( 1hr Hulk-[lulu lmmu I" h puhllsllx-d ( "wâ€. \\rdn:-~.d.n In lhz-Jamnn hump. unnmi IIH sirMedraGrot+ Hm " mlmdmn ot Jurxlarl mp lhr L lll'lk'lll ol lhh (“pry h plum In! in I opvroyht and In.“ hr uwd "uh isst i gn-wmql nun uuulm'u ml pulp-um xl; "tht" lights .er- rewrved aral l onumcro.tl uw p, Inululnlui lo I "er ma- ol lhh nunrnal mu mun titht nbmm thtsperuusnon ot Iltc f mun-1 ot tite u npynghl ed1turrabwwittvrloochromica sponswwaterioochronicle-ci1 sake,ty-warerloochrorrrclecua comwvuttgrwwatvrloocrtrorrrcleiit WM'ERLOU CHRONICLE 1 Phunt. Min-2830 Fax 8titi-9A83 rlw views ot nu! mlummsh are their mm and do nu! necessarily "'prt"sent those ui the n(-\\ spam-L l-mup Publisher Group Sales Willi Associate Publisher 27H Weber lit.. North. Suite 20 Waterloo, Ontario NM 3le Inn-nah! m Imm and other marermls mhmum-d In the Publish“ and a: ' mad " ""th an.â€- mmauu wwh thr. author hm the publnhw and m In r-nv-a-s mm _ rrpmrluw urn-m In prim Mr, lrunn m ottwt forms f h" mum»; mMrvss w J‘uw‘otm " Ad ttraw .‘h Watetlro N " It',' warm ProWrts Mgr 1.21 mm I u 2m u m, L Amusing Wu. Fat. 222 Ihr. 1Vatvrir ml llrum. Ir wI-Ir "mm Irm-rs vmlw him-v [hm sin-um b. smut-0 wnh namr addtPv. and phom" nuthr and wall hr. vrwrtimt fur 3:“qu No "mum-d Imam WI" hr Huh It'll“ hf!†“in“ ue It 'udvrtdort Rel-ll Sales Wu: Mun-g". En. 230 Sula. Fat. 223 Icto II.†MILL \IurnLIuS 'wrtm 'iondatn indie-a Hank". Huh Urban." ramor. Fat. 2 " Spam Editor. [£11129 puhhdwd Suhmlswuu "m "rs Mum! 1m Imam My please hr hut-1 mm. m Puhbsaurrus \I,n!\.1n-~"I-nl .V.. iglz‘I'mrnl Suumeu wunu atertoochrou'ile m t mu“; Matt" e Letters Policy 'rcibstetel'i, ISKN 1M33 34ID 400504 TH mum-.1 1‘" "lmirrn .' \hxlhr M", spud-I Prnktn $W3 man, bat 20-. I , I rlahl- " ramp-um; Norma l 'ca Why do they run? The attitude that "perhaps they can always change tht, meeting dates" is disgusting. These same trustees appear not to have a problem cashing their honorarium. . Since it would appear in most cases the board can function without them in their absence. per- haps they should consider resigning. Making decisions at the board table is not always easy. it requires full debate. compromise. and differ- ent perspectives. But most important, it needs regu- lar participation. Part of the problem appears to be the misguid- ed impression that, because of their position in the community. or back- ground. the board (believes) the public "needs" them. They have this feeling that by merely being a "member" influences deci- sions and policy recitli article in lhe Record brought back AJIwmmies of my “me on the Waterloo Region )Nrict school board. You may remember this une; it was titled .. rrustee", miss I in 3 meetings", Let's face it, everyone his other commitments that came up from time to time with family and work. 'l'ruslees are no different. However. the line must be drawn for those who run for public office knowing full well in advance they cannot fully fulfill their obligations. In fact. neither the board. nor the public "need" them; what they [the board) do need is a trustee who fully partici- pates as part of the collec- tiveboard. There are aléo those who suggest they “can't afford" to fulfill their role; "it costs them money to be there"? Skipping meetings isn't the only problem with elected individuals waiting until after the election to talk about a litany ordimculties with thetrole Excuse me; did they not look into these issues before they ran for office? The role hasnt changed much. If they were run- rung for the money. it was ohvinusly a poor "career choice".' The public is um responsible for sup- porting the personal financial commit- menu of elvrted um» flak Izvvrynm' who mm for puhlu ofr" r has their own rrasnm It (OHM h:- m sl-ru' the unmmmny. pnu'mmlly Mart a ram-9r In palm“. (nu-nun) dttisions ofa pm nuns lumrd. or “mph: hrmuw thcy hr-lu-u- thvv have umu'lhlng m rofrer Whatevvr thy II-nxun. In "rder In â€Hum-1' thor nngnml goal, thes hate to purl" Ipulr- Purl of thc pmhh-In In nu upInmn p, tlm pub!" l, L" k of IIIII-n-xl m s: luml Imam Irnslm- PIP! [inns h-u 'Illhlu (It-hairs, or "rm-m thvtarulrdat" "sghts" art' 13N'r III'III and litth, .IIII-mmn Ix gnu-n to 51 hnnl hoards In the. media, Hur rule nf thc Huxlm- and st Imul hmmh p, an Important om- lh-spm' the amtmh- that ['XIHIS In the. mmmunuy that boards nl’vdur alum are nm