PAGE it _ WATERLW CW. WEDNESDAY. JULY M, 1m The land of the free? s?" o: a, Waterloo Town Square " King St. South, Suite 201 Waterloo, Ontario fherreTYudeau putitsowellaquarterofaeenturyagowbenhe sad that swvernmentdassnotlxsltmginthtslxsdrutmadthettattdt. I am sure he would agree that legislating mom's morality is exactly what we do when we perpetuate discrimination against gays The people 1n the U S, who dont want gays in the military are today using the same arguments that were made years ago by those who dkin't want blacks. Doesn't that seem Minimal today, - daily since Gen. Colm Powell, the tapAmeekanalhiishlttte' AmencanseantakeixollsTheycanviaitsutanarir-togetqim nonson wNsarethelxssteitizenslntthatismotturnleofad- ram: government m a fme M lhe comervauve movement, to which I Mb, has as one of us basic tenets. the belief that government should stay out _ ple's private lives. Government gowns best when it governs least and stays out of the unposmble task of Mating morality. Cnderthe " constitution, asumierouromt,tserrmeiagutt anteed the nghttodoasheorshepieaesasketgasitdtxmthann someone else Why can't some Americans Whig that? Manner Senator Barry Goldwater said this past week: "You don't need toNr"straighttoiigtttamidieforrxtraRmtry.YouJUt need to shoot straight." 10eneveryAmerwanleamsthatlestm,ixqlesrrillgtartheing far more tolerant of each other, President Climax strongly favored havmggays inthemilitary Buttheptetmttutltmsxkthathewas put under by having to enforce a “Don't ask, daft telf" policy on gays mthe mtlitaryishnxxiyatbetrtamigrmsdixriminationat worst Some thought gays were crazy but then found that wasn't true, Then they decided gays were a security risk but again, they found that was false One Navy study m 1956 found gays to be good secu- my nsks Even Larry Kbrb, Premdent Reagan's man in charge of implementing the Pentagon ban on gays, now adets tt was a dumb Idea Why won't the American congressional leadership see this? Why are they so narruwtuaied? Why won't they look at moat European counmus and see how well gays have fit into the military? Why wont they adnut how successfully Canada has admitted gar into the armed forces†Canadians are far more tolerant about dreaming Gaysinthe auhtary-oranywhereeue,rorthatmatt--daithe samenghtsassotherpamle_tslmukilxs. WhenwtiltheAmeekanonallranartsmupaMgtVterpar plethetrfrmdtxnin"thelamidttt"rse? AlltheyneedtodoisjtutkVttttoCanttdttamitlttty(tse that we've integrated gays intoourtnilitttrywittmt anypmblema whatsoever, ButtherearestillsomeIxqleinAmeiartaxiety-whkhtrw (htionallypruiitaelfontrerkm-rehoarroolitNtaithatthqy dont wantgaystoltavethesamerightaas-txxtyelae.Artdtttey wanttokeepthem outofthetnilitary What absolute nonsense Everyone knows that gays have served honorably in the military since the days of Julius Caesar. Theyll still be serving long after we're all dead and buried. That sMukin't surprise anyone But most Americans should be shocked to know that while the countryrs economy is gonng down the tubes, their military has wasted a half-billion dollars over the past decade chasingdm gays and running them out of the armed servwea You really} have to ask yourself why. Military studies have proven again and agam that there's no valid reason for keeping the ban on gays What 13 tt about some Americans that causes them'm get no worked up about gays in the military? Telephone 886-2830 News Line 886-3021 Fax. No. 886-9383 MEANWHILE... MW N2J 1P2 MAM McNab um Mirtinuk his Cudhu (Sports Editor) Debonh Crandall Tom Brochlbcnk Tom Brown Gerry Mattias Don Steam Little drops ofrnoistum And an mfection now and then, Theycall thisauxstersupply? 1at'slaskatthatpipelineaguin, I'm going from bad to verse because regional oirt. cials want to know what we think about our water andwheteweshouldgetitAklet'stellthem. imagine why they'd be Stu-prised. After all, these are the folks who brought us the $10ipmillion Mannheim water-recharge white ele- phant and the folks who also brought us the water- borne cryptasporidium infection that gave thousands of us the trots. Those runs were really something, weren't they? Theylaataiarkmgthataotneofusmsrotartingto suspect that the region had taken to importing its waterihmtMexiaysoitaudmakehheatouristpar By the way, the risgion's brass hats aren't too thri1kdhywhatwethinktftheiretrortaaofarHeant Aqyhow,theNgionaldficialsareNopingthatthey cangtst"intaws"wNkpartkipatiotionsdiat6Ud bgdoneabput future yaw; supplies. Har, har.haif wutapyoftusarsrrillmaheadifretmas. Aaexerwtekum0mloathetootfermyopinion onapythingsti1l,ifmyarmwetereallrtwiated, N tellthemthix 1. Make maximum use of grmmdwater. (There'g a ktmoreavailahleanditneedsonlythepoliticalwill mosaic.) 2. GetcrmkingonathrsatukmpiIxslinebeause everyone know: well ultimately need it. 3. Let’s quit talking about using more river water except to irrigate and eradicate weeds. (Presumably theonlyreaatmourexpestachaseGrandRiverwater was because the River Ganges wasn't immediately available.) 4. Mothhull the Mannheim mistake the day the first drop of water ilom, thmugh the pipeline. The very iimt drop. Bythttr,oursattutrtartingtorankriehtup herewithchampaynewlmiteomestoeostldm’t reallyknowwhosetattteraushutIthinkiknow where our income-tn auditors go when they turn So, they want to know what I think about the water situation IliekCamthell Waterloo Chronicle is published every Wain-thy by The views of our columnists are their own and do at noon-arm "PM†the views of the newspaper. tt'lt'i'i? "‘ tit.tif3.,.. Ham "v. wr . . " The Fairway Group Immted 8aharirtiat mu t16hinrarltddr, “Sputum l Kitchener. Ont. $8t)mrirtntitde Candi President: Paul Winkler ' tue. A Final Oink: Former prime minister Pierre Mdeau walks the streets of Montreal unattended. And Joe Clark and John Turner dont get guards either. ButBrian Himaelfia.itgtotmtcanadiantaspar Arts $1.2 million a year for notation. Thah 25 oftitens tp provide four on a shift at an average cost of policyon tecurityrortimtttsrPMis.Siy, apolicythat prescribes one guard per wheel on my authorized vrhkle.AndthatkesgivrsBrian unicycle. Where'd We Got Never mind the UFOs. Our whole community has vanished. At least it has on maps pmduoed by the [onion Vinita! and Conven- tion Centre. Yup, the London maps show Semis, draw Hamil. ton, show Toronto, but there's no sign of Kitchener- Waterloo. . For heaven's sake, they even show Stratfoni. It's obvious that Inndonis just jealous and fearful anditghouldberemindedthattourigtaar-ilypuv For example, you have to wonder how many tourists come from Scotland, get a yearning for old- amntryfaxi,hokuparmtadrantiitltawa' ti1lyeneztrtdpteMPo.tta1d.'r. .. 1hstheRadAbintreishardtotxstitmsthatfiy1.'c Holidayiaa1rnkimuiondnitrsotttheroadthiis Di9rruettwtothintterayhtyy.tsin,,this asuntrywersiakiikadtoeai,iedbtrthwutkiay? Haveagmsathmtriay,eh.Astdtrsatisoms. YbuhavemwonderwhoauthorizedthiLWemeda