and others tunt, but medical science has deter ' ill, "rr:,",':,",, minedsomeofthe contributing factors. .. ‘ m ' Tr' “We know that people who are overweight on, we w. Eti Ir5llMlt8, Fiyrrsfil willsnoreheeausetheyhavemoreweightinthe neck as well, and when the muscles relax, the neck will collapse a little more," Cohen says. *Weightlotrswilleliminatetheprrhleminauofpeople,andbef-eprtxmdwithother modalitiestillusuaflyremmmendtoanoverweightpersontlmttheyloseevenaslittle, sometimes, " 10 or 15 pounds, sometimes a bit more. In mat cases the snoring either gets much better or disappears completely. Snoring wines when you gain weight and goes away when you lose the weight." tkhaoaidpemmswhosurerdtnmicnasalblotugewill bemorelikelytosnombecause theywcrkhardertobreath TYetttingnassal allergiesorothernasal problems will help to eliminate snoring. People who go to bed overtired tend to snore more bemuse their muscles relax more. Simi- larly, those who take any type of muscle relaxer, such as alcohol, sleeping pills, or antihista- mintss,srillhavemoreofatendeneytotmore. ' "As we go to sleep, our muscles relax. The muscles around the back of the throat also relax which allows the throat to collapse in a little bit - narrows the throat area," Cohen says. "lhe tongue tends to fall backwards, and this again narrows the area. The back end of the palate gets caught in and among the back of the throat and the tongue and starts to vibrate. The fact that the throat is narrowing with the muscles "slaxirwaausesmorefomsonthebackofthe palatethantheuvula,aotheUaendofthe palate starts to vibrate and that’s what causes 'A significant problem is where couples "What the procedure does is n can‘tsleepinthesameroomtogether.0r themstofthepalatesothatthe where they go away on (group) recre- vibrate the same way and the SI ational trips and they're embarrassed the Until a year ago, Cohen perfa next day because they're the laughing stock of everybody else - they went on a camping trip, in hospital under general anestl for instance, and everybody knows where their tent was," Cohen says. oedure was also approximately ', “Business men who go away on business trips and are sometimes sharing rooms with The beauty of the laser treatxr other executives. Some of them have to put in for an extra budget because they have to sleep and the patient often returns to on their own - nobody can sleep in the same mom with them. This is the type of snoring that "Ney come in and out almost is severe - that is really interfering with people’s lifestyles." There is a degree of discomfon Snoring is caused by a physical obstruction that occurs when muscles relax during deep sleep. . V ." - T st ' "u' _sii,cse-iiijilijiiiialEl "As we go to sleep, our muscles relax. The rtat"ll',2tl',1'g1rttte','ltlgm, y; » ' T '"'k"iii"l)'tlrl,3ll, muscles around the back of the throat also relax a use, tttttttttttmt that is 90 ' . 'i':,':""':,'; u 'iitiii'liriitsl, ' . . t per ttttet; "ii: = , t not which allows the throat to collapse In a little bit m. in curing 'noring 'ij) F8%1 'ltiig1ftl' - narrows the throat area," Cohen says. "The . "ttei. .% g ' itat, tongue tends to fall backwards, and this again 7 " t " li' "film narrows the area. The back end of the palate 'sgi'i"t' Iiiii'i'hviicsicjcvctN, p, Kr, , gets caught in and among the back of the throat il, a ' and the tongue and starts to vibrate. The fact I r "' ' ' ___ ' . thatthethroat is narrowing with the muscles ' relaxingcausesmorefortxsonthebackofthe I - ' palatethantheuvula,sothebackendofthe ‘ " , palate starts to Vibrate and that’s what causes II 'm , " '" g It'snotlullyknownwhysornepeoplesmms “his BE and others &mt, but medical science has deter- " LN, ; mined some of the contributing factors. MM . ‘ ciii't'i':s, , , . “We law that people who are overweight L%lR% at; some»: l s'si1,?rrs7, Dr, Steven Cohen, Chiefofthe Depart- ment of Omlaryngology at the Centenary Health Centre in Scarborough, 0nt., any: snoring becomes a serious problem when it interferes with normal lifestyles. fp!uqnor1s,andrtutknuitiepalone,wu'iehhelretamntiasisnightabeing Jahu0rtdp0udartdtikdotmrontornsride. Yootighthtwrspurrhasedapedalpiikms,tiedtenniMsalutnthetmaoOmr Marrpasorrrrnepqmtmrtiottsarm1ndrrurhetsdanddtirLYoumighteven haveheensuhiertedtoketn'eatttxhdevitxk Aemiifrm+rwrithtsomeonewhtmtorm,ymfvepnhahlyettjuosstnariy