Four nominated for Junior Citizen honors ouryoumwate+opewkcanheeeedJorhPitore F turiaiittletstexcGithiswmk-artdtheiktChristrttas 5 around the comer has nothing to do with it. All four have individually been nominated for 1995 Ontario juruorcitizenoftheYearAwwds,apmmmedirtatedhrthe Ontario Community Newspapers Association and sponsored through the generosuy of Bell Candi Throughout Ontario. the program generates hundreds of entries, amrtsdehgnedrtotonlytooEkiallytertiethetiHttttsoet tuaiwmnek,butaisotogiv-ieseoedrtonhel=kto_the temiic youngsters m our communities who represent the 'good ksds" we all know In Thursday, Woo Chnmick puUisher Rick Campbell pm sented certitkates of congratulations to all tourmomirtees, wishing them well m the final Judging which takes place Thursday. Ofthe humimis of entrles received. aiTmxirnately 12 individuals Ind if v apgwpriate, a gmup winner, will be sheen as Ontario _ junior Chats and will be " Ll , recognized and presented wnh l 'tl L'. . t ill thetr awards by the Ijeutenant [trd , K» Governor of Omano at next - 8 a " Aprtly OCNA conference m . 7 -'- ‘ , Toronto, v ,. _ R J, y'j.sl_, , - "s a?" a" ." ' 3 11ittir - W? _ Fs, . 32 g Q ' "3 c 25 lt Cos', tshirt ‘One of the highlights of bung m this business 5 listening to some of the stones. some of the backgmunds of these kids. You come my feeling so much better about our world. and the youth of today I cant ever rcmtmbtr bang at the pramuuon ammonia andnoihav1ngatearinmyeyt" Campbell followed a Waterloo group nonumtion through to eventual OJCY recogmuon m 1983 when Colin helmet. Ent Far thar. Jlm Leg: and Stephen Whitney were recognind for donating that hardamed proceeds to charity from an annual Halloween haunt Other Waterloo youngsters have been nominated snnce then. but thts er the most m any one year directly from the City olWater loo "Theres a pride factor there in oelf," said Campbell. who was I Judge in the competition in 1984 with the difficult task of rimming down so many deserving mines "These four young pcopk are up tesentattve of hundreds, thousands, out their in our community who have Men incredible volunteers, aided the sick and needy, con- tributed umlcssly behind the scenes, pemaps even overcome adver- sity in their own lives Witch» Chrmlide, Pllisher Thursday to (cbckwist from back mm) Janka Why. tarraJordan,itiander soes,anOutieMortteittL "Ity always been our lrltef that the kids Who never get the hear lines but gm so much of themselves deserve some son of tYcogru' non," sud'CampbelL "We salute our nominees, they're terrific 7 young people and I'm sure they have the suppon of all Waterloo behind them." Rick Carrphell oaau) pe- qeutedjuniorcitirmdthftar 0P1NION Faxho. mom Waterloo Town Square 75 King St. South, Suite 201 Waterloo. Ontario N2] 1P2 Nominated from Waterloo are Kartalotdan, who will cel. ebrate her 18th birthday next Wednesday, l4~year-old jor- dan Whaley, and two ll-year. olds, Megan Sanderson and Kane Monteith "The Chromdt has been I strong supporter of this pro- gram Since its Inception m 1991," said Campbell after presenting the nonunees mth thee diplomas and a Chromcle Editor: Melodce Mammflg Pete Cudhca (Spons Editor) Deborah Crandall Tun Gardner Maureen McNab Gerry Manic: Until last week, this was (httado's tearful refrain Most MPPs tried tojudge it. Ajcw claimed Wm to begrudge It, But our pummel debt Maw" yet Andnooneaotthozaxildhdgeir Until last week, that is and yea verily, the Tories budged n to a fire-thee-well. Ernie Eves, the dollar-ami-sense man [or Mike Harris, did $63bsllion worth of slashing on the provinces $5t9bilbon budget. “I,†Predictably thereNe been howls of outrage from the thousands nudged away from their spots, big or small, at the public trough And much, Harris and his Tones are their urges. It's hard to understand