"a' Gratuities how much? to whom? when? ___ can twist the a must sophlsticated traveler into a helix of alt-doubt Anxiety , Four-star hotels and restaurants with their smiling Armin of Le helpful personnel can turn tip time into terror time when you 9 don't know who gets whet In such situation. you an wind up , feeling a little like Peter Lorre in Alfred Hiteheoek'ir Secret F, Agent. Often the perplexed meager in a string: land, lam tindossetf-inexmfu-l:jurtt-nmdtdougbd-d 8 in en open palm will open a door? While 'naintaieting his t Wk "(ply menacing nan. [me the. to maneuver hi- '<7,r-tit1-iehdistgeibr-titiotturght?tehirtt . tmsartdr-tirte"Bautt-hr--d-tiaitii-" twidemthdthdobebv-lgptuhaneech-tof eemstgiuurdothetriek,uer-ti-hnnd-rth. hae-tte-emi-dk-o-tir-tmtl-st nanchunnod...endthennemhtlhinby. turiteiuahititrtobAuddu,thittriti-t)ie taJtaNtJMBmoNB.i-_tttsrqtsymt trtiehttindrturuelttutWieetqntmdridi_rmdnrooxit uNewYorkCitymbwithouthandin‘mm‘peu-wf. even if you feel you've just survived the Waning tuner- cnuter ride " Dimer Woru'_Motattairs taaINUM-rty.Thomtm_thsrtn1r tip may be voluntary. but in non countries the nitric: of "rtainper-lpteru-tuirtmeivi=ti_rlr,tltu irt-rmrtaurantmtiu-id,-ttmtttoteldttrmrten, bellhops. nndmom service and! For thetrt,atipuatoerioo" your paycheck Is to you in many places today I Denice charge rule. itat, once learned, than“ help you Initial]: your Cotne...ioinusinl996onone _ . Jour cruise group wormed 'ess" welxrveselaxfavrirutyoiaxasptitrrtd cruise prosrumsVyoyr iriorrrtenidkri the f,',1,Q'e'r"giT,',Ji'2rg2,','i'C'l'l',','i's1%'1 tionsseryaitroctiireruisepritesl . t,','t't,'ttr' . . 'hCru'SCMardIU-Z? 'it,t,','t't',t. q "trrrtiitnhAedrovu/httrAerild-l3 CRUISE GROUPS 5m $2,952.00' . ' Iasermux%ioonsmd$u6,u)trtx HMO-ah!" 'edt1ChistEyPeri- May 26 - Juno 2 6m $1,495.00" . “a Esau-Id hid- mum 29 _ My 9 from $3,191.oo° Russian Rival Cruise August 10 . 21 from $3,600.00' Soul! 'trdit4itrwrsii to Aqtet' Sephmbor 9 . from $6,550.00 Ee-nares-t Club. W10 ~17 from $l,77200" Hui/M African Cain Mamba I996 frrxnt7,82S00" 'ar,s.ta-rtudstt-rtnbmedoit&dk-ttr, 'brntorsinkvmt-rtdolsmd-txtd-ervis. "rs,axtaxtA.crvis-idstsatrrstkridhrml. 871 Victoria St. N. 987 Gordon St. Kitchener. Ontario Guelph, Ont. 745-1860 836-0061 " FREDERICK TRAVEL an mama: " 'tt61 851 Fischer-Hallman Rd. Kitchener, Ontario 579-5140 an; consume la added to hotel and restaurant bills, and, " in France, aometimea that charge is not listed nparately but included in the food prices Do not be shy, aak if you arent am...the key is fairness. to both you and the person serving you. Customs vary from country to country...in Japan, Korea. parts of the South Neitie, and Scandinavia. for example, there ia no tipping. In Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America a well-placed five dollarbillcanwwkmcic. lnfact.oneunivenallyhandyhint in to carry lots of American single -‘and rt*edoOr bills, especially unfulonarrlval (Canadiancumncydepeudinaon your travel destination). RULE NUMBER THREE: lap It - Glamorou- rutauranta with maltre d'huel. acumen. captains. and waitera are prime plum for travel-tipping tie-ion Whether here or abroad. it'a eaay to be intimidated. A well-known proprietor autlinea a guide in theae aituationa...