PM]. Pl? What Wages ‘apemse will you provide the board deducation? Having been a trustee for nine years, I am well aware of the Issues facing our board My prvvtncial experience as a director of OSST A and OFSSA and my mvolvsament m various regional commutes. help me brmg to the board table, a broad perspective of Ideas from our chtferent partners I have a track record as a team builder, a facilitator, a consensus builder and a contributor on boards and vommmees I have 18 year's exp?- nence as a professional m human resources management I have been actively Involved mth many commu- mty organizanons as a volunteer, 1n many cases servmg as chairman or leadmg cummtttees, My 40 years of experience m accounting and taxman I can momlor how our tax dollars are being spent. cut down on unnecessary expenses and make sure our dollars am being spent wisely m the Interests of our young people I would like to contntxste to the cur- rent educational team at the Waterloo Regen Separate School Board. I hope to combine my local and international business expenence mth my prekus expenence as a trustee to more closely ahgn the curriculum With the needs of employers As d parent With two clul. dren at SM Edgar Bauer, a former trustee and as a member of St Michael's parish. I have a keen sense of mm Issues. Three years as a trustee provides one mth the perspective or newpomt needed to know and see how a been! of trustees functionsshould function I have worked cxmsicientoously and con. ststently mthm the mandate of this posxtxon to mammm a Roman Catholic outlook and Viewpomt within numer- ous commxttees and meetings through- out the past three years. Common sense! Not afraid to ques- tam, What wdl be your top three pmnms as a trustee? a) Some mine! of our accommodation problems, especially at Str Edgar Bauer CatNM Elementary Schoo! b) Ensure the protection of our Catholic School system from propo- nents of amalgamation of school boards c) Equity of funding for Catholic whoolNoards al Prudent and mauve fiscal man- agement m a tune of cutbacks and restraint Encourage the Involvement of empowered stakeholders - teachers. staff, student and the school commu- tuty to find creative ways to optimize all avmlable resoums a cl New approaches to deal with hehavwr and disaphne concerns b) Encourage further Integrauon of technology and computers m all pro- grams and actmneg a) The top priority will be to Md an interim solution to the serious over. crowding at Sir Edgar Bauer School until necessary funding is available for an addition; b) Find cost-effective solu- tions, including increased cooperation with the public board, in order to achieve zero tax increases over the next three years; c) Clarify. promote and maintain exclusivity of Roman Catholic beliefs within the school sys- 2 a) Work with the board staff to expand their excellent academic achievements by bridging the gap between education and the employ" ment market place; by I wtll focus rm finding innovative ways to assist the staff to identify potential areas of tmproved resource utilization, Cl Assnst management m streamlining the dam. siorvmaking processes and srmphfymg the process of getting answers to the mnstituency ab Continued Input mu) all phases of our system to assure that the teachings of our faith slune even more brightly In the years ahead bl The most recent provimial testing of our system's read. mg and writing capabilities Ln Grade 9 shows we have become almost mediocre in our efforts to teach these bask skills; c) connnued momtonng of our fiscal operations whereby the unforeseen elements of programs are laid open to everyone's scrutiny, a) Stop the ruUmstamping and pn- vale meetings which should not be m private i b) Seeing the money funnelled thnmghtotheehildreer c) An open forum for brainstorming sessions withparentssotheyeancome and share their ideas and help deter. mine the focus and direction trustees will undertake. Is it possible to matnttun student services m the face of revenue reduc- tion? How? We are all learning to do more with less When you educate 30 per cent of the students with 23 per cent of the tax base revenue, the question of financial equity for Catholic' school boards nemams very senous. Consulta- tton among all our partners must Increase to determine which semces are esmential Yes Through the creative involve. ment of the school communities, Through partnerships and Co-opera- uon mth wsources m the community, sen-Ices and programs both extramu- ncular and m-school, can be main. tamed and even enhanced I believe it is possible to maintain student wrvices m the face of revenue reduction We should eliminate excesses that have crept into the way supplies and equipment are being ordered and squandered m schools. Zero-based budgeting should be used each year, m deciding what to order Tighter controls should be in place Not only IS It possible but I thmk that we can actually Improve services durlng these times If we can cut through prenous suFrficial offerings at solving, the problems By taking a wmlar approach used by many suc- cessful busmesses owr the past few wars to better utilize all rewun‘es, we mll improve our schools involving all Interested staff and parents IS essen- tral for rval gums to be achieved Mayor grant revenue reductlom mll only come from the prrwmcial treasury through the ministry of educatlon and training Taxation revenue should Increase slightly due to more effective local support 1mttatzve such as Roman Catholic school supporters actually ensunng that their tax support does come Into the separate rate payers' cof- fers Some pmt venture sen/1cm may come into effect as Jomt bussing has contributed to annualized savings m excess of$300,000 to our board - fl Yes, but we HAVE to reduce from the top down, not the botmm up. More Internal audits to weed out waste. Complete this mm "Waterta/s sehoouinthm-toilL..t Waterloo’s duels in three years mll oontinmtobaoum'ulorquality ahr cation, where our giants learn a " orous and relevant Catholic curriculum, in a caring, safe and secure environment. Parents, staff , parishes, businesses and community organizations will be working in full partnership. This would truly fulrill our board's mission ttatmtent. Waterloo’s separate schools will be supported by active and valuable part. nerships in thedmummity. There wil be an increased awumess and access to technology and computers for both staff and students. The at-large com- munity will have access to, be more involved with and be better informal about decision-making by the board Waterloo schools in three years mil have more cost-effective sharing between the public and separate 'sys. tems. In addition to some present shar- ing of transportation, sharing of buildings, where feasible, may be m place, while maintaining separate classrooms. Extension of the school year to a full year, through rotating vacations, may have a trial run. Waterloo schools in three Pare, will have expanded only marginally m the separate system because new schools. additions to schools and renovauons will still not keepup to enrollment pro- ixtions To cmmter expanded portable usagewewillneedalargershareofthe grant tinamial picture: the prdsability of greater pupil/teacher ratios, the probability of much higher taxes. the nemesity of greater borrowing and the debenturing for payment by the next Waterlods Separate Schools in three years will have had an opportunity to take innovative steps and actinns toward providing a model for real, unparalleled change in thinking pro. cedures and pmi I will depart from the status quo when it comes to findmg solutions to take this system min the next century. Waterloo'a shook in three years will havetnorrsinputttstohtrweach school is being run They will have trustees who act on their t-ttB, not pass the buck, Naming it on the ministry ar ting elects? means you work for the people, no against them. Criticism from parents should not be looked upmasmgttimshut apositive stepitt learning the problem which concern mummyem