Wouidyoutsetrsrvet-ttttecott torthepast twoweeirsandoniyreadonebooir? 'at,%ilt'e',,'2'g'll bookslnormolytruckupthere,ihardiybe|eveltmysel.8ut W521 '.rN"t?ta?mtttettt,mottt-aoutoredniG) (Addison. WW. hardcover, $35.95) was no easy read. Over .thb coturnn and next week's " tel you why, And hopetuly Convince you how worthwhle a read it b. We mentioned before that Kelly is the tormer editor of Whole Earth Review and current editor at Wired, a real rehab- sance man, abie to digest and Interpret the cutting edge in a wide variety of tieids. He then gathers together al these threads at meaning and weaves a picture of the future, Whetheryou agree with his protections depends on how we! you're convinced by his insights. But even it you reiect his tapestry, you wl have gahed dgnl‘icantty by the encounter. So iet's start with hit conclusions and trace backwards. Kenhr!Ktqyeto'esthetrourtrtarytretweentttetxxnandttu made. between nature and machines. He envisions corn- puter and robotics becoming more orgaNtr-otth to sell: generate and evolve according to their own ‘genes'. But run without centralzed contra, Ieii- governhg, abie to iearn try "eroaepymation", the way ideas evoive with scores of contributors on the Internet. He coins this proces the Bio-logi- cal Revolution. you’re convrncea by his Insights. But even It you reiecl his increadng complexity. tapestry, you wl have gahed dgnl‘icanttyby the encounter. And that’s only Chapter 2. I not only took a long tine to So let's start with hit conclusions and trace backwards. read Out of Control, I had to read it In short bursts. often doz- KenhrH9qyetra'ettttetrourtrtarytretweentttotxxnandttu 'mtotrwMttrnrtrutreomckxtstacuexttt,ontytocometxxs made. between nature and machines. He envhlons com. and reread the some passage before tacking the next tew puter and robotics becoming more orgaNo-otAt to 'trlt-, paragraphs. generate and evolve according to their own ‘genes'. But I think what Kelly is driving at Is this. The world has grown run without centralzed control, Ieli- governhg, able to learn more complex than we con handle with yesterday's logic try "-polltnation", the way ideas evolve with scores of and science. In order to discover, and ride the wave of, the contributors on the Internet. He coins this proces the Blo-logi- emergent order item al this chaos, we're going to have to cal Revolution. switch to dbtributed or swarm systems. Our minds individualy Kely's ioumey is anything but Inear. Here are a lew or his and colectivety are already geared to parallel, not just linear, way-stations. He starts with a study at bee hive behavior. Not functions. But distributed control does not spell the end to even the most astute scientist could predict the corporate hierarchies. Whle top-down hierarchies that limit the flow at structure of the hive try studying the individual bee. The Information downwards wll diminish, control will sm exist within nation at emergent control, at the totality being always "chunks" of peers tackling separate aspects ot complex greater than the sum of its parts, ls central to the rest of the problems. 'Complexity must be grown from simple systems back. The web or swarm model is tound in the phone system that already work," declares Kelly. and the brain: thomands ot interactions taking place at the As an example ot cross-pollination between Kelly's book some time. The hear or clockwork model is tound In tactorles (cm on page 19) qoeeeoeeeeoeeeooeeeoeeoooe.ooee.oee.. The hive mind gone out of control a a!“ run In logical sequence under centrallzed control, the strongest advantage of the swarm system b Its adaptablty. able to evolve In tesponse to new 'thtull, Obie to take on WATERuxFNttx,E"eBte$0AY,A-ritttiPaaEtr aratr_oer-d.et â€Gd-dunk“ "ua.eh6ae.. Wag-110.5% PLUS.' Battle of the Sexes Saturday, Aug. 13/94 can. "'toqt$qa, “an “MP-m Ann-Jun IT mm. _F?ytMrrrritot -ft-guiai-r-ifgy FREE TABLE 12:30 _ mo no . 12:â€