at M Wot: ' Waterloo County shrine Club v v Invites you to our 9th Annual FREE _ CAR SEAT INFORMATION FAIR Saturday,June 5, 9 am .. 2 pm Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church (coma Block Une M. and lawman Dr.. KIChener) . inspection of cut seat installation . Dentomtrgtloets shouting how to install & use car seats properly. . Find out If your car seat meets current regulations . Find out ifyour car seat has been affected by a "recall" . Information on tethering and tether anchorages . Photocopies of manufacturers instructions available . Video tapes. literature and safety information. In the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, consisting of the Townships of North Dumfries, Wilmot, Wellesley, Woolwlch and the Cities ot Waterloo. Kitchener and Cambridge, notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in accordance with the Weed Control Act. 3.8.0. 1990, Chapter W.5, Sections 3, 16 and 23, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Regional Municipality of Waterloo are destroyed by date of June ll, 1993 and throughout the season, the Regional Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed. charging the oostsegelnetthetend.eeeetoutlntheAct. Designated noxious weeds requiring eradication are Common Berberry. European Buckthom. Wild Carrot, Colt's-Foot, Dodder, Goat's-Beard. Poison Hemlock, Johnson are“. Knepweed. Milkweed. Polaon-lvy, Black-Seeded Prone mm. Ragweed. Yellow Rocket. Sow-M (Arum. Pelemlel). Cypress Spurge, Leafy tee, mm. cm Thistle. Modding Thistle. R Thule. scotch was and Tuberoue Vetchling. Region at Waterloo By-l-w Number 93-017 designates viiGiiuiiriTGfiGitiu-tiundertNtprovi"t of the Weed COMM _ "mules and complaints should be directed to 885- 9591 amt-e740. uttmNiehtdhtqtttmrtttrxsesdautoudttiionis Wat-tsetter-yt-Pore-ttttra-tit-is tttMat_0tptqdtrttstmrttte_td, trettaeasiMtttM+irtttteli0artdi06qmtmtt-truasi atmxtatriMh"0trirtattVtemit1rmd6ttqr14arFte talisman! 1tbattdmrtdtrtttaiaottsYouth Nina-h attraeted498-ittt-r-rttirtg119duuhmn luau Cunt Her plump earned her the Stroke Award for the sprint Win-ls. Thmeotttartttm meitttrttt" m fut my) qmlifyfw amixtutia,thtttN1tddittMmattattttisgulr.Ttttiyttrettr" yrsaraeimthtrtttWtdrthfdfu,ixo1ttiryttte20itn_ kr+s,artdil+dAtttiamttrHatunartnitttlte100ttttxmtt. ForB+ttam,imgtitorsatxmtqliahrsttnttua12r-Aitr, trsaunihttitiqmtlMtgtitttts Swimmer! Sarah Danie, Edemunn, Hilary Lawton and Nehtghsthtirhtrdhtthintttermdhrrelayamiiathinttte 4z100rtttmdhtrnMr. Nei1Bahertithrdtqroixth+ttithirtthe400irtdiidual mamr,%ikttttrh-tfBahrr,MidN,thtttrBrmrmtand Fiasihiitrdrthtthirtthrs4x100tmsdittrrrilqr. jiidtis. ) NOTICE I To PROPERTY owns TO nssmov noxmus warns The Infant and Toddler Safety Association E. summer. CMO, CMC Regional cum Regional mummy of Watedoo 1llt jg" HOURS: Mon-Fri. 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; /Ce)t1t,i,i,.ttfj,i),,t.ii,t,Lt,l,,tmu, LEISURE SHOW Don’t Let Other _ Air Conditioner Companies Dump Their Problems In Your Lap. 742-2561 ass-sash . 763-6140 Wednesday - Saturday COTTAGE & -.i-'_'.""'"'" Your Independent Lennax Dealer 'C"""'""""'""""""""'-, , Every Lennox air conditioner meets 1993 ' - Energy Standards. That's something not . :g. everyone can claim. Some companies 'll. are still selling obsolete equipment, so “i; don't get caught holding yesterday's . 3 technology. Call your Lennox dealer . s-" today for the most up-to-date equipment on the market . CRONIN EMERY MECHANICAL LTD. Saturday 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; “WNW ~DI‘