PAGE " _ WATERLOO WEE. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEWER 21, 1W4 musicians to finance thelr Concert Du'ing the eaty days of her career, Forrester caught the ottention of Montreal Star founder and publisher JW, McConnell. After reading a review rn his own paper. McConnell become Corn- cerned that Forrester was "spreading herself so thin' performing when she should be studying and expanding her repertoire "As I was assisted by the generosny of a wonderful Montreal busmessmon, I am both honored and gratified To know that coming gener- mons of young mUSlCIOnS uoll At the hme, Forrester’s father was ill and she was supporting her family with what We money she made th the expense of sheet mwc. Singing lessom, "ovat- ting expenses, and so on, For. rester found it o consfonf struggle to make ends meet After hearing that, McConnell offered Forrester firnarncital assistance, and me test, as may says, is history _ , - . u. * A _ u, EARLY DINNER SPECIALS "A. Casual ... Open 7 Days ... Affordable 747-0722 Chopped Steak . itosefish Schnitzel 0 Chicken Since 1964 from 4:30 _ 6:30 pm SATURDAY CliWrES2 benettt from tinartcey ostlr farce h my nano.’ Forrester The god of Sunday's event is to raise $100,000 to ester Ilsh a fund that will provlde tLll-tuttiort scholarships to at least tour music students each year. As well, donors have pro- vlded 22 honors music stu- dents with tickets to attend the gala WOW concert. On Sunday, Rutherford and the rest of the Louder Slngers mole chorus will perform Franz Schubert’s Standchen wtth Forrester (Crr6tuetttrrmtpq.23) ‘I'm really looking forward to being on stage with het," Rutherford says "We're doing a work for a tour-port male chorus and an alto solo We had a rehearsal yes- terdaywlth the 15to 20 men m this mole chorus, and It sounds reatty nice. It's going to be exceltent.‘ The concert, which takes place at 3 pm. will feature highly acclaimed WLU Alumni such as baritone Theodore Boerg. soprano i!ilGaillE1 I tatt KING " " L WATERLOO 886-2550 across from WATERLOO SQUARE KoMeen Ben, W009 Daniel Ut9tti, and humpetet Guy Few. Atto foamed wl be - Leda De'Afh, a professor ot muse at WLU: hapdchordsf Beth Ann de Sousa, a vocd and ODGIO coach at WLU: and the Pendereckl Strlng Met, WLU‘s quateHHes- the program will Include music from three centuries, with works by Joham Sebast- ion Bach, Ralph Vaughan Wllllams, Gustav Mahler, Samuel Barber, and Franz A dedctytirxt cevemony to name to recital hall In For- rester’s honor will tcke ptoce before the concert and on champagne reception will follow the concen. Tlckets range In price from $100 to $1.000. For more Information, call 884-0710. ext 2432. -- For Information & Reservations 565- l a.“ Spirits Restaurant is open daily from 10 mm. to 6 pm. AT SPIRITS RESTAURANT 8 8 8 ' The Perfect Lunch ... ... at the Perfect Price! 8 8 ' 8 From. Only $5.95 Be sure to join us for lunch mayday! LUNCH 57 Erb St. W., Waterloo Free Admission to the Musing! "LET'S DpTtsc nmmm 885-1830