Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Taw Amendment Formal Public Meeting TAKE NOTICE that the Counol of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo will hold a Formal Public Meeting on Monday December 6, 2004 in the Council Chambers. 3rd Floor. Waterloo City Centre, lot) Regina Street South, Waterloo to consider the following applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law pursuant to Sections 21 and 34 ofthe Planning Act. For further information regarding the time ofthe public meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office on or after Thursday December 2. 2004 at 747-8743. Official Plan Amendment M) (GPA 60) and Zoning By-law Amendment 2-044 l . . ""111‘531", Mar-View Farms Limited - 580 Beaver Creek Road and 495 _. C J 9‘5â€â€ is"iilr'r,"Ark, Conservation Drive _ .. _ %Ih\fÂ¥,.?f .1 (Green Acre RV Park and adjacent lands) V ',-i.rj,',lliajir.i'ivl' if" V “r City of Waterloo - City Wide amendments to the Agricultural l Tirc', . "A" Zone. By-law 878A l . ii Mar-View Farms Limited is requesting an amendment to Special Policy Area 47 ofthe City's Official Plan to allow a Ir, Temporary Use Zoning By-law to be passed on the subject V 'r, lands and to amend Schedule "A" of the Official Plan to reflect the current boundary of Green Acre RV Park. Mar-View Farms Limited is also requesting an amendment to the Zomng By-law that would result in the passing ofa Temporary Use Zoning By-law to permit the trailers currently T being used as year-round residences within the seasonal recreational trailer park to remain for up to three t3) years, subject to site specific proxrsions. "e The Crty of Waterloo is proposmg to amend the Zoning By- law by removing the use "a pnvate club or recreation facility I. l open to members only" from the Agricultural "A" zone in \ t By-lass No, 878A and by adding definitions for seasonal . ---'a -SMC~Wmo. “we l recreational trailer park. seasonal recreational trailer and per- .3;_";":',. __ .. . manent trailer to By-law No. 878A. The CIty is also propos- T.i=rra" mg to recognize in the Zoning By-law the existing seasonal LOCATION MAP recreational trailer park and ancillary uses related thereto tie. Green Acre RV Park ' located at the southeast comer of Beaver Creek Road and Conservation Drive. The City is also proposing to amend the Zoning By-law by adding a Site specific prouston to the portion of 495 Conservation Drew to be retained by Ii. Martin to prohibit bmldings and structures from being erected on the property while they are tuned Agricultural "A" m By-law No. 878A A more detailed description of the proposed amendments wall be provided in City staff report DS-lNJ? A copy of Ctty staff report DS-04-77 wall be available on Monday November 15. 7.004 For further information regarding the above matter or to obtain a copy of City staff report DSAW77, please contact the City of Waterloo, Development Services. 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre. Waterloo, Ontario or by calling 747-8543. Joel Cotter. BES. Development Services Any person may attend the Public Meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation either in sup- port of, or in opposition to the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. tf you wish to make a presentation to Council. please call 747-8743 prior to Wednesday December I, 2004 so that the necessary arrangements can be made to place you on the Council Agenda. In addition. a written sum- mary of the presentation should be filed with the City Clerk prior to the public meeting. ll a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision of the Corporation of the City of Waterloo in respect of the Official Plan Amendment or Zoning By-Iaw Amendment does not make oral sub- missions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Corporation of the City of Waterloo before the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment is adopted. the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. Fred Bobbi. City Clerk l a UV“ Mia IUU , Notice 1b Residents Of Scheduled Watermain Flushing Che resrdents of the (it). of Watcrioo In (he area cast of Budge Mrcct, south of l hcsapeake, was! of the Grand" Rn cr and north of thc Kitchcncr border may cxpcncmc dnuduurcd drinking watcr due to mamlcnancc acllxmcs hung done hy thc (’ny of Waterloo lhc mmmcnancc will commence cach awning dt approximately Ill (I0 pm tttttel b I)" am thc following murmng. stanlng November 7th and fuushmg Novemhcr Nth at " [)0 am Ihc Csty of Watcrloo rccommcnds that If rcudcnh upcncncc 1hscolourcd water they <hnuld run thor cold hard watcr taps for a maumum of I" nunmcs to allow " to clear If thc prohlcm persists watt for an hour and try again I For any concerns or problems please (all the City of Watetloo's Utilities Customer Service Representative at 747-8613. THE CITY OF I; Wateloo 1‘ ,/itri?r',truissLc' , _. i-'~1\I'!\f ’2 I Jiirr',r'.s, 2-, 1 c",.. f; v/ie-re. 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