. - -- _. "_"""""' sum: it you've been waiting for papetback ot these hardcovers, you'll be waiting tor several more months. Mon are From Mam, Wanna-Hum Vermont: Womqtttehoetatwgttitto Wolves are still selling too well In hardcoVer to warrant cheaper editions. Mumm Down Underis lust appearing on American bestseler " it is the splrltuai lessons learned try an American woman who loin: a tribe ot Australian aborigines on their walk-about. Mario Morgan salt-published the book in 1991 and sold amost 3tn000 copies before it was picked up by Harper- Coins fora cool 31 .7 milhrn. The new edition comes with a higher price tag: $25, not $14,95, it should appeal to Celestine Prophecy ions. me August hype award has to go to Random House, which had delayed release of Marlon Brando's autobiography Song: My Monet Taught Me. Originally slated for September, they postponed tli 'in line tor Christmas" with hints ot lawsuits and dii- ticulty with the photo section. Meanwhile Peter Manse pushed ahead with release at tandem Biography, with a long excerpt in the September issue at Vanity Fair. (Ironically, the British edition ot Vanity contains excerpts trom Brando's own book.) Random House dropped its postpone. ment and is hoping to have its book in stores at the some time as the Manse work, Several paperback editions 0t hardcover bestselen were released it the past month. like Wtr$erttrrcttoeettst.hatt bmrrtonttietmtorovsray wmmpoperbackhelnghMaswelemw Scott smith didn't'do as well in hardcover despite Stephen King’s recommendation. Movie rights have been said tor $1 mlonandthereareamflioncopiesotthepoper-backin print, M's “use of Show. also a first mystery novel, try Danish author Peter Hoeg, I: Mt out In paperback. Tom ciancy': latest, "ttttttt lemma is topping paperback Ins, herpedbytherecentreteaaeothelatestmoviesiarmq Har- rison Ford, 9e.rttrtt"esrtttsrrrtodr, the novel behind the movie of Ported Gump is also a bemoan In one scene tom Hanksreads macaque hisson: the publsherreportsa 25 per cent boost to tftt at the HA, Rey dado. Last chance: r for summer's reads Some readers reserve the summer months tot the Big Read-- long novels to be savored wlth more time. Son of The Chem try John Irving ls lust out In hardcover; you've got one more long weekend to tackle It. Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha by Roddy Doyle, Just out In paperback, Is a shorter read about growing up In Dublin but just as worthy of savoring. See you In September. If you're out to beat odds of a different sort, say at the roulette tabies In Wlndsor, Nan Soiortott gives you the low- down on gambling in Mtpterntser's Esquire. Even if you don't learn to count cards Ot stick to the perfect strategy. the tables ot odds wit help you choose the games and casinoes that " lose your money ies quickly. Avoid the siot machines whatever you do, Speaking ot magazines, here's what I gleaned from the racks last week. Mrpterntxrr't Atlantic Monthly has a cover my try Winnitred Galagher on the roie of genetics in shop- ing personalty. Research In this field is hampered by the dictums of Ponicai Correctness: it's not acceptabie to study the genetic factors in why so many black American mates end up in prison. Gal. ioaher finds otoute through these quagmires by pointing out the predictablty is not tigkt, that behavior is lntiuenced by a myriad at factors, This magazine also contains a well-bai- anced article on whether eiectronic murttnedia wil replace printed books. Not Ikeiy says D.T. Max, Chuck Erlon is the owner/operator of Words Worm Books in Waterloo. at. WATERuxbChRtmttxM,tAeoAY,AUt3u6r8t, nun-Pun uni-yak aau-, 77 “Malina-0d.†'trtt..thAae.' WIW'UW WWI� i TPio . to 1mlttbl'a', LEIGH PLUS.' 7 Same of the Sexes Saturday. Sept. 3/94 TWI_ Dunn, MMHNM'93‘S4 M'rslyatethrttrthartwS4 1uanu-UpMiuNude MWM'S‘ "lbw-chm “an“: Lian Lover, Justin thmo ihsgtheartainqrt#the Virilm FREE new