‘Captaina ittadmei-rtd,mtt-etutrtaltilLtkrmtit'tes, though. d-tding on the mus-ant. they altar. tips Captains mpaidahigheraalaryandwaitaranahthebulkoltheir income from tips." For the lonelier. the equation ia about 10% of the bottle prim. The Mitre d' ia tipped when, for inetance. you arrive " a crowded nataurant without a "-tiortandtteoeattetimiotahlorriintaet,ataue probably won‘t be fonhcomina ifyou don't Oder whim). ttUuta-trmlngt-rm-lftumrrgtatlots 'set-et-ond-it-tlt-dollar. hmmtimuwhcuywmldeonlidctlavincleuthmn dollar (or when a bill would indicate a mailer tip) and, in thenam.commonnmenndgoodjudpmennhouldpmvdl. howeverJhismightno‘bethaclthenmulingdefin 2nd Annual "Presidente Cruise" Transatlantic Voyage - the French Connection Royal VikingSun May 21 - June 8,1996 (18nights) otrtiurxiouite_BTr-Dot9YotcresTRA oPtrtss-l;t9ecCer,StrMeyMS;ClHmi. -irxtAem-drrroeBhium;r_dParisFrantel .harttdbyRt*tuus&Dtonrtatttrt6Mtt Because-tMk-ak/tsou-Ao-Mr-gf trrxNrerates0theshipisakrost0l'.neasetxxAso-oid WINDSTAR CRUISES ,,,,eteesS' 2-For-1 Fetstuaiyttr,1996 rtMytnihrxrtSrTNrr_tttstotyr,satm, 'Av-ttttBatt-tttYN-Ort-St-gotten. cAuNowNNtAmEtt8toCMURE&DETAttsl Wind Spirit St. Thomas 0mm my. pér pomon $i,3iiii 012.3911 ttNN, mung ttt tit, crux. 5&1. We carry) ny, Virgin can: and St Jam. great tHtlectk My, P" 'mmoft of travel aces For mom lnlornutkm all: sotitttt I UPTOWN TRAVEL 104 no. Street South, m “Log IPS or an! (519) 3320 FAX (519) 8868328 r ‘ out. no. - M (5") m-me 1-“555-1133 2540000031.: suggestions from Frederick Travel doubt, " I fellow traveler. Molt MN I have met are more than willing to mm with Mmthn or Mviee Ind manyhaveauobeenintusitantion_tlterrteededhei, and all will readily dhr be when. When no 'fellow traveler' is tavailable, fall but on your moot valued travel use: ... RULE NUMBER rm: Prepare for your trip, rend lbout your Minnie-a. dim (prior to m: departure) m. anntvteitrr-iaitir_aittirtfttt_titmhmttrrur trave1amnrellor,lit-ituttnuuttmrd.0erth. ,eararhav.di-dtttnttbb-_tttoerdits6, their homework prior to Inning hm um! that the» individuals often nun In. their nation- with tum di-int-tSTU-ttim-r-tdr-dit" your destination in. at out". up to you but the man knowledgeable you am - to your darn-tun. the better oqttitr-rilitrst.t_rt-etott'u'tsuotrtt. with tipping ... a little M an me- you I world cl nrpr...thiniitim-.rererttetttomtortltelot irtdivid-ttosiiib-_hmrttirritsgartdttt'uhtmt vitai'-ishrthrth-o_tWtteetittdotthtttge amutto-eor,t-t,mhahlhnrt-krorwiirrt1idr atsoutttteruiotigriiti0ettartotau-tlterthatt toguoond,Iguamm..rM1t_rirtth0atgrtmHkst advimIearttwertoto-r-tirrit-itttairf1ighu,'m 'triettrapart-l-i.if-n_nderityrrtirelt in all lituuiom. you will has. your appreciation of All "pectagttt-i-irthdk-tdirtggmtuitierofter ail,dontthoerrseeivir-rti-tthqryt éSunsationaI Getaways E -, ,_7 ON SALE!!! h CUBA MEXICO All Inclusive pp. + tax DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Puma Cana Bavaro Beach " 029. All Inclusive p.p. . tax Santo Domingo Don Nan '699. All Inclusive pp. . tax MaMMMpabwaMMMD "etaut6-s Moan-pupa». laden double occupancy and â€I! at: not mum â€will 1telltel),_:iir:,, Manzanillo Marela Del Padillio All Inclusive Cayo Limo Hotel Pelicano All Inclusive Cancun Caribbean Princess All Inclusive Puerto Vallarta Oasis Marival All inclusive Kl; TRAVEL ' '639. 747-1181 7-1M7W Dr., s849. '699 '999. up. + tax w pp. qtatt