PAGE 8 - WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1994 What competitive advantage? Councillor John Summers was featured in a Canada Trust Realty advertisement m the April 21, 1992 edition of the Waterloo Chronicle 1hewrrxseatheadvdrtisementwastoannounehitjoi1ingthesalts force The advertisement read in part, "Nat, combined with my expen- ence on Waterloo City Council . gives me - and you - the competitive advantage rru're looking for " At a March 1993 meeting of Waterloo Council, Ctnmcillor Summers proudly read mm the record the mission statement of Ttillium Estates Lmuted, a development company with large holdings on the west side of Waterloo At that point in tune. Mum Estates had forced the C 1ty of Waterloo mto a wasteful, unnecessary Ontario Municipal Board hearing Thts hearing eventually cost my taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dol. lars Ln legal fees and staff ume ..- ., g. .‘D._ V. H ___ _.._, Now we read m the Record on November 4, 1994, of a proposed theme park for the uptown com Councillor Summers admits to have been 'eat. _ - . n ' a. _ _ L,,,4 L_..._L. L. mg and sleeping ths for three months'. This proJect IS bang brought w us by the Relchmann family Remember, thee are the folks that man- aged to lose billions of investors' dollars m olympus & York a few short wars ago Are these the actions of the person who ml] serve us well as mayor†I think not Jock My Waterloo Setting the record straight about glass gallery Dunng a current-mayotalt-y campaign m the City of Waterloo, a number of statements have been male cumming the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery and the overall impact this issue has had on the arts The City of Waterloo established a committee in June of 1992 that included representation from counCil. the busims community. the C ana. :lun Clay and Glass Gallery Board and the arts commuruty Nancy Nor- man. chair of the City of Waterloo Cultural Development Committee, w as waited to chair ths seal mmmittee Due to a number of unique and unforeseen circumstances. the City of Waterloo found itself in a d1tficult position Norman explained both the mules and the background quite fully in a letter to the editor " putr lished in the Waterloo Chrmucle this summer, Perhaps the facts outlined m that letter should he reiterated in an effort to clarify the obvious this understanding by Mr John Summers. The following quotations are from Mrs Norman's letter and culture mmumty ‘Due to the terms of the September, 1989 land lease agreement between the City and the Clay and Glass Gallery, m the event of default, the Crty would hltely retam ownership of the land and responsibility for all Improvements located on it, If the Clay and Glass Gallery had folded m 1992 due to mablhty to pay the balance of the construction contract. the City may have been found liable for all or part of any outstanding balance on the bulldmg contract " Counc1l's decision was not made entirely from a posxtion of fear of the legal and Mancial consequences More imixortantly, tt was a rational decision based on what was best for the community, taking all was into consideration tF "In consequence the net result, after litigation, could have been that lr the City of Waterloo owns the unfinished building ur the C my owes Ball Brothers Construction the balance of the contract that amounts to all or part of $1 5 mxlhon plus unsprified damages and the accrued mterest on that amount ul the f '1ty pays an unknown amount tn cut costs along mth their own legal Grs and possibly the fees of the plamttif " the L'rty repays the federal and provtncul guvemments a total of Si N muhon" _ 'is-rf/Lia, \‘UCCPSS of C262 both as a building and a gallery IS well jwurneuntai m national magazmes and newspapers as well as m a book pubhshed m England Ths success reflects extremely well on the City of Wawrlm . It has also been Inferred by Mr John Summers that Waterloo has now pad us dues m the area of arts and cultural support and as a result of 'hra Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery Issue, there mll