They will also feature 1rouhleshoonng ses- sums aimed at resolvmg problems uruque in home composting, and qucsnun and answer Micah Reimer (left) and Bryn Gingrich got together with some of their friends Monday to kick around a hacky sac in the courtyard of Waterloo Town Square. m...n. rm†.5.“ The Region of Waterlooy waste management division will be holding two more free Saturday composting workshops beginning June 26. The two workshops will be held at the Water, loo landfill waste management admimstranon building at 925 Erb Street West from I - 4 30 pm The first workshop will he held June 26 while the second WI“ be held Oct 16 The workshops WI" provide participants with Information and helpful hmls on backyard com- posting, grasscycling and ver1111compos1mg (worm composting). Region In hosl comlloslinu workshops The free installation of Incline, an afford able and proven personal rrspnnsc system also coinodes wnh Seniors momh m Jurw The Service Pi designed In prov1de reassur amt for scnlnrs and pawns wnth desahuors that they can (animus to lwe on Iherr own isfelme, a personal rrspnnsc and support servlce provided through d network of Indci pendcm commumty-hawd programs. IN ccle- hrallng tts 25th anmwrsary wulh free mstalration M Ihc “TYRE In Waterloo Free Lifeline installation offered in Waterloo and Kitchener For mart information on the Irri- ostalla, tton program, or for more mformauon about the senate, call Mq-fkl08 For futther mformaton on composnng evans scheduled for 1999. reudems can contact the compost information lmc at 883-51(Xn or VIS" the Region of Waterloo home page at websne address htT://wwwnrgion Waterloo nnra with help lust a button push away Pressmg a pendant or Wristband minutes a simple-to-use 1ommuttttiMtott schm Installed In the subunhcr's home A highly tramcd momtormg stall (“ponds lo the call, and If It's an emergency. thr serv" qu1ckly summons the approprote rmrrgmny 9rrS'tCCR m the area periods to allow pamupanls to raise specific composting concerns With the region's compost coordinator. Backyard composers will be available lo all Interested paniopams " no charge at the end of each workshop. Since attendance al each workshop rs limited lo 25, residents are encouraged lo reserve a place as early as possible by annlaclmg the compost coordinator at 883-5150 ext 245, Deborah (Iranian photo Dooh Heritage Crossroads offers butter-making demonstrations Anyone Interested I what makmg Ice cream and butter was like m the early 20th cen- tury WI" have an uppununlly to find out July 4 On that day “sums to Doon Heritage L rossroads from it) am to 4 MP m, will be able io see deruonstranons of butler, cheese and we Cream malung urea 1914 VISIIDYS to the historic Village at the comer of Homer Watson Boulevard and Huron Road will also bc able lo learn about GARDEN ACCENTS 1541 Highland Rd. W., Kitchener, Ont. 745-9876 Open Mom- Fri. 9-8; Sat. 9-5; Sunday 10-4 Statuary Birthdays Fountains Lanterns Garden Torches Wind Chimes - ' i t , It'il, 6/3; 613 ftilM), T, Rosemary Bloom 'V ('1. lit la? Heuchera Bright coral - pink flowers in early summer attracts hummingbirds & butterflies. Wide range of newest & unusual plants 9 cm pots 2.99 ea. 5 or more 2.49 ea. 25 or more 2.29 ea. L. YORK NURSERY Since 1946 PERENNIALS Veutors writ be able to learn what milk was used for on the farm, wdl be able in try the" hands at (ranking the cream separator and will be able to taste home-made Ire cream Regular admessron vnll be charged Doon Heritage Crossroads Is d nun-prom hung hlslorv museum owned and operated by the Region of Waterloo the rmponance of dairy farm, mg In general to Waterloo t ounty In 1914 BLOOMS of Bressingham Rereniiials- FOB FtttM"ttH1r SUMMER BLOOM als ROSES lam NEW El, FOR '99 Choose from . Hybrid Teas . Floribundas . Grandifloras . Climbers WW“??? an I sottGr. Plan glmliia- $11.99 sag-ppm N. ha) my“; an. priced from Shrub Miniatures FA2S5%im"q "F3639 808-8610 Gue 3236521