important. the-y are ln fart they are vitally Impnnam _ Um students. parents. Ira! hers. and the pub!" t-xpm t and dvserve much both-r the Rm ord rrpnm-r should tre rnmnwndc'd for bringing this waw- of puhlu mmer In our attett lmn Sim'l- they are Important. they also n-qum- good people - people who care about puhlit "duration. and ran- about making a differs-rm- "Excuse me; did they not look into these issues before they ran for omce?" -- John Hendry torirrer [nun-v , ", _', lir),,/' P 01 ",_)N,"s, r Bylaw may lack wisdom teeth on can say what you want about the ! weather. but you have to admit that the recent soggy stuff has made the Waterloo Region water police sitenL In other-years we Would have faced a chorus of warnings against wasting water by using it to irrigate the front lawn. Bit. to quiite the old saying, an hour of rain will do more good in five minutes than a month of it would do in a week. Time for Rethink: The issue was an old one and our new Waterloo councillors have been striving to uphold the law, That was to give the law at long last a knowing expres- sum. But the fact is that more than a quarter century. folks have been living at Green Acre RV Park for more than 25 years in violation of the law. The rules tried to keep the park used only seasonally and for recreational uses, hul the park folks have been living there the year around. the city has made efforts over the years to get them to comply. and ttOW ith given them the word that they ultimately have In vacate for two months: I! this wz-n' an earlwr year, um rould mulnrw that (in Ir xiun The city wants to let them live year-around for another three years. Hit-n thtyti have to live else, where fur ht) (unsu‘uuw days a war What tiw t chum llltlIK Imu- w====---e-- nun-d " in lumping with gutting "vlaws lu-mlml. lull " Would be fmwt by far if the ".suicnts were' grarodriohvrsui m thc press-m KHI‘IIK But llu- wank-ms arc uid. and mm, are m Ilu-lr Irailer humus ruostly' bx, t huh r And we should rvmomhvr that um all teeth put in the laws are m'u-ssarily wisdom teeth Toot, Toot and Away: lust when you thnughi the rogmn'x pmpuwd Choichoo Imm was ssrrtwthing we umld almost file and forget, " gr“ new life fmm Qiseert's Park men m'w rvxult-mx would Ilau- In hm'll the rulvs Nrwy make no mistakr. Must of we old mums wrstft he alive I0 av? H. lull mavlw mr-mhcrs ofthe ksmVrgartett set will SANDY BAIRD It sounds improbable. The train setting out from Waterloo and making its way through the hills and dales ofthe region. There will be problems, ofcourse. There'll be the usual problem with free riders who snitch a ride by hopping on. And, natch. the number of times the train dunks into a car at a crossing and sus- pends operations for six hours (while buses fill the gap). But. OK, when they talk those boxcar numbers to fund the rail ling. don't worry. Most of us will be no longer extant when the bills come in. But ids nice to think how great it will be to visit the wonders of Cambridge. As when we used to down on the "radial" to go roller- skating. And you could say that it was a fall apart Ah. those were the days -- now I get winded just reading the aper. A Fading crlarm: Scientists now mm fess they can't find a rum for the common cold. and so the test-tuhe hays " wa - are giving us aumelhing new In ttt I I worry about. lln-rv'll hr statUrttertis, lwwmll numlwr and sI-mlnun without "tul And you tun hm our t UIHHIOIH will mimic a mmmlm‘r In mums what will hap per, In us when magnt-llsm fades, All of this makes Stqthp, an sinu' thy magnetic pole is ahnw our northern parts, wt. have more than an ordinary mien-st in this stuff. There's an? tip I'll gnu- them. mey might check the squan- miles of Canada that an- awash in her! mum Ihese empty tins have thrown the magnmit pole askew I dorit (0(1er an award for this snluliun Yrru wen It's " Int maxim to form an opinion when vnu have orthr' " fvw of tlm fat ts Preferably " has to he smm' thing big and slum-thing dis tam. something it won’t be thu easy to check. Hue and dandy. Ihey'vt. got " with warning that thv magm'tir pole is losing its stuff and may wind up m impotent as a u-nluryrnhl pen light battery. They"" probably warn m that no longer will "w. be. ahh. In reach (.rmw Bay by nur Irusty "rrcolt tmnsmlm-r Ur m» wrnit lw "lrhs In VHHI um Wllh our lullllful n-hlw mm lat