be no more money available for arts and culture m Waterloo expenses In spite of some early misgmngs. the ans community has generally resolved Its differences With the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery and wuestherneverysucrvssasartactiveandimixsrtantpartofthecul. That Ls absolutely untrue and we offer the following proof to refute any such daun In the two years since the decision was male to complete the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery, the Ctty of Waterloo has continued to offer both financial and staff support to arts organizations that are active m the commumty No staff recommendation or Councxl policy has indi. sated a lessemng of the unportance of support of arts and culture for the merall well-teing and growth of the City The $80,000 per year building operating subsidy for the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery IS not an operatlng substdy of the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery but rather the amount of money that the my 15 prepared to invest to protect us valu- Em; Bricks and gortar asset The iuiadian Clay and Gléss Gallery pays all of us own programming, exhibition and administrative/staffing tural Me m our community 'Ihewata+octtrrmidtGteanmkttemstothe editor.Theyshouldbegigmdwithess,atHrmttytd pttonertuinherandsilrber9rdhtttxurer.lht 1insignedutt-illhepuhtit)hahttyitheChrtmidts rmeryestherighttoedit. Letters pplitr _ Deborah Rothwell President. Waterloo Regional Arts Council Waterloo cannot afford another three years of poor process, bad decisions and lost op'portunities. On November 14, our CHOICE FOR CHANGE will be Scott Piatkowski. PIATKO WSKI Elizabeth Wharton Marc Xuereb Susan Cadell Greg Carter CUPE Local 1542 Lucinda Jones Shanta Dubey Elaine Auerbach Bill Shalinsky Anish Makim Alan McLachlin Peter McCullough Gerlinde Pet: Angelo Graham Linda Nagel Greg Michalenko Hugh Miller Harriet Lyons Isabella Stefanescu Edna Gomex Mark Pritzker Rolf Rama SCOTT VINCE MORRISON TOGETHER WE CAN MAidii BIEFERENCE VOTE ACCOUNTABLE ACTION JOHN P. RODINA City / Regional Councillor for Separate School Board Trustees In Waterloo vote for 2 candidates: Please join us in supporting Scott. For more information call 746-8225. For A Ride To The Polls Call 578-1077 __yote both Vince and John: Mary Jane Mewhinney Rev. John Young Nancy-Lou Patterson Joselito Gaspar Aileen Ridley Bob Hallman Steve Carr Jennifer Thiessen “Sponsored by the Candldalos of Account-b4. AgMtttt" Clare Max Lombardi Lynne Vance Caitlan Glasson John Hepburn Edith Looker Brian Otto Douglas Campbell Carine Nind Lynne McNab Nelson Hernandez Magdalene Harman Pauline Richards Auuwnnd by thr (TU lor thr Bin)“ mum-k. 1'errnpwgtt VINCE MORRISON, Certified Management Accountant (Retired): 33 year active member - Our Lady of Lourdes Parish; Member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society: Past Secretary of K-W Serra Club; Volunteer Driver for Waterloo Adult Recreation Centre; Member of Waterloo Knights of Columbus; Board Member of Catholic Social Services (Treasurer) and K-W Red C ross Homemaker» JOHN P. RODINA, Current Trustee (since 1991), retired; former Supervisor, J .M. Schneider; involved with local and provincial youth programs; 41 years of active involvement in St. Louis Parish, member of the Finance Council: Past Director, St. Jerome's-St. Mary's Education Foundation; Past Grand Knight, Waterloo Knights of Columbus, 2 grandsons in our Catholic Separate School system. Judith Miller Jazwander Sood Irene Price Carroll Klein Alias Croft Burns Proudfoot Jack Pasternak Pat Fisher Cindy Bowden Jim Leslie Peter Huggins John Chamberlin Mike Tancsa Helen Eaton Michelle Poechman Fischer Barb Latimer Ed Moskal Martha Laurence Andrea Saunders Jill Strickland Josephine Naidoo Dawn Martin Ken Epps x ‘III' Barbara Barnes Daniel Shipp Roslyn Cluett Al Campbell Sean Haberlin Luke Gassien Raj Dubey E Palmer Patterson Barb Hallman Kimberly Williams Tom Mee Harold Remus Lynne Hanna Kathleen McSpurrin Lili Pasternak Waterloo Regional Labour Council ...plul my more. Flechtmann