1 'llllrltllllll JM-lr-i-ll-I-di) all†I] , i l ENTERTAINMENTZ NE Kr'l)rfttl I-yi), . I l " I t C... I I i ----__- 1- P LO) -- MlRlLrrli , i r, _ I ' C", . I I I ", ". " i , . " _.' - I I f©r lunCh ' I iiBXAi), t i I _ , ' 1ltlgNii, i , I " : ' _. _.' i qi l - TUESDAVTO than mm " _', . " B, ,i1Fy"frrNitll+ll.lllItill r/-\ III II I I I. I r Ii y n ,rr ', i g. 2.3% .4" , I I I " l I I . 2 i l I .- - SATURDAY AND SUNuAi WON (I [, [_" ' rd or"; , in-.. ... I _ . ..... : MlMApSlANC)0ri8(b-?u -- ' atti' I l I " I I I I I I I I I 'c, L, . n I I â€To “to,“ - ZN l i, '"'"'"'rPt88MN 5s,. ' if? " Ererir;r'iisfE'i-r)w s/rr'? i gn [itt Rltrit. "is-Ci-iii/i:",),,--,, ‘f I t _i,:ri,_,L",?sj, Fl ill IilliiN"fiirC(lii'is,'i,s'i'i,' . 1rtit . . " " "is u, m , kit, t7fttj1 " " . . ‘~ We}: . Ga I , BWE, l - ' " ‘ V or R, C EEii's _. T a, I i. . g ' - I=Mrww'. --q \ " 1 " , . T w Slr, ' B, R ‘3 . Bl , é Er5iti'h"il"a C i '-B-0ue l I "," , talt-l, M,! "4qs ‘ 'tir, {a} i _ , 'till' IlriPt,: v. co , ll) is; 2, "diiN Fl 'ik:, ' , "h1'-,tr"" a, N 'rp “ , il I - . "i'3tieicgx'cr, , g ' 'jtllrtlaB, . » , /' g‘ a ir, L { Compour John Roby _iri) b. . fs'is,t,) w collaborated with Ray y, ‘ 'tel . " . . . _,'-,): 'lea, to croItI _ " CA, "g h . ‘1 g I rumland (shown Mgr, â€an, . , '-,'-,re,',i,ilt here), which wowed tem "i. t T Pt3 a a? t _,fa':i'is), ', m . ‘om in Blyth In '89. 'f?,, “ _ n A 25K. " ': a T Now, Roby'ttbactoetth Er. is ""t"i . CL] RB. ll sifa" E b f I 'i"-",':'])'" his first solo effort, Ft1ci't" Brig ' 3 Eh Lai, q . The Old Man's Band, V , T 7 c, Eâ€; which opens Friday It ii-iii, i , . ., a "i, ., i," ’ them Fm" YW:'-, ji:-:)',',"'-,)' i. A _ F 'i V J 'c' ' m By Deborah Crandall Roby has collaborated on several Blyth Ine Kaszas (who was, at one time. Blyth .,f, F productions. such as County Hearts, writ- Festival's artistic director], The Old Mant is». 'lt ust as sons clash with fathers, rock 'n' ten with Ted Johns, and Girls in the Gang Band began tn take shape â€g4 roll will clash with Dixieland when The and Dreamland. written with Ray Storey. "Katherme really took to it and is in prac (rt,'i' 's Wt, Old Man's Band hits the Blyth Festival But The Old Man's Band ts the first pro tically every way, responsible for it becom "e. " p 'rf, stage this week. duction in which Roby has stepped beyond mg a production," Roby says "She has "7;; ' t A debut playwright effort by theatrical his role as composer and musical director some fabulous ideas. and has a wonderful rir:,r" F"N" . m I composer John Roby, this musical uses His new role as playwright, however, hap- way of not telling you what to write. but sugr l, '5': music as a metaphor to examine the ever- pened more by chance than by design gesting alternatives I confess to being a l 'Tr. widening generation gap. "About two years ago I was talking to my greenhorn, and so I have really taken her i jf ',2ttt " _Set in 1959 NOW! Scptir The Did Ma_n's Bgtn.t. arid said. , have this idea fora show athnce l've written and scored all the =7“ . 'r E? El Cl IE 'vilhenlfirastgotthtsitittafrrthethow,l was really intemssted, from an artistic point of view. in exploring the idea of using music as a metaphor for the generational gaps - rock and roll fir the kids. and Dixieland for the older generation - and in using the music to support that metaphor of txxtthtt" TheDldMan'sBandia manttnRobrthtm ahitHkstefiiortatphrverigNing--tis,in many ways. autrobioipsphkal. 'Myfathsr didhava aDlxieland band, and I did, indeed. play bass with him for a whic.‘ Roby says. 