tltiitth'fl'ttd CLASSiFICATlONS . businesses for sale . open houses . properties wanaed . lots, acreage e commercial! uFo: Fireman negxohr" rm Tax ".sz do! Wham-Int; industrial I omcelretail/ storage . vacation properties . shared accommo- dation . accommodation wanted . townhouseicondos . houses for rent . apartments for rent . furnished suites . music instruction . tutoring classes . career naming . personals . tenders . births . accounting . mm & finance ' computer services . rtNmgar's, loans etc lets Idem Your ttdans . childcare wanted . childcare available . electrical vhealing . plumbing . painting and decorating, etc - mu MP. " so easy and FREE? Gigi rid of that bike or that old chair lust have the following info ready: description of item, pnce and phone numher. in 20 words or less. NOTE: DOES MIDNCLUDE GARAGE SALES, REAL ESTATE. ACCOMMODATIONS, CHILD- CARE OR BUSINESS ADS. - - v I v v v v Terms 3. Conditions: Both FREE and $7 ADS can he placed 24 HOURS a day. 7 days a week. Reach i00,000 homes and over 200,000 Poten- ual readers, Your ad will be seen in the Guelph Tribune, (hmbridge Times and Walerloo Chronicle. This service applies lo private party ads only. cIIEpauIt=uMIraNgsIiaumiE.Ch'lui9uSWp.u2l: We reserve the right to determine if your ad is a private party ad. Deadlines up to Saturday 5.00 pm. prior to nexr week's editions This offer subject to change. Have you encountered problems placing your FREE ads in the L2assitied Marketplace? Did you remember to call before the deadline of Saturday, 5 part-' Did you remember to leave your phone number and price of the article? Did you limit the item description to 20 words or less? Did you limit the number of items you're selling to 3 or less'. lfymrve followed these procedures then you should no! experience iiiGiihiiaGurai MI? REE ad in thekyassitied siasaetptace, 15: "tthte, a E who. on smsnmz (a m Selling or Buying 'ttttrtatItt%tt UNDER $1,000? call 651 41083 BECK APPuANCE We buy and sell user) an [manna We arse speaahze m fast. proressonal semee to all makes of appliances 712-4081 BED. QUEEN. Onhnuemc mattmrx/rrame. blacx "on Woo! board, Never sM8 on $495 “1151 M200) Can augments FM l have several thousand yards ot new Slalnmaswt aria 132". Mm cam WM do lwmgroom and hall tor 3349 Price Indudes carpet pad and msulhmn '30 sq. yards' Call Slave 576» 7387 FREE SATELLITE! Com- mete home theatre package in"! surround sound Only S99fmo - No money 6mm First 50 buyers recevve free sauna! Cal now " free l. mszmwr __ - FUND RAISING as 800mg Scratch cards T15; Prom ' Innovative Product great for sports ' school groups Partners are KFC, Para Hut. Play It Agam Sports and Cmepledeew. Famous Puree a Kemds Free Kn Cal' Lamas-5092 tN my! tetrwsctaMtcanictyn - KO IOIEV DOWN" No payments td 200' Ideal ‘or midrervs column. busmess and entertamrnent, tree m- telnet (commons apply! Comple comouler package Wed wamey 549 per mo JAC r-mrassssz? SAWILL “JOSJJO. New Super Lumbevmale 2000 larger capacnvsa We MF Mms Norwood Induslnes manulacrurer ol sawmms ate and sttahtrs Free m- mvmum '801h56tr6899 txatr"ti2HTyr, UsecVavmr-a m m "ew&atats,'14MarSI Gare CARPET PIANOS ()jC/iSililiiljl(i)jl(-) BABY CRIB w! mattress â€00155343443 tlor-TRW-ara-ram "mam for cumulus! $100 {may We, mus. dogs ie so: In $3 621-3765 CARES. handcawe tom-made 622-1523 tarRtr3m6CiFtsrrrr, meme. mmlabls. mm. a tram, 2 speakers. 