7 kogelheide and Trakinskas plan to mach Toronto by Aug, 23 where they will "park" in firmtofcityulumigivee sentation. There, they also hope to meet with Minister of menu. We need something to teach us, basically. And Tcmaymi qepresen" the largest stand of the very last on: per cent of this species of forest remaining on the Wyn! hyther dreior Temagami "torTetButgettbetreats medal-aunt _ Webawldcounciduws qailtstthebruvbeeatto 'edd_Uctiininateagimst 'tttdianimatom-s,Ga- itwtmidtesgtirtt-ecats beingwthaaiudjecmua â€Madâ€. 2g'g':,,','h',ztl.tltty. “Maw 'rottittenamPrmmeimr "gdeatrandihae5sreaGe ducal“. if Ctmmtlrinratctsmer, a pe"e""ntstotrapaper*leat Iat,!hercartmttktiehrm thehtuttattesoeietrhirssa atrium“ A akiitaraiiuao, fl'g'lhett,"l't2tt "ohthytute.ioetittt 37:4 'lll'S,'lgtitt,'t 11t'd'at, I,",',,'",",',,','.",'.'." _ a! . 'ettItetdtifaatGhAutl 'tttht, ,mwan amh"rqqedandttatteseg 'httetmetthmttaiiretm, ant-Mm F . _ ' ilft,1?t',t,ctttt,t Resident i mono can‘t " s" alrirdtobemiromtte-iili 'lf,'irdlli, id. Laurie Breed told council The -iruabreag in 'itota.eedaararimand ( 'TdlantmrirbrbiGuitarret naming program, adding :3 “on to do In. that the humane society 'trnéttrtttrtguistreesar, glwulfl adopt some type of asttttd"tardeairdtotrraO W1 - . mm...“ GG Jftyfttott MN- I) 1htiortttttately, while in Waterloo, kogelheide and Trahinskar â€lend a bit of a setback when the duration Jar (ammuig funds to cover the com of an: trek) wan unis- itwhm'twheirpeeseatatiort at the Waterloo public library. Natural lacuna to cm their concenn and discuss ahermttves to dear cum in Quick old growth luau. From lisrmtto, they will head north. on {001,10 Tami "r-aTr-T1T7T"'"'"'T"""YP""""""""T"" "ty!1eeiuart.iiiuiGGiiiiriiiiiiiTlii.' 'tttttttff he . $t'sMmitr .urelstreetter- 3mm ee1r1lt1ekdtorrat'det-iuietArTr'Giriire 1erttrPrrorriaattaoorekLeiiiiaadiTi '81frtetyiadtatmodmtitturtr-rosAiiiai, 1"rte11remyresieasaoMiiiGiiriiia 1rerdyeiiittboeuyeurraiGrdrFiGi Pothereqreareditcat-t-hsa.kiiiiiiiL"ii'G _y?erhbiruridtrraGeuomrmdiiciUiiG ttted'"""-'-----;.-;,'.-.;:"; fy't.rerstttftseotad-t-r3eartru,mil thtfyjinieturothiriie. A “My 1ttriyNtealu-amhtaremeusoo of" 2'le2lth'att'g'St 'AflJKMk-autpï¬hdcmndmmddwm tt4.6rtwtntiht.mitvitttserraertertseseritvreiiLTr 1t!tmvt"tetthiiridttteotmoe-rrin'riaAJiiL 'essttrhxmstha."heaattt ?.t'eecitrd"uiyrersriapyesar-aaaaatr 1tttayTsoerrasointenirtrrimvaiuaroidieiG'. Peh_rt"ura-ebeoeeoimaso-iroiei,dL ber,hemid. 224'E3WWWKHI-dw (“.1366qu 'WINTER IN SUMMER "YAItG.$rrt"tttttterrrt “ SALE' 30% 1 f on 07V OFF , LAST FALL & WINTERS For lhoae who would like to we the when and per- h- lie 1% to their case. the pair will be at the Preston Memorial Arena in Cambridge tonight at 5:30 pm. Donations can also be mailed to 151 Colbomc St., London. tht., N68 151 All mtmerremaietiogdieramsof the expedition have been cov- "edm'llhedieaedtotyeeco. tourism industry in the 'ttttttret",,',',' "" Wan. I tetihttatdsemr,ther- debunking“ (0.15:me Broil King 50,000 mu GAS BARBECUE Gunmen Lowm Paws: - Gunman Summon» Easy Momma mum mus mum 0m Pam 0mm - Fae: menv Seetrtstrtmforfttttd-oetattov. _ mmmn.u.mm u.) [: ', mum 578-0300 â€WWW-ma Extrat-vystair-mgt3utmsr “Mount-oat QAS BARBECU ES We sell the best tiartreeiieiiGai'i; t.gttilt and Broil King GENES'S 1000 2Ittttt GAS BARBECUE 'letter."'..--;-:" WHO-b5 Broil King 40,000 BTU GAS BARBECUE EoatusiverweetrFurvrmzersysterr gitmmrtrafoutttoorttavourwtue 'Aminatirtgfoodtturmngttare-ups Thrmoumtt'ssstoeiburnersorve LiJrjEiijiii BUYS Erttmh-ystatrgess-taurrter â€Momma thatxtottattrttto-vmsaaomorsm " ss