IDE : 894â€"2173 Cekee for any occasion. ad would The Fox40® â€"â€".Wall washâ€" »..; T Fige // The City of Waterloo Traffic and Parking Byâ€"law also restricts parking on all City streets to a maximum of three (3) consecutive hours. Streets located in the core of Waterloo have either a one or two hour parking restriction, and are posted as such. Signage advertising these restrictions are located along the main streets entering the City of Waterloo. The City appreciates your coâ€"operation in the compliance of these byâ€" laws. Adult Recreation Centre &, _ Wing 404 RCAFA 185 King Street South Rotary Adult Centre 579â€"1020 510 Dutton Dr. 888â€"6356 FRIDAY FLICKS, July 16 â€" Movie "ANNIE" begins at 1:30 p.m. at ARC. Cost: 50 cents. "DAMN YANKEES" AT ARTPARK THEATRE, Wednesday, July 28. Bus departs at 8:45 a.m. from ARC. Cost: $39.00. TORONTO BLUE JAYS versus MINNESOTA TWINS, Thursday, August 12. Bus déeparts at 10:00 a.m. from ARC. Cost: $28.00 SENIORS‘ JUBILEE, Tuesday, August 17. Bus departs at 10:00 a.m. from ARC. Cost: $34.00. * % s MISS SAIGON, Wednesday, November 24. Bus departs at 8:45 a.m. from ARC. Cost: $125.00 (payment is due upon booking). The City of Waterloo Traffic and Parking Byâ€"Law does not allow overnight parking on City streets. PART V â€" PARKING AND STOPPING RESTRICTIONS states that "unless otherwise permitted in this byâ€"law, no person shall at any time, park a vehicle on any highway between the hours of 2:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m." Please direct all inquiries to this office. The Waterloo Fire Department Fire Prevention Office The City of Waterloo Lodging House Licensing Has Moved to: CITY OF WATERLOO TRAFFIC BYâ€"LAW 83â€"19 ANNOUNCEMENT 216 Weber St. N. Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3H4 L.J. Ayers CITY CLERK COMMUNITY INFORMATION â€" 886â€"1550 Monday, July 19, 1993 Monday, August 16, 1993 Monday, August 30, 1993 The Council Meetings will be in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, commencing at 4:00 p.m. «BErom 4:00 p.m. â€" 6:00#».m. Council will deak with internal staff ~Teports and from 6:00 $.m. on they will hear Delegations and deal with Formal Public Hearings. This is to advise that the Summer Schedule of Council Meetings for the Corporation of the City of Waterloo has been revised as follows: Feeding the ducks does more harm than good! Ducks require a healthy diet of vegetation and water insects. Feeding the ducks contributes to: * Interruption of natural behavior â€" inadequate diet / nutrition â€" not migrating south WATERLOO PARK * Disease / sickness â€" botulism â€" high coliform counts * Environmental Pollution / Reduced Water Quality â€" odour â€" discoloured water â€" reduced oxygen don‘t Please * DUCKS & GEESE DON‘T NEED HUMAN FOOD A New Spirit of Giving COUNCIL MEETINGS SUMMER SCHEDULE Beat .bt Y JUL YAGZIUGIW . 3J0MOAHY OOUAITAW â€" S+ 3DA WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1993 â€" PAGE 43 L.J. Ayers City Clerk City of Waterloo 747â€"8704 A national program to encourage giving the ducks