(Continued from page 1) Millennium nmieci "lt will mean more atceys1- biluy to more parkland, to trails. to the Grand River, to more faulmcsf‘ Ronda mud when asked why the recreation prolect would be tmponanl to my resudems. "And " Will also mean a legacy that's gumg to last for a long time. It's gomg In be here lor a long ttme " Council ongmally "uhcated its Inlercsl in tackling the put Ject ttus past Apnl 21 when ll conditionally agreed to pur- chase the three parcels of land and allocated $85,000 m con- sulting fees to determine the feasibility of the various recrr- anon projecuproposed for the site. N Monday mglu's mecung council also unanimously authorized the hmng of Man- tec Consulting Ltd, to conduct an environmental m1pact studv on the lands m quesHou, including the proposed route for the new Waller Bean Trad that Will travel along the Grand River. at an upset lunn ol Si25,000 lt also authorized city stall to request proposals for the eventual selection of d gull course architect - Council had to make a dece sion to purchase the lhrce parcels of land by June 30 or else the ("MIT deal would have collapsed sod city thief admmrstrative oihcer fom Sloth: Waterlods duenor of recre- ation and Insure servltes, Bob McFarland. said after Monday night's meeting that now cotm- ol had approved buying lhe Lind, thc um, Inlcnded to sum work on four soccer fields on the 0151 sxdr M Woolwnh Nine! as eariv .n thus fall, By dong at my officials hoped [he heids would br: ready for play by the spnng of 2001. he mild "It's going to be here for a long time. " ---Coun. Dave McFarland also said that my nlllcmls were Icnlanvcly plan- ning In have work start on a building along the must side of the new University Avenue extensmn that would house two arMcral we pads and two gymndsmms Thc budding would be hunll up to the stan- Roeder duds of the Waterloo Rare» anon Complex, would cost A total of approximately $20 “ML hon and would be constructed m such a way that two more anlhual ue pads mu mum gymnasmnm and an Indoor soccer field and mdoor track could be added to " m the Imure Ihere would also be mom lor an eventual 1,000 parkrng spat. cs, he sod I But although McFarland sud a non-profit commumly group "untamed m fundrarsmg. headed by Btll Gladwash sad Dan Stun, was eager to start work on the buMmg by thrs fall, construction probably wouldnt start unnl the sum- mer of 2000. City ofhcals want m close the Waterloo Memor- tal Arena m Munh. 2001 and have the new facility ready by beplember, 2001 "Construction could sun as early as probably a year from now," McFarland smd "But nnbclween. theres sull an awful lot of design work and .m .mlul lot oi kg work that necds to be done about lundmg saunas and how it “he build- mg) 15 actually gumg m be operand So there's A tort of work that?, lcft to hr done on the, Ttti "t (My Jinnah are Mill wosk- mg With the "omprofn (our mumly group and J consultant srckmg partners to help fmance the prolect, Al Monday night's meeting. Rohm Stephenson, an employee of KPMG who the my retained to do a prelmu- nary study regardmg the leak balm ol a golf course on the me sud there was current demand In the unmedule area over he next [we years for two new [whole gull courses She also uni ti the my developed us publtc course Ms a higher end fachty, u could eventually charge green fees m the range of STO and would fill a niche currently not frlled by other publln and private courses. . "oweverk nun Sean Struck Und sad he wasnt sure {I he liked that Idea "I m concerned that wrth a STO green fee, that the Loutse wdl not be accessible to the general public." he sad gai. +0 my Wigwam... 900] Muea You Marv? it biNtll Waterloo twinsSark Nowinski, " and brother Jack, right, received two investment certificates from the CIBC main branch manager Carol Ziegler as part of winning the "T award in April. The creators of a home heart monitoring machine said they'l1 as: the money to suppon their research.