'But in the play, the kid is really trtharrttttttttd to be playing with these guys. I was slightly erthamtstteti, but I did son of enjoy k. son, an espng young rock musician, finds himself with a “new“ paycheque and abadhairtM,pittyingatan6Mobasainhis father's band, The Dixieland aompers. The father finds himself with a totaliy embar- rassed son who'd rather by iammin' with his rock and roll buddies than helping out the old man. ust as sons clash with fathers, rock 'n' roll will clash with Dixieland when The Old Man's Band hits the Blyth Festival stage this week. A debut playwright effort by theatrical composer John Roby, this musical uses music as a metaphor to examine the ever- widening generation gap. Set in 1969 Nova Scotia, The UdMan's Btmdistheatoyotafathtrtsndson. The W BLYTHVFESTIVAL Great Canadian plays. Call (519)523-9300 Compoeer John Roby collaborated with Ray Storey to create Dreamland (shown here), whlch wowed “em ln Blyth In '89. Now. Roby’e book wlth his flret solo effort, The Old Alan’s Band, whloh opens PM at )“h‘ Looking for someone else to collaborate with. Robyesked hitragentftrtMrgeations. Andhisagtmt,inrxstesuggestrsdsorrw thingRohhadnttxmsi6eted. 'He seid.’Youshou|diustwriteityourself. becaustsitiswurstsy,andyouseemtn hmnsaptmttycltsaridtsaofiMtatwuwtmtit trsbe--otydtmtwuiusttryit.Anditit isnt any good, believe me, I'll be the first one no tell you'. My agents handle all the newCanadianplaNrighta,sothemsptety tough. realtkanewmeywa-entgoinguo goeasyontne." Roby dropped his play off at his agent's officsimtMago,andtvrunghishantts all weekend awaiting "the verdict'. And t6mitcamein,RotryhttdhimtWapltry. SincitttrafVft.itnttttdttdabitof work. bteaittttNthelpoftiNarrKatMts and Dreamland, mum with Ray Smrey. But Thtst%Man'sBandtstNstimite duction in which Roby has stepped beyond hismleascomposerandmusicdd‘rector. His new role as playwright. however. hap- pened more by chance than by design. "AtxMtmyeatsagolwtttstahjngtnrtty agentandsaid,1htrvethisideafirashow and I'm looking for surname to collaborate with," Roby recalls. "At the time, Ray Stri,vmtomlutrualty_ith,wtrsinsry busy {noticing on a lot-of T.V. and film writ; ing.P1ushehrsdinEttmtmtrhichmade 1kinti_ofhtynitnirttagtstrtrtuithllirp." We are not SOLD 0m ...yet "The actors don't actually play Imstrw memsl,sowehtrvrsarmalbandupstagern a little studio," Roby says. "We play In than. and mike it out though the (sand) trystem.1hatwtmyfstynrt)ttui96.tdry, andpeoplecanatilltalktmdbehtFtm stage. We have. many. quite an accom- plished sound beam doing our Bound." Since the Show involves a teenager who's intrsrsitxsdintot*'rfrNRotrytttpssitk* attract young pabpla to the theatra And saw int%atitms as that t wi. ine Kaszes [who was, at one time, Blym Festival's artistic director]. The Old Man's Band began to take shape, 1thttwinerxsaltytrxAtxoit, andls, unprec- tically every ww. ramble for , bacon» mg a production," Roby says 'She has some fabulous ideas. and has a wonderful wtrrtofntrtrBingyroutMtattror%s, butsug- gasting alternatives. I confess to being a greenhorn. and so I have really taken her advice. I've written and scored all the music, and musically directw t, which Is a huge amount of work. But. certainly, Katherine has given the play its shape. She's done a great job drawing t . Unlike moa playwrights. Mic. once a play isinptoduction,gettnsittoaceandrolaxts bit. Roby will be active each night of his play‘s run. He'll be upstage. in a 'sound- proof box', directing and performing with the productions museums (the live music will early, via rNcrxophones, tNoughout the them]. tieATERLt9ot2itttmK1E.AEtmESDAY.gUCY28.1993 - PAGE 13 ICmtmuedtmp-31) one time, Blyth [ The Old Man's