PAGE 4 â€" WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. JULY 14, 1983 iB 111 101000 B 1 18 .. .. Rcatitrons SnA on hn I Well,we’vegotwntnlair,l:bptlibubnby,ï¬eddel,mlflnghh ahttleheatmthekitdmtopuhingseookinginnhundpodm- tion, right gang?" Terrmarzzzzrrizt. OKï¬rstup!obat.DmfusinMubtin&whflaetï¬wmm wegomgweprdemzothemwit.hth'umt.h‘." "I slept on the balcony last night." "Wha"" "Slept on the balcony, I‘m not taking another night inside my apamnent.Mywifenndlamrotalin&OneMghtme,mnidlther. I}Ieï¬vedayforecastsaysshebetterwatchoutforu:wms Saturday." "Uh, OK, while ywregemngymnmwmm in systems, do_we_flthe.hxp out o(‘that co:nputer sgï¬wate‘ayet, LML® boacnmt ts hnd inoadinis Alnbctnieie ty L ah, can‘t limï¬mhmlog, can‘t live without, nudge, nudge, wink, wink." "Il] get at it today, Mr..Aleme. Though I may need the afternoon off. I sat up all night eating Popsicles." "All night?" ‘I‘welve‘olthem.l‘vegotmaghpdnhtoh:ymyhda?opï¬a Petebnseballgbmh'mwutherheplmmqunflyforn mmww†uie 3 e n 4O V bnai hiols 2 bnvacisedinl Abstmresares. hi “lsee,OKfolks.let’su'yeoha-inonthejobulundhau,uh prod\'newhmw-ndnmnmg' "Fine, boss." "Camirs.yuuhavehtbadark?Ymhwlmtonmchh right up to your ear." 'Hellubephnld'mgonedmmhhhmdâ€"baflmw see the pillow case." 'Mygoodmu.mdvhae's[ï¬thut?flnm-woodtomt on those newâ€"fangled accounting procedures." > "She‘s off with a bad back, boss." 'Wha,she'snemheens’ck:dayinhaliï¬!" ‘WelLlhawaynp‘suaitmhc,dnh-nhhmnh'cmdi- mmherden.hdthnt'sthegoodm'l‘bhdmwlhthat Lhekmseansmodnttosuet&mtm,uflthemnhuahnd- For some reason some like it hot ‘WelLsheventdowntoLbeWmdgflthidddrm&- uws.axdblewuup,andwokhwtotbedmufllbptmit†"Wise move." "Ah, not so." ‘WelLunshealismllyhaveitstoflmallo{us,’un'tit?Anything for a round table discussion? Knobknock?" 'Ya.bos.jmtth&lvannomnhthanmthnmywifemdl are having marital difficulties." “‘Wellyousmdywhaven’tnanhuinmdm" ‘Mfsm.lwhmhmflhdwmgd: McA cAcad o# ddandbmedtcrmad n Auradebriity or t T beanbag, me on the couch. She,mthoothuhmd.dnm’tlibthe humï¬itysoshe’:hwd:tmthacha'mhmp,dmduplhnh oli:etochompon.andliuinï¬undflnq:mï¬'ib.&nmm mmmmmmmmmm"mu be able to have lunch together about 1 p.m. Monday." "Argh. Meeting adjourned." Waterloo Chronicle Published every Wednesday by ‘The Fairway Group Incorporated 215 Fairway Rd. S., Kitchener, Ont. July 14, 1993 THAT‘S LIFE Tuesday June â€" August 8 a.m. â€" 3 p.m. Thursday Saturday Farmers‘ Market St. Jacobs & Flea Market .A .. t carctles o licaleraretieisor hi pit Alnorfhedgeomeerioowl'\ereWebermeeszing 747â€"1830 e Solid pine & oak e Finished or unfinished ® Large variety ® Locally crafted St. Jacobs Market complex Tuesday â€" Saturday 747-1-832 tat far end of cattle auctio Village of St. Jacobs 664â€"3848 behind Riverworks Shed * buy direct from growers e 400 vendors * tremendous selection fresh foods e huge decor & housewares area * quality flea market * pony rides Countryside Furniture Discount Mufflers Now you can shop at market 3¢aysawcck! Faree Unoencar Inspecrions & Esnuares Nanowmoe Lirenue GuaranteEs Complete Exhaust Service Shocks / Struts + Coil Springs r round! _ .m. â€" mid afternoon Waterloo 746â€"1070 355 Weber St., North Tuesday Market! OPEN MON. â€" SAT. 8 AM TO 6 PM Until August 31 (Comer of Weber & Columbia Streets) tnt far end of cattle auction rings) Copyright © Meineks 1902 mummm-mnâ€"mw NS val wity ary dher otiet, Muat pregant Soupon at time of estimate. McPherson Strute Excluded inmlnbuiins NEW & USED VEHICLE LEASING 1400 Jn Spark some interest with a fast selling classified ad. BILL FEARON or PAUL BROWN 394 Weber St. N. 725â€" Flexible Terms HOT LINE: + taxes