Ihr “mennnt hrunu tr h pulolt,htxil urn “mlncsddg by tttc Fairway (imup. mun-d ln( "v'r1edustoutt lm Auuhxulmn. H! but.“ k mp [hr t nun-n1 ul this [14pm h plum In! in l opsrghtoviiutaytrt-tisetioliur l persoual nun ctuuruercust plum-w». Ill other ugh“ .m- Irwin“! and rummemal usr h pruhllnlrd In [lulu 1hr ol thr, m.uerusl mu 1mm thu ohtaut tiw pcllllhslllll ol [hr l uwlk‘l In lhc copyright 1 truitorralewuttrrtoorhrs Inn’lc tut hportserwaterioot hmmdr ca saiespxvaterioochromcie (a composmgPwaterlood1rorticku'a WA'I'ERIIM) CHRONICLE Che vwws ul our curumrusts are thor own and do not necessarily represenl those of the newspaper t " mIILIII I't.I»Iu .llullh M.ul “In l"m| ml \gn-n-nwnl \umhrl 27E) Weber ht., North. huite 20 Waterloo. Unlariu NL'l 3118 "" thunk-mi humu- Ir wclulrncw hill-km tht Idllm Hun hhouht hr Hum-d with vunu' "ddrrvs and plu-m- "mm-14ml Mull hr owdiesrtior a ' um: l No unwgm-rl Inn-n wull lu [nu-MM \uhrmmum m." M mum: for lvugrlu 'rr' plmw [w hurl lupwlghl m II-m'n and NIH-v man-nah “uh-mun! In Ilw in v'ulul u I .mrl ar . 'vrml [or WM" allâ€. n mun. wrth um amhnv hm the. .u.M-~I---. and “durum-x In.“ III-44‘. rr-pnul-n f rlu-nx In Pont, r-Inmmu m nth [mun run mailing ddqlnvu u. j rumba Nl N Hm! N Walt-dim \II uv I. run p Publisher Grou p Salt-s DI reel 0 " Assurlalr Publisher i ’3! Liz/a 5-" t " n"- ‘.'.H V II--' special Pmlrru sped-I Prrrlrcts Mgr.623 72m. 8231 72mm. 205 an, no Lr.u", mm ..~ \ mm: ~.. " Ila-II babes lawman]; Manager. ht. MI? sues. Ext. 223 '-m:n- I [Lulu Not, 's dull.“ Editor. Fat. " 5 Sports Editor, Ext. 229 Imorstrumul'uuusisuchcrol \umlm h, I'alm‘llA "A I nmpnsing. Blk, L'NO ha Mt) ‘HQH Letters Policy :i'iyrktn oi. 22] LYNN tm " HUI 40tl ill-1 TH 1iadncd , In ulalmn J ark-(nun; Salem Fat. 222 In-‘n‘u' mauloC Remember the old saying, "There's nothing to fear but fear itself"? Well, the person who came up with this little ditty has obviously never been in a dark. enclosed. theatre with yours truly. Did I meliliun it's dark? And enclosed? And there are people an all sides. preventing you from making an easy escape? I'll never forget the time I ran out on my friend lynn when we went In we the movie Signs a couple years ago. If that wasn't bad enough. an extreme panic attack forced me to leave the theatre -- and my friend. rvdhad a-phuhia of going In movies. plays, mush cals - anything that involves sitting still in a con- fined space for two hours or more - fora few years. I believe the clinical terms that apply are Claus- rrophohia (fear of conruted spaces). Theatmphubia (fear "rtheatres.1, Nyrtopholoia Irearledark) and Denmphnhia (fear ofcrowds). I'm kidding. Curs and kissing are OK. But the rm! can i and have -_ wnt me over the edge _ The theatre was packed. We were stuck in the middle of a row. And the quiet scenes gave me time to think about my phobia, She understand. once I explained I had "the flu". I couldn't bring myself to share the real reason I wasted $15 to see IO min- mm of a movie. Add Amaxophiobia tfear nf riding in a car) and Plfrlemuphohiu (fcur of kixaingl. and don't I snund like It fun date? "Bul wciv grow lo mm'ics lugt'th-r and you wen- firw?" hr reminds mu _ Yes, we llama But what he fails to realize is that [haw tunings. whirh have been few and far helwm-IL un- carcfully and strategically planned in inhuman First, I usually only ngrrt‘ m MN' manners. which "n' traditionally less, bus}; than the owning shows, And ifl do agree to go In " night show, it has to tw an unpopular movie night. ' Sundays ur Mnnduys. That way I'm usually p,uararuccd that [ worit have snmr-nm‘ tnt all sidvs of me Ivvvn thinking about it makes me stop In catch my brvathl. tth, and hy llw wax: I Muir sit at div end ofa row, Even my boyfriend had a hard time understanding the extent of my fears. When I go Ihrough the 'iiiftiir" list of symplums I expvri- t'r1Ce--- sweaty plums, winery mouth. shortness ufhreuth -rT ite still shake, his head in 1lislwlivf, As 'silly as it sounds. my decision In g1) p, also uhvn hand an the mm'it- itself. lt “THIS the lnlldvr and mun- ariior1-parkcd Ilu' movic, the more. (any Innuhlt- I am q hr ill [inn wrms In distract In" trom svorryir1gulrour myh-urs If a movie is quict and stmv-rroovirlg, Hull's who, I'm in mmhlu fulk “bum mind nwr mam'r. ch? Hm from what l'vts Iuard, l-vvryum- has a [mu of mm kind nr minim-r And often [hr hes! remedy is t-xpnslm- m the smlrut ho, lhafs manly what I did. Inst wm-krml wr- travcllvd to Toronto with anmhrr t otople to an- tite musical Mamma Mia. I mlmn. lu'fnn' 1hr show started Lwas m-rvnux The thcatre was hill. so