th mounting pub- Wit alarm about the quality of air that we breathe, a University of Waterloo-based network has taken a lead role in gathering experts from around the world for a clean air conference to be held Nov. 5-7 in Rome, Italy. UW takes lead role in clean air conference Titled "Strategies for Ctiean Air and Health." the conference is being organ- ized by the Network for Environmental Risk Assess- ment and Management (NERAM) and the AIRNF.T European Thematic Net- work on Air Pollution and Health. NERAM was formed in 1995 by UW's Institute for Risk Research. For details, check or httpd I aimet.iras.uuatl The objective of the con- ference at Rome's Same Spirito Hospital is to exam- ine "health effective policy options for air quality man- agement in North America and Europe based on cur- rently available scientific information," said UW Prof. Emeritus John Shortreed. of civil engineering. and a member the conference "We want to promote the exchange of knowledge between North America and Europe on technical. scien- tific and management issues to identify policy opportunities for air quality improvement. In many locations throughout the world. air quality is consid- ered to be unacceptable and unhealthy." planning committee. Research shows that both short term and long term exposures to particulate matter and other air pollu- tants are statistically associ- ated with serious human health effects including pre- mature death, heart-and breathing-related hospital admissions and emergency room visits, along with a worsening of asthma condi- lions. The event will attract air quality policy makers. air quality managers at all tew els of government. industry and business representa- tives, as well as researchers and representatives from universities. government agencies and the private sector, Sponsors include Health “Canada. Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Canadian Petroleum Products Irtsti- lute, US. Environmental Protection Agency, Shell and Rome F, Health Authority. It will feature the presen- tation of synthesis papers, facilitated poster presenta- tions and break-out group discussions. Shortreed said the meet- ing will provide a platform for identifying innovative management approaches and future research needs to further support policy deci- sions. "The task of identifying strategies for effective air quality management to improve human health and the environment involves a number of scientific, techni- cal and economic consider- ations," he said. Based on experience and research on health effective air quality policy develop- ment and implementation, the conference will address the following specirrc ques- tions: . What does health effects research tell us about the risks from air pollution. including who should be protected. and from what sources or components of the air pollution mixture? . In addition to scientific evidence, what are the key considerations for publit policy development. for The University of Water- loo will welcomi- all prospective students and their families to "You tri; Waterloo Day," Nov. 8, from 9a.m. to3 pm, Activitids include faculty and program information. UW welcomes hopefuls Mex Ttttsy Signing Sat, Nov, 15/03 11 am - 3 pm at Head to Toe St Jacobs A may Hat swung by creator Alex TMey m support of the Food Bank of Waterloo Regton For every hat signed five dollars MN be donated tty the Food Bank “Hey fans are unwed m wear the†Huey Hats to be Signed for charity, to meet uitr"'e the creator 0! the worm famous Sos hat and share them gmba) adventure or buy one for that specual person and get u signed wrap " up qarty I and support a good . cause 4" Upstairs in Rim Wm, Qt. Jacob: 6644662 1m... L Rag-1 Robbin: Clothing Manta» War (or (â€may Hm, Olav“, Icahn» Wrap It Up For Christmas Head ton a. avmitrtge at Ti1leyEhduraNes example the role of scientif- ic uncertainty, public risk perception. requirements for risk communication. . What sources con- tribute lo risks to public health. and what methods are available to link sources to exposures? How can air quality modelling inform local, regional and Conti, nent-wide air management strategies? . What are the expected future benefits of existing policies for pollution reduc- tion for cars. power plants? . What are currently the most prominent research priorities to improve air quality management and is the science community tar- geting these priorities? A keynote address on "Perspectives on the Sci- ence: Policy Interface" will be given by Canada's Ken Ogilvie, of Pollution Probe, and David Briggs. Imperial College London. Shortreed said there are many epidemiologic (human population) studies carried out in North Ameri- ca and Europe that have demonstrated statistically significant ties between ambient levels of particulate matter and other air pollu- tants and a variety of human health problems, including death and hospi- tal admissions for cardiovas- cular and respiratory dis- ease. campus and residence tours, co-operative education pre- sentations. and introductory sessions about UW. For more information. call 888-4567. ext. 3614. or visit visit www.findoul