why. The people they sinuldbeblamingareaobllaeandDavid Peterson They got us Into this mess with 10 years of prolligame. . To coin a pins. they spent our money like drunken sailors. Except for hs big difference: drunken sailors spend their own money. bniario's putting its house in order But Rae and Peterson spent so much of our money that we've been running into debt a million dollars an hour A million dollars In hour Thats not chopped liver, friends. The provmc: iS putting us house in order. Now we'll see whether members of our municipal councils, boards, bureaus and comnussiots will do the same, Or whether, as usual, theyll weasel out I'd Ink: to see them for once, try the Spartan style. And If something urgent came up like say, playing host to lord Kitch- ener. they do u with a max of a dozen at McDonald's When Mclhmalds has a special on. Thumb Tu: I'm" in favor of all but a couple of the chops. but 1 regret that a big chunk of the savings has to go to a tax cut, The PCs say it's essentul to get Ontario moving again, but I could forego ll in the Intermix of a swim paydown of the deficit. Classified: 7 Linda Howard Denis: Tucker Major Accounts: Nll Kees Administhuon: Heather Mitchell Hat's some inside stuff: the Hams folks were embarrassed by the amount of taxes they were going to charge us. So u was Piglet Chip the budget or ask us to pay In small, unmarked Millie Martin Darlene Royk t .cE fo 91W ? pc,',' "’ - F “our! Circulation Manager: Andrew Puren tiiruVtion: Sharon Walla Becky Men km Fi_sc_h_er, Pnsidcm: Paul Winkle! MIME}: Rick Campbel} 1hemte+othreideisreehrfh"simmrGemp, ‘“ "W" -aau __ "a mm in . .. " King St. s., Suite MI, Waterloo ON. N2] m 886.2330 cs fo 9"“ Aithtt ? Waterloo Chronicle is published every Wednesday by (ha WEB Liam“ tutseutdTtr.Neverhireathtrtttr-ingtulher boots. Making]: P1ndr.Utywtite iinistothepmspectoiwlia charging for their services. But hst he and: youll hoot, youll holler, you'll maybe m a dar, . I Surely you’know aiout the story A [mu-pg: banner two Saturdays ago wamzd that Ae dPM-pmdnd gendmms iiiiy And the only reason I mention the police ' chielyrepudiation otthestoryisiharyoutmt havernissed it. Itwasinthehird pmgmphol a story on page M of Fridays pupa. So Just remember that you ont believe all you read In: newspaper Except this column, of misc. Back to Quill Pm! Waterloo Mayor Brian Tumbull and Tom Stockie, the cityy chief .httinistrative officer, have penned a proposal that wouki strip Wilerloo Region of mm of us powcrs, including the right to key all: . That aligns Man with the sawdust Camus on other coun- ctls, those who argue that small, ital government Pl by small mmds) IS in closer touch with the people. more tffkiae, moreapttobeliereits?wnhae .. _ . _ "iLiGirrw'iiiGi'iii JGiiiriiiiiGGm for the good olddays.iuwetesidtoartomoithereasottstheyr called "the good old days". The dayswm old. but Wt mull 1rthi'sistrue,iismarismoeesrkstdid,whatrUve? do now Iscarve K-Wupimo six.hkceseaitmsand have†elect us own mayornnd council white iuawn _sailf I The Fairway Group stdrsrrtptttet mtes 240 Holiday Inn Dr., Unit F 345 yady in Canada Cambridge, On. 590 M outside Cam N3C 3X4 . G.ST. CTE TvlwiatmtchitF,hutitwasattewv paperstory, ehandotesrittomrtwith it? Rac- non pieces were Followed by (yak!) a column All oftherntreatedthetopewithasolettutityit didnt deserve. Then Wednesday you! irreverent conefMF dent checked in with I column pooh-pooling the kka.ltmts silly I aid (among other thugs). Adarhier,NlitechiefurtyGnrvillsaidilte idea of charging for minor talk is “absolult nonsense" tnd the deputy chief who was he some: of the origiml story said he was quad might hare lo chug: to! dit mica; out of contact atiaidolttardwork Theseareplentyd Cthe week Ghn not here for a q in: tide. hn riot around if you'm not afraid d hard work†-stovypag¢13