50. power my. dock I! m $t49 mgr: gamtmMtEEWTorsaE- er phone. lurunaled hand SH. 20 calm Way 5165 3%2427 29:30 $052M IgtmrrWeTrriiTtl) 13er $40, 824-5598 8531903 {gamed 3100 31mm iitiiimigt - â€WHEN 9511155 3125 3399905 ei"--"'? $85 622-3797 amt00ETiRi, 'ngan: sow. 1eltgti$iAefi5_3c8S5i?, amoaTaE? car. warm swan 3100 353551: , --- iWiiiiithiiir â€Wimgas to 600 will. low ham sum tog. ovum wean“. bott m cusiarr new r no: 575 3293219 FdtiHiftr Fr" E' an} EE 3370992 after 5 pg mam 23 32932“; 3219 (mm W? charts $50 2490932 my 5 MI __ mxtm $50 2mm any 1cAwiiiirjriir'iuisl I m mm was Fod ems, iia Classified Marketplace, the best deal in the Region! hives, E7336 Beach Over 100,000 Homes! DOUBLE BEDROOM sue, by Smier's, rarely usea. wim‘m 65T806r iioarr7W- Wi bed mean! w/ smal blue med pattern, bending available $150. 653-8087 mm rad-1a and maIchmg Iadiner man, mummy Wu Ft aqua. cream and rust: $250 "f --_. . a. may was an b37- ,7 - - 3ro1tmrN-et,Nuttarttt £5375 one SEN-7254 t-rRimmCciish-oi t-mraemFrsiii, '1PN. mm tm 837- new“: slu sot. sue 13m 510 5223382 (tsry mans $2 each 837, ole0ErTTmTslFoo-m calmed. sue 13m 55 822, '0Et6alllmmTrifrt. mnemsMeshsepshnwool m Mott and wits Mm. new 520 822-3382 swngs, rung bar. slim cov- and W. said»: and anger £325 7403570 'tBtECTMr-rarF. hatred . Comm Loon . by Gen Learns waved and dam 3100 762-3tBt leave 52m mum Cttt tt tgtmEg-siig mm and large 'lo each Seats an lathe stand and was 3650 "rm 88r mRmwc-aFFlw is " 5300 3313997 - 337 11mins Dov shot! but Mimi’s LUMBE/ ----- It will cost you ONLY $7. No writing cheques. licking stamps, No VISA or Mastercard, u is conveniently billed on your BELL" phone bill. " that easy! MI you need w have ready is, descrip- non of item, price and phone number, in 20 words or less. nun u) â€can, gnu IVI%A nu.“ .........L.. _.. -- 7.-.." Met w... NOTE: DOES Hm INELUDE GARAGE SALES, REAL ESTATE, ACCOMMODATIONS, CHILDCARE OR BUSINESS ADS. amnmenr 511T! Selling or Buying IttttrthtttttNtt om 81,000? Fife call 1-900-565-1414 aeliilil'ihTpptq I [s.ereii:rpp_rt'i1Nz.azl mum ante boys 1r harm, 24" Meals, 12 speed, an $50 653-3635 'Am .gns. 18" frame 24' mess. WWI. 125cm $50 6533535 tl 5. 621-5599 t i it, ii nth i ESR . W. case. “a cram and MM [Ingram shelf $150 932- WEE bat tootl mad mans. nan wood Id mnernMrsssanttlmspmg, Strh7Ntmiaar, CRiiyirtgl i E maid um. mans 5115 153-3996 FtamW-arrTzrmiosstw tank a†31m, 7t69529 ralpAsan,mta6ssartemtrur hunlm glam. sue 21121 muststq.621-3r66 $MWWriraWtGmm excelIem sud. likes has 5150 $50-$02 ritWTtnmttBtrnraii m' sIrwrg bass "' 623-4455 a, frt 'tts ttaw. Fifa plan 3100 653M836or6iy 'R0WRNTNMFriiiriio-. M mums w; ropes SH]! ttatt8293r_8 -.- pad. amid. $25 6214798 'RETETOEAtKB sire 9 CCU and Mann $10 saw 62mm __ rgR0r'TEWiMtrVrat Mag-25Lâ€, “It 52E "ritiiitrGirSiiiTi my - IA) ry" war van you 8armiia 'rh'kh'a'/f'-, andm:96,mnu-'swng laws In! re barks $60 teh1_Ri?cr1t_i3_, STOVE ban you iiyda tRttR-triir W trw E21159 'rmtNEtkitsser.dtra-s vi sung mum $100 82? TgruEin i'l â€EMS FM SALI CBtmrTErpeTfishT2Or. 32 ram. 32 gb haranve AOXCd Win98, memeueady 5475 8230350 mrrWW.7fktEHTrts-ars do. rdrnamess anam‘ 5100 717-5813 my $100 3227453 m augment sue 5200 623-513? tmrNlrirriaFa7Crrnir Imagining set $400 kt IgIarr-Srrr-aFNiir, newer bladder $25 822. 5732 AtRNmTeoRMcaF, land salve: has males. chag- U. 861821-5613 tg Nhrmt - ER. E5EiiW for sate and easy slugs and oprtdtissshyi 653-7514 mm: wire - Mas easy seal quart sue ws. new used 12 dozen $25 697514 ttigrTBRtWarraniE trtttsWtas tree “I m Mor- gg box 375. 