" nmlessol [selenium Io Inslllule nl Cluttered Accountants nmlnclnl council A professor at the Unwemly oi Waterloo has been {related to the ( ounol of the Immune ol Chartered Auuumanh of Onldnu Gordon Ruhardsun, .1 pro- iesesor at UWS school ot accountancy, was recently [related to serve d Jurd term an the 1rtstaute's Court: tl. said a news release "sued last week Uune ll) Mary Aduckuewxe the mt- presldem ol Open Text ( orpu- ranon In Waterloo and a Hamilton resudent. was also recently elected to serve on the Counul. the news release sad Task force to study telecommunications needs in Technology Triangle A task force Involving Eco- numlc Development In Canada's Technology Triangle hopes to complete a rcgronal telecommumcalions needs study by the end of thas sum- The Telecom Task Force has been established between Eco- nomic Development in Canada's Technology Tnangle, Commurutech, local hydro utilities and various telecom- munications service providers and hopes to complete a survey investigating the needs and pn- orilies of telecommunjcations users In Canada's Technology Triangle by the end of the sum- mer. The Venture Training Program (formerly the Waterloo Enter- pnse Centre) will be offering three free 24-week programs to teach people how to start up their own businesses beginning this September. The three programs wrll begun Sept. 2, 9 and H respectively and " all be held at the Business Enterprise Centre at Kitchener city hall, beginning at 1 pm. The programs will be delivered by the Waterloo Region distnct school board, which wrll also help those who enter each program how to earn a grant of up to 54,800. To register for one of the three programs, call 741-2985. Learn to start your own business riiii'ji_i'litz The task force was formed to f C.,..-.".. ‘b\ _ I""""" I l 'toil" mum I Semrms Fur Simon“ offers “It aerate: of empathetrc scum: mucus and alder adults to proode "rhornc care to other senrors . Prepare mun. . [lulu nausawmi . Laundry . 6mm snow-u; [WP mu". i . Luna and palm I â€ammo ' "Mu-owl :1 Museum: l ' wam-nn . “not ups-rs . Wanna; my,» ‘ _ . w-sn lam t . 3:ng . Short Ierm l . VII-mam . . t t iit')elrej Cr'iiiii'is",',ie,,j ottihN,H'r m #1: 0m personnel are Imhhk m tle mugs. Ifmmms, and evetttetrS, Fur a free Imx%ne owl-mug oul tales and SCHICCS call :31; Gordon Richardson help implement Inmauves to ensure Canada's Technology Triangle remums a premier location for telecommunica- tron "hastructure and ser- vices, A key oiyective of the task force mniatwe is to answer some basic yet fundamental questions about telecommuni- cations, such as: . Are the needs of area users being met? . (Vim barriers are prevent- mg users from meeting their needs? . How can members of the task force act to meet future telecommumcations priorities? The proposed survey is the first of a two-phase initiative the task forte is undertaking to make sure Canada's Technol- ogy Triangle continues to be a destination for world-class busmesses f mnmnsnus‘v By the end of June, approxi- mately 750 area semor execu- . Pammo . “not rum-rs . Gamay-mu . MMRS . my†5mm lhe Institute of Chartered Accountants ol Ontano Ls the governing body of Untano‘s over 31 L0) mattered amour» [ants and CA students As a sell-regulatory professrorral body. the Imutute protects the publtc Interest through the enforcement of the CA profes- stuns high standards of quahfi- (alum. practrce and rules of professional conduct Richardson has been a char- tered accountant smce 1975 and was made d Fellow of the Institute m 1991. He has been a member of the Insmule's edu- canon planning and develop- [was are to receu'e an e-mail requesting their permission to partrcrpate m the on-llne sur- vey that will be posted on CTTs website. In addition, one-on-one Interviews will be conducted with a cross-section of telecommunications users in the community. The second phase of the task force initiative is an education summit. which is being planned for the fall. The sum- mit will bring together telecommumcations users and providers and will provide a venue to educate the commu- nity at large regarding the telecommunications field, emphasizing the wide range of tptfi.....rit- wk i-ttis, iii)).. ! H01! H01! St 'W/v--'-,'-,)-):'- brrrd-irij V _ x H01! H01! HOW WNW; JULY 10 Jk l l 9 AM TIL CLOSE HOME OF THE GUARANTEE sa BRIDGEPORT RD. E., WATERLOO ,. Iâ€: (519] 886-0509 I" m1: available products and ser- vices. For more information about the Telecom Task Force, contact Economic Develop- Mary Aduckiewicz (Tamilmér fPetais tr Pots Inc, FprterA Gift Ime) Kitchener: 725 Ottawa St. S. Watenaa: 65 1JetversityAvs E ixGViiamii iaviuriie, Cash ' carry ROSES mm colours m w 95 MIN! CANNATIONS GREAT RIBBON CLEAROUT A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F WIRED RIBBON IN CHRISTMAS AND EVERYDAY PATTERNS REG M95 ONLY ment committee, a stmmar leader for the school of accoum tancy and muumlly ts a mem- ber of the orerprovmcul board of examiners He Is also the Onlanu Chartered Accoun- tants' chairman In accounting for UW"s school of accoun~ tancy Aducklemu: has been a chartered acuourtian1 smce 1980 and has been active on several msurulc commulees Including apphcanons, career mformauun and education. She IS a past president of the Chartered Accountants Stu- dents Association of Ontario ment In Canada's Technology Tnangle's project manager, Sean Smith. at 575-4778 or by email at sseaM)sgci.com. 'T" BOLT 100% Locally Owned t memo I". tEr1rrElrhl m -nIcFm'Houn -WMm':9wpe ‘mmcbb We 're Mere dun-ans†tCrritETi5i? EECtr!CWLC= ~9wppusbmgmm dawn-ohm: . chum Woodworking . AIM at bo 'itritiMLYZL+9ALB tZi-TTI rWrrl=m trE5EZWm LeDit82 imseesmokeshtrr ErmeiEEl=ti? 3:53 Min my out FINANCIAL slums mm C2rw:Wiz© Mhdy'sochanp 1izzre.fmltisorts mm: K Fashion Films: Classics For You WAIIILOO leowallus Gabi-Gay Wield AlWlnsiuumm Co‘heMug Sdlniner Shoo Inpair G ' T 'mher “new Company 1phsgHrttr9hartqtt's an: Jam's Spa-6y Chum K-W Access-Ab/ity OVER " STORES AND SERVICES TO SERVE YOU " Kin| St. South. Up“!!!- thterUo mam “'5 ml v" iitp": A; "