l made mn- m take the end The wat Surpn'w I remmmul t ool, mlm and rollvvtvd through tlw t-nlin- Jun» ('Vl'll during the quiet lurk (mild this hr " "reitkthrough? I'm willing In s-nn-nnm [hr Ihnughi And l "HIV CV1't1 hv wslhup, In In slum-[lung a lit, [Ir mnn' drerirog hlu' d movie on I hcapTuesdity, Mind you, I'll be Ntlrt. to bring rm: trusty brawn pane-r bag fur breathing purpnws It's lwm-r to hr saft' than snrnv Mind over matter doesn't always work Elf} f-_/l/hi/P Ol "i)ii"f' CITY OF ATERLOO Polls are a politician’s best friend Well, we've got some milder weather after the prolonged freeze. I hate cold weather. I feel like going to sleep and leaving a call for late April. Up We Go Into: Wow, this area is hitting the big time. It's going to have airliner service from Breslau International, Just imagine a leisurely outing that shows gentle Schneider); creek. then the mighty Pioneer Tower, then the industrial ruins of Gait and. finally Troll of drums. please) the outreaches of RIM Park. gill. fairly so/rn we can listeh for the first robin of spring - coughing his little brains out. Yes sir, soon you'll hear her listed with IaGuardie, 0'1 Iare, Kennedy and Mimiro. And. say the airliner is laid over. there'll have to be tours for passengers. Incidentally, the security at lite new place will tu. rugged. I was through our in the 1L5. refund}: and I know. Unl- guard was up tough he xlri p- war)ed (WI-r31 pm: I didn't mind an much, but the pilnl was furium. We'll feel like hot stutf with the new entrance hall and now the new service. and maybe they'll offer hot frankfurters besides. That'0 keep the visitors occupied fur a whmc. -== Road's Scholar: Waterloo (the duel is um puny-Eng up oumgh lo keep mun- of its 374 kilomctcrcs of funds frum slip ping below minimalrurrvplahlv standards, Philip Howitstm. the city's ff) math guardian. my. almul 22 I pvr rvnl of Waterloo sm‘t‘ls arr rnnnhling, are too bumpy and arr otherwise detrriorating an that Hwy (lun'l mrm Hm standard. Fart is. as " layman. I'd haw In say that nu municipality Cver gets its sm't'ls up In snuff completely. I‘lu-n- arr alwavs sunn- that give the rm springsittworktuit. _ HIi1l,\'1.~'nlnhm lltwm'I have \pnrr dollars m with nmn Ihr. strtN'ts. an it mav haw In tix them on the rhmp fyr drop mm:- I'Kt'l'\\ wrlglll M111 all, " typlral (HIIHIIIZHI is NomPor1t' who Inn-x u cur for its (Iran, sin-k lines and lhl-n puts a ski rack and SIM) lmumi's "humping t'quilum-m atop " Foul Bawl: Wm have to wonder about thc SANDY BAIRD or. in the Case of Alex Rodriguez. now of the New York Yankees. it can amount to a healthy living. He's being paid S252-miiiinn (Wh'. figure) for In years of playing baseball. youngsters playing hardball of a summer's eve. You can count it as just so many muscles in play in what can be a healthy exercise. Oh. yes, there ah, a lot (if side benefits A a hotel suite on the mad. tickets. and so on and so on. And playing on his left hand will be old friend and all star. Derek Mer. They're two amid the tremendous Yankee assemblage. Wrong Again: I guess I wrote too anon. l w,T2rt nfdismissed the mess Paul Martin found himself in. lt wasn't of his creation. From ttie Blea'chers: Prvrnter Md hunn dun-sn't think murh of Watcrltutk rffmh In cop" with the RIM Park financing By the way. speak to your wife soon L, the hag-hall season starts noun. lt swans not to matter In public opinion. The polls showed the liberals sagging in the polls. despite Martin's guilt-free stance. Youll think Martin organized the messing around with millions, instead of sitting in a wat not close to the )\IER anion. fir. volunteered that he mim'sn'l ugh-u- with tiw us:- ofhydm funds in tlw "ffort Ol unlrw. the prcmicr umld haw lu't‘n rv,kcd almm all Ilu- lmnkkH-ping nu-Ihmlx lit-K rmpluying in willing [hr si,W of Ilu. dtftrat (It so it's said I'll Irv In make " mm; [m (imam: shop pots In “nth-Island: If wu- wrn- using " ('rmlil card, it would hr about thc sire of South Amvnra L " In any raw. ho, party's iur, runes have. saga-d, DY Whether the (ivrlinv p, 19m m lmrary - I think i1 will he 1hr Lilwrar, will sum-n: bit, I dun] know why the politicians rclv an murh rm the polls. The. polls do ulnnllm-l) mulling, Wait a minuuu l think I just unswvn-d my nwn Ousiimt, Fact is though. Martin was claw enough to know something was sadly amiss or there wanki- n't lw such a sit-m1] arising, Anybody in a political circles mm! know what's going on in Ottawa, and Martin, unless he had his tlow buried in his act‘num hooks, mus! haw had a minor drift past his vars. WYWEPAYIE momma “WHEEL was