630A plans measures to improve Laurel Creek water quality Continued fiom page t risk," he said. But Manson sud mom natural (nurse, you take the an expectation that alt Q 91 APR purihase inn-nong mri_ey from Am). 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Manchu: For 60 Monthsr Riverworks, St. Jacobs 664-1451 [at The report blames most of the contamination in the Grand River on the local sewage plants, rivers. lakes and creeks should be clean enough for body roman In official beach areas, the standard is I00 bacteria to 100 mittilitres of water and anything above that will prompt the posting of warm ing signs. The report states that the 26 sewage treatment plants on the Grand River dis- charges 40 million gallons of raw sewage into the water each day. 1 1 " Weber St. E., Kitchener "'I hat's jusl not true." said Schultz. who argued that all ot' the sewage plants use either an uitra-viulet or chloride neallnenl for the sewage. According to the report, testing during dry weather in laurel Creek found bacte- ria mums at 350 for 100 mil- lilitres of water. Downstream from the sewage plans showed a 2.5 per cent increase in bacte- Even though signs are posted at these levels, Peo- ple are still able to swim at their own risk, wwwxrosbyaudi.corn 894-9300 Demand Better vote Conserva tive For "on-swimming areas. the City of Waterloo has adopted an American standard which targets 2 000 counts of bacteria for every IOU millilitres of water. “The risk of becoming ill by E.coli is quite low," said Schultz. who added there are many forms of [icon and all warm-bluoded species. including humans, have the bacteria in their bodies. But the report says the American standard is 20 times lower than the provin- cial water quality standards, which aim to protect human and aquatic life. audio-nodaca , |"n~n,-tl 'N m lvanrrM my“: u- 'tt . "Iulvia'w- my, , mm Campaign Office Phonq: 571-0008 187 King Street South Waterloo, ON N21 1R1 info@stevestrauss.ra www.stevestrauss.ta Chris Murray. superirt- Iendertt at the laurel Creek Conservation Area. say» camping reservations are down so far this year. but believes ttls weather related, "Stuff like that definitely doesn't help us though. I'm sure," he said about the water quality report. 'l'he'Walérlu-u conserva tion area holds t37 camp sites. So far this year, the campground has 131 reset- vations booked through closing day Oct. IS. last year, the total num- her from June 4 to closing was 1.354. which aiso included those who didn't reserve. But Murray said it's [on early to tell if people are being deterred because of water quality. Last year, he said, they had to deal with West Nile and there seems to be a dif, ferem threat every year. “ll really Gi people scared of the outdoors." he said of the threats. The designated swim- ming area at laurel Creek is monitored weekly, accord- ing to Murray Schultz believes steps are being taken to better the water quality along the Grand River and Laurel Creek. One initiative. he said. is planting trees and plant life along the river to slow the water doxm and soak up the nutrients. "T here's several projects being done to naturalize the lakes." said Schultz. Another step is forming storm water management “we throughout the city as a way to naturally cleanse the water. "The more storm water management systems you have. the cleaner the water will he," said Schultz. He also said the region is investing $3-millinn into rural water quality pro- grams, which will be an incentive for farmers to build manure storage tanks. install fences around water ways and plant trees. All new subdivisions are required to have these sys- tems. The GRCA took its first water sample of the season last week at Laurel Creek, and is now waiting for the results.