. DISCOUIII tor senmls students 8 assistance recrplents . Reiunds Ill moat? weeks With Etlle - Personal . Busmess returns OPEN rt DAYS Sum 1019M Guam St. Kimmy Monday _ Saturday 9-9; Sunday 5-6 Tb advertise " this weekly TrvE7gTfr7jCreFiEVCirsTbnaER SERVICE Mt Income Tax Service L "EFILE Return Specialist" feature and Marilyn at 623- 7395 ext 206 Health department reminds local pet owners about need to vaccinate th the warm. sum WI!!!†season just around my (mm-r. lit-gum ot Watcrioo Puhlir Health would like to remind rcsidertts Abnul the need In vaccinate peus against rabies. Rahies is a viral disease that is fatal to both humans and animals, Ontario Regu- fl! lation 'sui7,"3D n-qunm that all nwuvrs of cats and dogs greater than three months of age he immunued against rabies. or re-immu- nized as required, All dogs and cats must have regular vaccinations scheduled and administered by a veterinarian. Pet own- ers who have animals that 1mm 1mm W" 619 South ":1an Rim Park locatlon, Lovely 3 bedroom family home on? year mm- m great iocation Dun! be late an this one' Mu; 0perttkntseSa0Sot.2" Michael O'Dayer. Sales Rep. 747-0231 Peak Realty Ltd., Realtor peaVealestatemmt Thnuxrmrh of harm-x With one (IUUH‘SS Realtors Care are not immunized are sub- jecl m monetary fines of 590 for both rats and dogs. Anyone bitten or scratched by a Cat or dog should first wash the affect- ed area thoroughly to reduce the risk of infection. call a doctor or go m the nearest hospital or urgent care facility. 'suppivhnq f, hw ( nmrmmIr-y' Updramd (1.1m); www.mls.ca REALTOR® and Share Beautifully decorated. well cared for. same owner for twenty years. Don't Imss out. Call Mike QUICK. MIS. Ilia O'Mev , Saks Rep. l Peak tteatr IM.. Realm! i 747-0231 Beautiful 3 bedroom fully loaded home, Owner my: "Bung me an offer Mlke" l Very anxmus In sell Call link? on thes one M15 Afterwards. report the incident to Region of Water- loo Public Health at til-LL 2008, as should any doctors or health care facility, and provide the following infur- mation: contact information for the person involved and the animal owner. date of incident, type of exposure and type of animal. Michael trhyer, Sales Rep. 70-0231 Put Realty Ltd., Realtor peakmabestatesom mm LOCATION an Park Beauty!