PAGE 8 _ WATERLOO mm. WY.MV 20. was CuSToMER-FmENDCY PARKING . OVER 320 QUALITY STORES E SERVICES WELCOME YOU TO UPTOWN WATERLOO C0: Let me stretch your mind with a quotation. It goes like this: “It Is an incontestable truth that we are enclosed in the envi- ronment we create, and so, bound by the limitations we set ourselves. We live in the atmosphere to which we belong and in the sphere of own imagination." Now there's a thought calculated to make a person take a new, long, inward look. l ' _ we are enclosed in the environ- ment we create and so bound by the limitations that we set ourselves" One only has to consider the number of people who have boasted of the hard times and tough neighborhoods they came from They broke away from their environment because in thear imagination they did not belong then and they are right- ly proud of it. Many more did so because of their parent or graryipa,rents', imaginations There 'are thousands of prosperous Canadians today, whose nmmgrant grandparents endured all the hardships of poverty so that their children could have the education that could take them out of that environment. They chow to remain in the slums and ghettos, so that their children could eocape from them. All honor to them for their tremendous "erifiees, but it was therr choices, not their limitations, that M them do it. All of us live in the atmosphere to which we belong, because tt IS the atmosphere we inve settled for. To mphin about it 13 absurd as jumping into the water, and then complaining of being wet! Do you know that if more people understood, and fated up to this great truth, they'd stop complaining about things and realize that their words are of their own creations and if they feel they can stand some improvement, it’s up to them to do something about it. " Back In the 60s, our permissive society went to its famous limit by preaching that we are all victims of our environment, that society created the poor. It even went so far as to bring about Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty, which was a pre- dictable flop because it was based on inverted thinking. People create slums; slums do not create the poor. As Mike Todd, the late film producer, who often faced financial loss, said: "To be broke is a temporary situation; to be poor is a state of ttund." Ifpeoyeoeurrealizedthertherwieldtmrtheirmm 1ivesartddestirtiets,therwmgdtiveintetmtuuteo_ derandthankaoiimrTheraeeatrh_irimaginatiorts. They are limited only by the mental fence- they erect and mum wehavealt-tseeorfirtttudng-irtstthewirtdo- “PE pane,1tw1ll repeatmilrbe.titstteadaeimtthegi-hiie thewmdow thrmsehs.ttidtit-dieid-dtmettr. sornanypeo-uttiutttat,th-edlrtteatttteir heads. telling themehubovfrumteddwyminthenelf- imposed prisoer,ttter-sid mtheremnpiairtahtmtttteaitw tionthandosoertethirgtoe-ehmnie Itieetnstohimreoettturumri1tirt-ttshehoeteatrrittt ourselves wearequiatoburrseittters,tmttirtdaiihistitr ourselves whenmsdotttesantethirtecWeaspeutaodfind excellent reasons'for doing nothing. Buoathetnansaid,it'saliinwttnt-tfbrott- and what-riiiimrtoettletrsr,andit'ofunntthintr, most people think they mt more than they really do; and settle fora lotlesa thantherantldeam. Geoff Fellow, operates the Human Know Development Victims of our environment i L? _ TA), I " CM PERSPECTIVE Made up of representatives of the Waterloo Regional Health Unit, Cambridge Memorial and Kitchener-Waterloo Hospitals. the Woolwich Community Centre, the u [ache Imagine, the Mn of Midwives, Asrenta of Multiple rsarsrthsr1xtriiqitmandpe' per- cent an ttill breastfeeding attmtinrrmtatttttr" tesdtstmninaitttatrttt-tters atrqtt-ttbatirtgforttmroftsm muons - they either want to reemtatmeeart0sdtttesyettrtt doboth,oethqrtbd theirhtaut milk doesn‘t provide trufrteient During World Breastfeeding Week (Aug. 1 to Aug. 7), the Waterloo Regional Breastfeeding Committee has planned a variety of events aimed at promoting the 1xmefita of breastfeeding, as well as encouraging employers to accommodate employees who are breastfeeding mothers As one of hundreds of coalitions across Canada participating in the second annual event, which is spearheaded by INFACI‘ Canada and the World Alliance for Breast- fwding Action (WABA), the local committee will set up stalled infor- mation displays at local hospitals and 11 won-hams amuse the region. -tion" of triattrdingeayis can}. mime member Maggiis Weidmark, also of the Health Unit's Healthy "It'g part of our mandate to encourage mothers to breastfeed longer than tour months," Weid- mark say: "So I year ago. we did a survey of our timt.time mothers, and found that 85 per cent of mothers are breastfeeding when they leave the hogan, but cub 62 Births, tlmastret College and pk. natal educators, the Waterloo hGtw-eirtgtbrinottthana A "utotUr6iertdly workplace initiative', hunched may hr WABA. in aimed It alleviating the tirat concern hr offering policies MWMempbyatsan than men-Nam to m *edadtereetttrttirqrtom" Tttrough the initiative, employ- gunman-again): -Protect Canada‘s existing Deborah Crandall Chronicle Staff here are many barriers Twhlch prevent new mothers from breastfeeding their babies, from camels to social stig- mas. But a local committee is working to break down some of Breaking down the barriers to breastfeeding in the workplace 'ou, tttttrt-tVs-ity-ir 'Suwort Mable intimt and dsihuertatortttsttrtttt_tttxs, and provide transportation for trrttttmtrsiitthtirlmhias; .Pttrvidedaily%sauf&t- fedingpreetristgtstmiik; °Provide comfortable, private $eitititstbreeirtgttmUmirtg '0ffer fuzible work hours to brenatfeeding women, such " partatime ham, longer blah, 'Encoui‘age co-worken and management to have a positive, traggoudrnar*,ottttemttm-tyCtdhHnrtrtgmnt,de ptajiaNNrtsttettptrmttstiett-dtrt.TtteTfhtrt-m iakapltxtitrrrttktthtitodtttt1lRsddSmidirtgF .t-miitasarrsa,mrrsthat r Doitallin... 'Keep the work environ-en: clean and safe from hazardous mttttm Indduninls; inform women workers end eitomiotherrighta; 'Eneounp a network of sup- putive woman in minus a work- as’ you]: who eanhdp woman to amttinet-sttusdiqrartd_ move) up, poop]: wound to - if We we sing to be hint ing belie- to work, and We not it,". Weidmnrk any: 'Wehr encour- aging employen to [some [new feeding mothers with n nice, comfortable environment to (mem')