Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 May 2004, p. 31

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Items 550 and Under CHAIRS. 4 new man; Uphostered seat. neck. Comma, 486 grimy KS“. M. can WESSETQVE wm aha'D enmg steel and 'cutrng board 3|?) 1474533, Tor, GAS claton Km vim new. if 8846670 RACK, 1ANKR, ramim, hor- off 94 'ure, Ranggv , TOY. LITTLE Ther, m- a talent '::tndr' 4m it”, w. comm. 15;" my TOY. LITTLE Lkes, taNe and 4 (hams that: f mm gr S22 88466?C IBY “mm. peg Perego 525 88543297 Uphuétergd seat. add. arms. $20 Cat M 74533 iraaFirdVd iiso 2ac 335501 2 ESR, OFFICE. oath wavy] [mush 3 drawer he" tun-I1 site, 385213 a? .ianC-,5briigeAm,rt HDTV 0" 'F' . Ort? Nimeel ".th SN 1498553 'th 13:23}; SS: Ct a}, C all , a 34 98 3 5%.; Firs: CLASSIFIED Address Name: City: Ad Copy Phone Numbejr Waterloo Chronicle 279 Weber St. N., Suite 20, Waterloo. Ont. MU 3H8 Fax: 623-1261 SINGLE ITEM . 2 twr, WEEK . I FREE RENEWAL -Pll " PA!" Mus! Include Price cl Item Ads must be received m wrmng No phone calls please email' clawhed0hvaterloochrorucle ca _ Sell like: . 3 lines SEEM-IN trger 43x33 m Mpc. Items For Sale Under $50 Ad Order Form 1000-1195 A _ I " JESS mm nearly 30.cco members Nat-onwme the Canadian Praiessmnm Sales Assou anon [CPSAJ has the buying Dower mat saves you money an all ot your business trave- needs Inflell'g hotels car [mule gas ard more Jam ‘LIPSA and get our bum? Dower dsorkinE tor yam Call 'lr'rl'hCj"lj'rlh' I2722! a! Ir at C trawlsamngs car“ I haw several thccsand yards ot "ew Summit-3r did mm Nylon (arper WEI Jo Iw-ngrnum and "alt tor S389 may? an A» i orprrt "eo td Inkldlkllll'lr TO eAi A ca Sign? SE: SE? We buy and sell used appliances We also specualize An fast, pro- reSSIanal service to all makes at appliances 142-4081. BECK APPLIANCE Business Travellers CARPET WATERLOO CHRONICLE Postal Code: Cosa com. 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