-etttMEt-trt-ts main-unu- n-n-n- tht'." nth-mm“... any mum-n tulip-m- â€in: momma-pmmn Int-359: urn-,1 Wham-n. "may: 'tgqqqlt. anon-n "I,†ttr. WWI-oath 'tr9rtttrtte-rrttrtttrt m Erratum haw-I'm. “SASE I In“ HWII‘IaTa‘ m‘OI-nmwu IO' "ttttot Cm“ Sign! nu as p .1 it all pom-on: Datum-onion 'reqrattmmerqrtt 1-$06-00t, mum 'ArrmBtm m up but MI." '00t You" Sun Sun ttttFAM. by.» D mm Anypenion mayattendthelnformalPublicMeetingnndlormkeawriuenor verbal representation either in mpport of, or in opposition to the propooed Official PlanAmendment. Ifrrmwithtotrtauts-tationtothmniii,i- notify the Clerk: Department at 747-8704 and/or the undersigned no that "eearyarm'teeueantsetnadetopl-mtonthe-nda.htaddititreo written mmurtaryofthe pee-ttati-ttmatte-riot-ttutr. Forfunher information tgrrttirtgtualtovematter,ortothtainaawotthe Planning Report which will be available u ofme 31, 1996, pleas contact the City of Waterloo Development Services, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City thntm, 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, Ontario or by calling 747-81518th 747-8792). MSW, B.ES. CONCERNING AN OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT TAKE NOI'ICE that the Council ofThe Corporation ofthe City ofWatcrloo will hold an Informal Public Meeting on August 19, 1996 at 7:00 pm. in the Couna’l Chambers, 3rd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo to consider the foam? application to wider amending the offieial Plan pursuant to Section 17 the Planning Act, BS.0., 1990. Council wili,ontheadmrtiseddnte, undertaheaduet-ioetoohatahtmid be the appropriate Official Plan designations hr the West Hill District. Couneilwillal-ireanddi-eroettiti-tHigaBeiairtun Amendment: Discussion Paper (08 98-54)" which not: out staff: recommendedpoaition emteernittgthelanduaepolieusforthitHiIt f?!ricitl Plan Amendment ' OfNial Plan Designations For the West Hill --t-----ir--ot---0ire+tte INFORMAL PUBLIC MEETING mam-an a...†mud “unmet“... ".etrtottre..-, “ammo-.19 can“!!! mug-I‘m“ hum-upd- yuanpgqgn‘ud. â€main“. M" mm 3153 about.“ can gun '.fyt- ret? C. a... 5774“. aiufqit _ _ "iu-uuier. m-nu “manna-nu anon-napal- â€laud“ 'rpteeetrb " uni-icing a any“... 7a- WWWâ€! “may.†all Mun It c-unu- It mom bE? tB06trrMe.000' _ *rrart"i+r"rrNtr. City “View '-otqtM"to. wwtOJV Inn-u mama... "gangsâ€. COMMUNITY INFORMATION , 886- I 550 . - - _"""""""-' _ -_ 1itrrasuFirtitatdiiii. -_- - tiaiiariir" ___ www. oceta. on. coldly. waterloo permrentpertaseve;' I __ -- ---v W. W-""- (iv) charge an annual user fee; (v) arem'tti-ofth-tersueveatotsmeeornparnussvin-id the be; -. (vi) teeerighhoehood1npmutott-pttrmnungttseat-, (vii) 1er_iftNmteshtmtsiiom'ntrttusimmGtoemtNttritnnsetsaiU company. Inteteotedpenonlwichingtospeaktothisiuuelhouldnotifyu. Ayers, City Clerk, 747-8704, no later than 9:00 min. on Wed-dar, August 14, 1996. If you will: further information regarding this matter or the recommendations contained in the report, please contact: Katrin KhelU Godkin C Works Services Department City of Waterloo, 747-8781 Dttudatwnterloothu3utaroeastr, 1986. A City; - if --e WV"â€" - ..._-_......-.... (ii) Pereitttyrrexmttntofsmstemoutheaieeve-r,witiettntmt betttidwittotarties; (iii) 1tte?tth1ft,t1ttprintedoeteaehr-tsndrmtitoo-tar T,t.enot.ieetlsattheryeieipteoyrseiloftucorromtimsortucit, efWaterloo at a meeting to be held In August 19, 1996 It 6:80 pan. in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regine StreetSouth, '."ttrh?orwii1fxmetrtet-urr'attimrtdtuunihte of posters. This By-lew‘sets out the following amendments to the 'Poster section of the Sign Hy-lew: (i) place double sided plastic sleeves on verious poles throughout the CITYOF WATERLOO- “tummy“; ‘ 6‘3.me magnum-am. Noviceh Waterloo pro; Any, For Bite Spa addition applientl Ind 7:09 .