UW student Jason Whitficld has conducted a survey which indicates that cyclists want more offâ€"campus bicylce lanes. *Service: We Believe in It" _ Wende Gregoryâ€"Frei . * Bettyâ€"Gail Lorentz * Now is the best time to take advantage of the great interest rates. Give the professionals of Scharf Real Estate a call. Trish Brown * Toni Halliwell * Bob Mathis * Judy Reck * Scout Smder Dan Burkhart * Rob Halter * John Maziarz ** Lance Roberts * Carol Tuckwood Kevin Catton * Jeff Holland ® Cindy Melloul * Janet Schnarr * Birgitta Weberâ€"Ad John Decarchik # Jim Hooton # Mike Melloul #* Karen Shartun * Terry Yares bicycle lanes would actually be constructed on University Avenue between Westmount Road North and Albert Street by 2001, despite the fact three accidents involving cyclists had occurred on University Avenue between Westmount Road North and King Street North in both 1995 and 1996. However the Region of Waterloo‘s manager of transportation would be built during planned reconstruction and resurfacing of the section of road, scheduled for 2001, at an estimated cost of $1.4 million. A University of Waterloo environmental studies student says the number one reason why more UW students and staff don‘t bicycle to UW is because of a lack of offâ€"campus bicycle lanes. Jason Whitheld said in a recent interview that in a survey he conducted with four other UW students earlier this year, 58 per cent of 400 UW staff members and students surveyed said the number one issue that would encourage them to cycle to UW would be the installation of more offâ€"campus bicycle lanes. The five students conducted the study this past January to April as part of their course work. THINKING OF SELLING OR BUYING A HOME? This past Oct. 15, Waterloo regional council agreed to "conâ€" ie Pleau * Jack Sheppard * UW administration could address." However Whitheld said representatives from the Region of Waterloo did attend the students‘ class presentation at UW this Whitheld, who is an avid cyclist himself, said he was a little dis appointed with the survey‘s results. "It was disappointing that it was the offâ€"campus bicycle lanes that were the number one issue because it was something that we couldn‘t really deal with," he said. "It wasn‘t something that the would be the installation of more separate bicycle lanes off camâ€" pus. Fiftyâ€"six per cent said betier snow removal would encourage them to use bicycles more while 55 per cent said improved road conditions was the major factor. Fifty Aour per cent said better lighting on paths would be their major consideration while 52 per cent said UW needed increased surveillance to reduce theft. Fiftyâ€"one per cent said more bicycle routes had to be established on campus while the same percentâ€" age said more bicycle lanes had to be constructed along UW‘s Banks said because the region usually doesn‘t construct bicycle lanes on roads unless they need reconstruction or resurfacing. and because University Avenue between Westmount Road North and Albert Street is currently in good shape, he didn‘t believe that section of road would receive bicycle lanes in the next 10 years. In the UW student survey, 58 per cent of the respondents said the main change that would encourage them o cycle more to UW Janet Stockie James Stockie ** Represents Associate Broker Carol Tuckwood Birgitta Weberâ€"Adrian Terry Yates (Continued on page 11}