum mg for John Kerry, but nm hold my, Knuth hope for him. You know, hv's raw In spun, lie wears a shirt. (W. and two In tle hnms gmwing out of his head Man the Recount: ( men the numhvr m luwvrn "tvolvvd, l suppnw H's unlv reason attle that (he lawyers are manning thcir “TIIS. Ihatu, why (ht-W's 51) mm l1 legal cagtc Muff unu’ the, Count is allegedly finished SAN I JY BAIRD 'Say. they can go into combat without any spccial training. They've had all those years ofmarriage to fall back on One More Time: A whulv week is planned as Canada's Remembrance tribute and let's play our role, eh? Yup, only in recent ymrs has the trlrser- vancc been near what il should he, Now that we veterans are dying in wads. the obser- vunu- gets a real emphasis. That may seem like irony. but it's brutal reality. Boner our nation should learn of the perils that went before - and holler late than newt -==;=sz=S I tlorit know why. hul [ht-W's sorncthirtg ulmuI the nI‘w TV wast)" that rmmmls mo of the inst ripliun rm the Sumn- of Liberty ‘lhul pan about the wretrhvd Whisk The Innis are slurping high-prir t-d gas" Inn" as they rumble. and thvy'll be nirlung vnu on your lax bill. ll". mrr to gm good null-ago on you car, hm it feels Rt’wwy when your motor is doing M) “it ks and the, whm‘ls are doing I m Women are demanding equality, and it's awfully nice of them lo be willing Io give up that much power to get it, Women have been trained for years to he tough in rumbaL You dnn'l see many of them coming out second hest in divorce set- tlements. At Your Own Risque: Have you noticed how many TV programs air now labeled with thc lulu-l: This Program V Contains Nudlly and Crrarsc )VER Language. lt Is "errrmmertded TLY tor Mature Audit-m vs. Ur '4)th thing like that, Pavement Plus: Arty (lay now we'll wt- trurks umssagmg our sum-ls than M snow. and it'll UN you a mnunlain of dough before the wmlvr is dour. When you SEN' the whirlvs hufrmg and puffing down the Mreet. um! talu- lighter grip on your wallet, AM ah, Tec, tm thc other hand. the ”(TH- sional show deserve, Iahclling. Snmolinu-x llu- people an- so mixed up that It's mugh In fig- 1er who's with who, and so an. In most rust-s. the show hardly (is-sun's that lulu-l As a manor of fun. it could he spuri- ing a Disney Inga. If you think vuu haw- thc killer Ialrcllvd, chat1rcs un- vuu'rv wrung.

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