itttheottamsDistnujtmitrrBkagatr--a f0rru'nutedrt'xemetht0imprtraLHekad hiirteamtotheugueeharuiortthiplast Jertmdmttsttarttidtu1-eMVPalhtar musaha6tmrttalktar.lhthetunatalr, itrtesrnguthredafiratetndplqeruwet wttreetimt'tttedirthuratmighttptmes AlongwithtmmmatedeeteaaitMatt rrtter,hotheametrreamphtrrirtgtrt stht-t'ththe8irhtmTttsiroitu. itytotryttut*ethourthgdanttirN temyttihttttmthmntrrdteramthtus ith their JuniorBt-.Deetseraher ttt9utut-ottNmludq,artttt 'rthatttiittstiada1ttrtitturttt peetirt16-ldmiottPatrat" . DglqarthmtMitrhrli)andr- &'1hitt.mtiiaerar,hrtmrttsttnd 1tt,'tgt,ee5, Ai, that mac-mp - your ,ymidtratsitte6tn-tnfi11," ltttiar_aidshtknrttiutahe-d . and. V _ ' . ndidnt-rattahitt-tstttr outartdr*rr.Mt.-r-ih1" games,sowiththlmtrehindhhtthe'e 'parmitogetotorithtumnaindardthe However. mammoth: 19-year-old WilfridLtitrierUtttFitrgtadmtiatmed trmirnportarttk+tmt,ttoilihasa kttokantthoutttt-dd thephyin the Midwestern {WE Hockey Lam, and, the junior B hockoyduuén ui 48 It was Halladny's first ofrteitu game between the Sikh: post and it In: the Sinkin’s home opener ... a cough gun to ifbe wtuslmmirigittreeatmttomttrttr. tmtalwithltiorT*nttred1tisdehtte, trtpvrarin,rhith%i--sci aaltenderltrn trailatHrttangedhits 'tieeagaituttuioeittdiaetetfurthe 3tmtford Cttltitorsuedtttetrtthd and ,attuntedotttt_tttrtlqrtmlina4a biionmmrtlt_ttothhimoesthrt. mm . thsewateltitqthtrnatttsim1rrmetdmsd Veteran goaltender learns a lot despite home opening loss may, mam my West Port " Flalladay time for Siskins Peter Cudhea In,siitit 'tttli, ilt (;iijiiitifii [illlai. ijiii, r .. j'i'ii' _--.-.. _'j'ii,, , (l,! , 'Ili, T"at' m fgiiiirt akhths y v = ( J, Great Selection bf l". ' ’ New or"Receditioned . 'A's'PPrGY, n s . . "i'P.T"Pi'7 " -W-N_eeW""."-'-."e"-it----- V "a. V'Wu - WATErtu$0CHRtMtthENEDteS0AY,tePTE+. IW- PW†hth" On Sunday night a bad clearing pun aiiomsdCuliitonadrHalpeeitoisakeuith just 21 seconds remaining in the second peeioomqqirxra1-1ta'sThegrnltrtathe ,dndtutftuSah'rtatattsth-eout 'luggithirtthetttiniperitd "ruabedtirnimrkratml. It’shardto tphmhintntudeirgrmm were gm] lihethat" tbi1mhtr,aealizirxrttiat it's only the use and game of the season. knows there's Aettrofruanfbrimprmeeneett,-saily ,viththeymmghluelirters Hekmwsthat minutelwillhe madebytheyomgm. btrtthi-i11iel1astheststtaonerr- Trio Including Hand.†18] King St. s., Waterloo Crow, who played nine gunmen for the tyt+'m1mtttt-mhadtheinaidetrzaot finding I Ipot on the club, but was out -udhrHaluday. "tttiris-ttoe-tinet-ni. ktahotttitandie-thingihaveever eqee'edurhdttirtmthefittilitrtothemam m (madame) in coming. It takes time ,'ithth-mmrkidsandaturall,iesrtml, our second gune.’ On Thursday night thahins Heated the Guelph Ba 61 as Faust stopped 31 of32 shun. "giliott is a great guy and an excellent palm. He's got all the tools, but just garb the ups-lance" 11 m6 pan.