621-3333 mom.emstesRtirctwrs,i! BMtatMstmthetathe $800 otto [4017836l09Qm use mi vans aM women mambo! $15 (am-8333 hunch SAX) “077838109 IRIINEa5iiiiWNW9" EC $250 â€07733 E In 9 tyg,ttewrtxrzV6N, 510797 Wi#1 m 983}; team â€suede. TI wit way 550% LWryg:', 8N-N63 WTEw‘ngmev st 'g,"'"""""'"" BBB- bazmwmaw‘dw- [9039 mm mum CLUBS CONE 'i-First wais 220e Ttio in? --e" -- - 7 pants and boots. 144 an, IImntea 3120 8237889 we: a2¢gss§ 5100 each 623-388 2-niil pads m ringers $50 ead 76H1111 __ STOVFseITc Mio. 621-7615 5170 315-3761 mm (u1trghsaersare3s 69 Marc. also have Ema pvops and "do: In! parts mm 76341747 BINRNB compound bow rd hard case and - Pam goo am $550 mm $ErFaMSIrrnirSiiiii game gear w! games 62T 31 BL _----------- tRmrMlmRrrQrv6rd wrchased tron te $50 Mn any m - - qtt battery and merger $75 mT-Waneugm -- $FTNNr%CrFts)63. PD. W am new. as 6 Moc 763-M54 liter 5 gamma Mi mamas names In mum suppon, 6 drums $250 one B2t, Mmk- 'IM0C-tfaiiFC"cieaTiF S100 623-0309 muggy cams we game I _ was hr rims, 011an 0mm us maats sled nms, PMs-60¢?" 8225 6514110 ItMrRRitaiiiiCf , MWDIMBU'ODWEUOO' BttotxNtomsNht,Mttte $50 manna ----- m Deadline: The Deadline for ads in Tuesday's edition is Friday at 12:00 pm. Wednesday's edition is Monday at 12:00pm. and Friday’s efi.t.ior1. is Wednesday at 12:00 '73:? pm. Payment: Ads prepaid by Visa, MasterCard, Cash or Cheque. For business ads an account can be set up with an approved credit application. Advertising Policy: Please check your advertisement. Publisher is responsible for l incorrect insertion and is not liable for any error in advertisement beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. " Other classified and Business ads EDIE Iusman 3100 3362383 mining , and you awn 626. WING Meaning. FAr mdusmaa in7x) am brown, Chan SIIB call 851-2397 m- fax 651-2355 may} SKEW grins. mans sue 6. Tusk node: gs 822-4556 minim Supreme 1000. new. mans sue 5 $40 82HE6f it tttgmt lot 2 wa heavy any, hts dass 3 max Pan $250 asking $75 822- mum). n m. 5'00 6214M etEIWT1NErWrFCsTrTr Mueo qgiititm mm mm d Butt Jay gamer Tom Henna. autograpmed $100 742. Ad91litttvt_rttyg1, mNTWTtaFiarasiT1 toiirttomtts,9t1antitqs $6NtHi215 TiMMrtrT MPH!“ 24 "MN 7406215 iseli3monttts $100 mir was, ------e 7-9156, WERE, seams nqumes My $800 "rm 815?-91i, MN m. 9mm- ho", Icmrsoto $125 ti?IF mu! unusual overlock a: 4 meat; 135CtiCrtl?ff yrmCftrdrFtTarTmrrbise tyirtti3ir9_rr_1, - BMr-B00Wr-frarr Wmme the Pooh meme w: magclgrs $20 MH‘EQ "WV “‘61in sue an: papa. green $500 623- we $45 B21645; we no 821-6407 'EtrTERmtrait9x2k “ruler 2 mama‘s seals sunshaths, 2 veils aid 5390mm - -- Was“! $20 GZ‘W mam Wm and Egg mamas £21121? mammal warlock NEE Wm Br-oai, WiFirs Induda: accommodation, 2 dinners. Henry Ford Museum & more!!! A Must Bet December Frankenmuth “ENS RED rat; Len pans. sue IC, (131)! $35 390330 m EVE“ Cm WOC, mute. 575 5214535 or AMY 1313 _------------- emrrmrrrre0TutTdkiie a: IrWtllax. ‘39x90 Wong 2410330 _ mrIETaRrcaliiirr' mass, Mute $250 52-4535 0354819,, m 4%1333 tNt gtm I _ li Br, I new. $65 obo 3314892 rm MW! " 5!! WIN swam 9n shBtrttxwt10624-B546 BalrthrETC-TW. Sunbeam, used 2 weeks go 824-8546 andal accessories, WI 31000!» 8266577 W Ker-mote Hi wood came! '0.FrtER-6iaiiii-fiyi. 16ram, C0,59mothyn,850 HD, SVGA 15' momma. ngs 250769-1303 REYti0aRBrkaVai 'rl stand. 2 years old $250 624- IaTWtNE, mm white. long sleeve m' lg!" $250 M44303 -_-_ Maytag. me. mriat may Mill 33mm - " eaFrerTTac-lra- rr? SWZtUO 0mm and AV mon- Ilm 332% W mam-mg mesa! wardrobe set 3,80 $2,952 ,4 -- may @9151 BitatM6botAshtytan00ese $AtLL214i_9y, -t--- WWW CUFF" - if at E darnT nuttethssrtsestt 551W @‘Ei_, __ Bltst tXhrdi512f7i) "tRW00Tr to x 40, 120 paces 249453 My; NEH? WI-a>f wiieT, w SIZE "