by!!! Lt,. w; ' 6.5.1. and}: is should fa_u'a'au'a'e ' “Ill brand valve cm tear, min, Itm â€5130 m . iCfiiiiiitii"iiiaity at Waterloo Stlar Powered Ctr. 1his-illuat-rttttusatmrot-thethtitsistaus 1100 mile-powered solelytmm smur,o-,tartostp.m..awau,therieetrrumge".ortheftrfmtetll msGiai"hmoitittlruisaututsttawntutiillrovteePntityrt' tse-tmai-coat/stat-ia-ttse-dst-asm'" a public Any person may attend the Public Meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation either in support of, or in opposition to the proposed Official Plan or Zoning By-law Amendment. If you wish to make a presentation to the Physical Development Committee, please notify the City Clerk so that the necessary arrangements can be made to place you on the agenda. In addition, a written summary of the presentation should be filed prior to the meeting. For further information regarding the above matters, please contact the City of Waterloo Planning and Public Works Department, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, Ontario or call 747-8763. TAKE NOTICE that the Pttrkal Development Committee of The Cetmtioes ofthe City oletorloo will hold a Public Meeting on June 21, 1993 at 7:30 pm. in the Council Chambers. 3rd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Hnet South. Waterloo to consider the following application to amend the ouch) Hm Immune to Sections 17 and 34 of The Planning Act, The applicants hive requested amendments to the Ofticial Plan and Zoning By-hw to permit a portion of the subject lands (i.e., parcel 1 on the KEY MAP) to be developed an a single detached dwelling. The designation for panel 1 would change from "Open Space†to "Estate Residential" while the zoning would change from Green 'G' to Single Residence Three SRS'. The amendments would also restrict a portion onhesutFt1a.nd10u.sortte1?ethtKEYMAP)totseuaedueiiGt mm purposes by designating the lands from "Rural" to "Open Spaceâ€. om PLAN AND t6iiiiitiifae AMENDMENT mutation of energy emciency and environmental responsibility in m banning - 802 Westvale Drive, Tel: 5760306 WATERLOO REGION GREEN HOME Cameron Rapp, B.E.S. “Inuit! and Public Works CFf%7TT l g .i,",.'ii'ii",r,1' as“? a U2f, "t-dttttotpl-lgrt0ttttetse gong-gnocnywmmnovol All vign- plueod on Chr property. which Include. beam-n13. In Moon! under City of VII-Moo - 80-75. Wool-W1C}! TOWNSHIP PUBLIC MEETING ThEGTY0rWAmtioo COUNTRY SQUIRE NOTICE." "2visis-sccc-i-si-; e p" W'.“"‘.Tuf’m _-___..__ r.w-r, awe“ COMMUNITY INFORMATION 886-1556 LADY MUSKOKA CRUISE: Tuesday, July 6 Bus departs at 7:30 tcmArorn ARC, Cost: $34 00 TORONTO BLUE JAYS 'WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS‘ Saturday, July 17. Bus departs at 11:00 am. from ARC. Cost: $28 00 "DAMN YANKEES" AT ARTPARK THEATRE: Wednesday, July 28 Bus departs at 8:46 am. from ARC. Cost: $39.00 10th, and 11th. An after-Hours Benoit Box is located a the William Street side ofour City Hall ' Plyment in to be made by cheque only, It the drop box. An In added convenience for making payment, the TYeasury Services Division will tannin open until6:80 pan. on all due dues, June 8th, 9th. Adult Recreation Centre Wing 404 RCAF A 185 King Street South Rotary Adult Centre 579-1020 510 Dutton Dr 888-6356 SUMMER LINE DANCE: Wednesdays 10:00 am to llr30 a m Thos 8- week course begins June 9 at Wing 404 R CA FA Rotary Adult Centre Cost $13.48 To register call 888.6356, FRIDAY AFTERNOONERS: June 4 "INDIA - THEN & NOW Colour slides presented by Rev. Eric Reble Begins at 2:00 pm at ARC PORT STANLEY TERMINAL RAILWAY AND THE KETTLE CREEK QUEEN: Tuesday. June 8. Bus departs at 8:30 any from ARC Cost $27 00 Roll No. Series 01 . June Bth.1993 Roll No. Series a - June 9th, 1993 Roll No. Series 03 - June 10th, 1993 Roll No. Series 04 _ June 11th, 1993 If you no responsible for payment of km and have not received your bill, please Idviae us " 747AW18. . Ag part ofnn do". to provide better information to the public. the City of Wlterloo will Iainbe hostingln information booth in the atrium at the Waterloo City Centre, Them, June 8th. and Friday, June 11th. from 8:30 am. until 4:30 pan. Learn about composting, recycling, turf management - and there will be hee balloons, hay rides and rides on the equipment for children. Please bring your family and friends out on the 5th. T I I I _ My " 1 c,"', [Nb aiti) W“ .,," . ipew r"N J " A © as “M (X) ' o Tours of the Service Centre will be conducted from 10:00 am to 4:00 pan. See our equipment, greenhouses and more! Refreshments will be served. WATERLOO SERVICE CENTRE 266 Lexington Court, Waterloo (beside Knights of Columbus) ADULT CENTRES ACTIVITIES to an Open House of the 1993 FINAL TAX LEVY YOU’RE INVITED June 5, 1993 10:00 aan. - 4:00 p.m. ttfATWtu20Ct4Mttttx-mErtttAv,guteattNtt.PaaE8tt WServioes Waterloo City Centre 100 Regina St. South