nightagrathintrrmrpilkrwandblanuandhatdinirtrrandthirrotiminthe hmme,tmlratterttumtsrrmsumutmaatulattemptatoiilenastheofhnder. Atrmudtassaoeietyithmtihoutsrtoeirqrandsttoems,the mthlemitsrtotsofurmytoth-hotmoeeand theiriimilytnembers - timseir1rirtirttarilyairtrupamle3liand older,and80perasntoftmorerimen. Appmn'rrtately40peramtofthegenertsl populationsnorestosomedegree.0fthat40 percenL25percenthaveseveremoring DettomhCmndtgil I New laser treatment offers cure for snorers 'ililijjl"jii0 DREAMS il il ZZZ z f f f I I I throat area, dental plates which push the tongue for. ward, and sound-activated electric shock denoes -- will help only 10 per cent of severe snares, There is hope, however, for the many snorers who don't respond to simple treatments. New laser technology has made It posable for 90 per cent 'N of snorers to be cured in an outpatient clinic under local amsthetec Cohen was,ayeareoneofthefirstearrtoseandthmatsurgeonsmtheToronuoarea to offer his patients the laser Assisted Uvula-Palatoplasty (LAUPI procedure "What the procedure does is remove a pomon ofthe back of the palate and monstructs the rest of the palate so that the palate size and tension are altered. Then the palam doesn't vibrate the same way and the snoring stops," Cohen says -rq_pi-.a--.r, approximately 50 per cent of sleep apnea eases. With sleep apnea, Cohen says, the throat collapses during sleep to the paint that it is ami- ally blocking the airway causing choking. " "When that happens, the oxygen concentration in the blood drops and the person starts to wake up - it's a natural body rhythm response,“ Cohen says. "As they wake up, the muscle twmetetums,theyopentheirpassageenoughtotakeagrmdbreathandthentheyfallbtck to sleep again. What's happening here is, without realizing it, the person isnt truly waking up, but his sleep pattern is being significantly disturbed. Not only that. but the oxygen drops canberatherseriotuandeanhaveabadefftxtonthe heart, the blood pressureand theoxy- gen supply to the brain over a long period of time." - MIX-15,59 in cosmetic tsurgeries/is" not covered by CHIP or by most Insurance Gamers The mst ofthe pmcedum is approximately $1,200 "Weenasumgepaopletotzytrravddhavingagutssofwineorberbetbretheygotobed, artdt.ytayawayirtmtimmeonheothsrtnussdereltaartta,if-ingiisaprthlem,ahen &enepeoplewillonlyimoreinasrtainpodtitms Ifttpemmislyingonhiaurherback,the tangtaetertthrtoihllbttthintothetltmatttrseventmms.Ansiiustmentinsleepingposition amisxnetirnehelp. "rakingrnrtmnmularpiNwandputtingitunderrmrihouldersisothatrourheadit, tumedinaslightly different ,eaymTltsotrtetirms help," Cohen says. Butallthmetemedies-indudingtennisFntheuckotthepn'tunastowakethe tmoterwhenheorihemllstmtohigorherbaek,ehinstr-ksepthemouthclaedspe The beauty ofthe laser treatment is that it involves one to thrms 15-minute pmdums. and the patient often returns to regular activities unmodjawly follomng the treatrtwnt "Ney come in and out almost like a dentist appointment." Cohen says There is a degree of discomfort involved in the treatment once the frwzmg ha: u om off WW, ,7 7 Cohen says. Until a year ago, Cohen performed-a sirhilar proasdGe in which patients WOW operated on in hospital under general anesthetic with standard equipment, The sum-s;- rate for that pro- cedurer was also, approximately 90 per atnt. WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1M- PAGE 19 "The pain will vary from xndmdual m mdnndua', Nth some people. the pun will get quzw bad. and the pain “1:1 go on for about a wask and a half." Cohen sayr "lhem's also a funny full fwhng 1n thv back of th, throat that will pcmsl. The discomfort. u hen you mm pare it w the previous procedure. IF much less But tht previous pmedure was probably the most unwmfortabie thing I could have imagined. ll was a very difficult and very uncomfortable procedure to go through. and that's why, even with a 90-per-oem sums rate, It wasnt all that popular." Even though it's possible to return to regular amnues. such as work, followingthe pmoedum Cohen suggests It will probably be easier to deal with pain ithrough media;- tion) if the patient takes a ample of days off. The laser treatment is primarily designed for people with snoring problems, not those who 'suffer from sleep apnea, a serious condition aaxxnpaniai by severe snonng However, the laser treatment is effetive in mung tiallyshitpedpiiGwsdesignedtoopenihe