Environmental team makes linal RIM Park report mmumlx mm. lake Dllmuxumk ol nun To turm. hul ullll llll‘ help ol sumr lul ol \I-Iun tears over the lust flu- was. an enwmmm-nlul grin has been created in \Nkllrrluu Mwnlwrs ui “w I Immu- mental Intpleunutlutto [mun ilil I}, who unsulml that the City's. um irunmrnml policies were in place during the corv,tructrvn ul RIM Park. officially dhhundud with a final presentation In council Monday night. Dr, Stephen Murphy. chair of the H1 and " Huh versity ot Wan-nun umimn- ment and rvsuuu r sludu-s professor. said, "hm Imp In give you good Jtt'WN ulmul RIM Purl. for " l'lumgu" During lhl' slr-st-l-tont ul RIM Paik. pruzvniun of the minimum-m .L‘ltl {null wildlite m-n- ingh In " unllm the clmin’ m 1hr ' “as In t'tuu1.t' " IA .u‘rr nulun' \.|lll'[llilr\ If, km oi liuils The Hunsr M rriend- ship's annual h-brunry Potato Blitz, wraps up Fri, day with a rummunity potato lunch at SI. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Kitchener. The February Potato Blitz. is part of House of Friendship's annual drive to collect perishable staples such as potatoes, rice and beans for emergency food assistance, The goal is to coiiect enough cash mr potatoes! to meet the agency's annu- al need for 140.00!) lh.. as weil as obtain financial support for emergency food distribution. February Potato Blitz wraps up _ _:"':),-'.,'): Friday with community lunch tad? The House of Friendship purchases pnlznmw year- round from Murhaven Farms in Fit. lanai“. m a wt Unsurpassed (vision Repay FWE Ae70'd0elrf BED? AND pt, PM am“ war. 15 Centennial Or. Kitchener Mercedes Benz Dealer Authorized Specializing In BMW PORSCHE JAGUAR MHEH MHEH mucus Restoration Original Paint Finishes In lav» Mum“ um In: Jhct Jam r.', 578-2052 mm .nui 1hr Hum Mum“ hum wllxui tor Inld “an "cts, Ink uh. history butt, aud tumm- cutlnvuststs. lhr park alw tucludes 1hr Lugvsl pmum rally “gr uiluum "eilatul 1tt Water, [nu Hu- yeur', ugn the (up L "aateti tht. rnvirtuut1ental lu1plcmtuuarion ream, a L‘ummlllvu ui ounvil. m msun‘ the tollowrug (I! and mnmenlal politics and pro- [l‘l‘llnll n-quirunu-nm. ysince us inception the bll has been inurlved by guing lo weekly nreerings, whiting corthtruction 'sttehi. and reviewing humus plans tor 1hr park. _ Breaking up is never easy. , Except with this lease. Hw voluntturt group saw u duzun mmnhcrs spending mu L"i0 [mum in meetings and "pprrrsimutcly 200 pen- plr u'lm helm-d with plant- ing (rm-x. ‘l’lm- ot thr ham-- in any pmk is how An mu halnnn- [hr use at it uith penult- \l'l'Nl". [he stuisirirtty ul vuri- um “mum-um In Illt' anal." and Nh:rplry. mphunng 11n- (,ummunily groups. churches. businesses and individuals are encouraged u, send cash donations or pmumes to the House of Friendship at one of the foi- lowing locations: the Emer- genty Food Hamper ware- hnuse. 807 Guelph fit, Kitchener, open from Mon- day to Friday from 8:30 aun. 10 4:30 pm. or the Charles Street Men's Hostel, 63 Charles SLR. Kitchener. Prtco ot m cents per pound . msuzwzoonucuu ". ' Introducing the most flexible lease in history. .nm h ttlst hunn- In warm 11ml. birds. reirtilcs, .lmphlh huh and deer. the taciliry was moved Itt another Iucatlun within the park. Murphy explained. lilt- group planned to dispand after the relucation of the gun maintenance facility took place, But If†members tuv,atred their presence wnn'I be won forgotten, warning council the envi- ronmental future of HIM Park is nnl without worry. "tle ul the biggest hank-s the Frl luughl bras the u-nmml at a gun ruurw mainlenumc facility that was close to the provirwially dwUp,nuted wetland. open seven days a week " the City ofWatedoo has, got In stop making such poorly thougl1t-out uni- turmed decisions that are an obviously countered In its poslicy nl 'Ernimnmcnl First.'" said "r1iirorur1en1al- ist Derek Kirkland lite Cl l' Nuggrslvd [he t ity consider implunu'nling - There have) been many Potato Blitz events running throughout the month. The community potato lunch runs from noon In 1 _ The church is located at the corner of Queen and Weber Streets. The lunch is free of charge. but cash donations are welcome. Everyone is welcome to attend the lunch. Victoria Star Motors Imp 1430 Vi: Iuria Street North, hitchvnvr Tvl: 3.79 4400 vxutxA'icttrriaStar.sorn The f) url cnvir-atttal munugr [Drill plan, Whll h “mum (murmur Inuullunug and asst-swing [he opetational unpurls In the ennrunnn-nl Increased urbanlznunn 11mm m the park and more â€sums will also require R I"" x .ii (had (arm; A Basket"; DetmrnstraturrH Saturday 103, Sunday lt 5 Admission M.00 . 12 and under FREE Show Into Lme 1-866-89CRAFTC '2ur, Hammad 905-383-4422 Fax 9034?} LUIS 941k! ' trrryri4trro'tv.c. ‘it l P. February 2trte 29 Affair. www.canadianartsandcraftshows.com February 28/29. 2004 Not Valid With Any Other Offer ‘wmw "r . mun- pmkmg and “manly Murphy said that widened wrlmm at the trail wuuld n-quu'r wildlilt- mun agetnta"t. whit-h [mums increased pron-(lion for reptiles. amphibians and 'Poffg ESE-nihi- â€ennui“ dikro"e't.t 11°“ "ty"1't "ttd " m m Suuocn trail min-1 Hugh-Inn animals "ltlyl Park has had UHN'. hm " lmm'l rererved glow- mg u-pmls hum the unn- mululy," said I nun Mark Whaley "Hm nu (me will deny that it's an t-nvmnr mental gem"