loo Symphony a he coneen in no at 2 p.m. The he Mutual Gmup, mum orchestra I Ann Foldltoln :urlng the Pen. Flno Am Quar- "t a min the Jll'dil Lamier 06,3.1o.11.12 mom WLU‘s tttty nmo Showtime ttttttmation, call inga by Toronto ntmues through tor-Waterloo Art. I Amman, a you: of oommu~ Ia Barnum of avert ing, Con- es through June A Selection of at 8 pin. in Si. i5,1993; PICK d Weber Sta, $0, avalabie at in!“ Hong and In continues at and Galbry. nlnlno Exhibi- me 5 at Enook 31“"...1AL‘S f, 's, I: at 3 pm. in â€Theatre. 13 Gallery. Con. and Frank WA EvsryttrtsiFdtoMttaetirtttts "*tNaxt,tuxtsy.Arirvn8p.rrt. tar4tt.rttot&ett+rtrkty'mttm wanv-Mdeduic. tpytt'rtirpmekn,t_mtxiMtmr, Knights of Columbus charity carnival mMKnigm-dmmu tditrrttis_2wtrtltrriaAFr'r dihrat4hmt8tt.m.trsMtutod tHtr+r,Amt"ott1tu.nt.tutur,nt. :mwmmuommm, 145mmmwm. TttrY%tHxtnh16qrrtmbat'mtt TtrrtttmtrAma*htist-htasrr 8rxr-rrtadirirw%rma'rxr,Arm "xiAm8trtiiiuearukroq. ForrnotminfomtationattdrMtstmtidn Myttittirt.thetPatMampd was no It in _ AdqtiMkm m.anmw: Tenants association P ll ECES w,,,iri'i' Ill f2dtllll,fisfi,ti,L,, 1ll)lllllliiii, mmmesuqm mmummmmm "rrmekmFYr,N1rrhtr,AmtihrnB am. to 2p.m. ttttlt-dS-ner. tMhArthrxharmritge+, mummw-n PAPl'hakesale Pawn-Mutation": Mada.m5‘nhmvumm. 1uKhlOtM'-'taAi_tss- Am7hrrt7p.m.trtt1pinthttrtaio KW Wmmd $tf-thih is Mummy-amide. Srttrdry,Arts5hrn8a.rn.trt4pmat SlH2.heW,V%tHm.Ftreimttm, d7428438w745195). cOn Juno 8 Um pm in erloo Windham†wmnmznhmxwm 'rH-tet-ttftt+-t-i ant-rum. Vanni-donning :10“me Madison-1d â€.memmr'ur *xttrA-truhrtArtt_To WWII-Y. Mrs S Spinners 591' EL- t A 99 “hummdnmm ammumw .ml?tn.prep.teyeimrr. tf,",',,',?,.,',,',',',,",',,',',',',,,,,':,',',:,'.',',',,:',', to t'trrBtr%m you-m. 'lld"="h'2l'2l'l'rrll'lu'lllt d7436391. thAr-ti6trt-torttM 'r-it-ti-ttmr-ttto t_rasrttsitaNtrmrmrstr- ntmnsFh&rxmgtWir0rlllhr “Wmmmwn "raittrttirmtgtWtmt.T1astut trrirtsrtt-strttFrrrdtrrmtrtN k1ihfa1Ta.ttil1'2"ar2 h ' d pm 8 tame #i*iisbqamr.uhdtrsttstrras't'. timetirritattra'rttteN.TheWat_ wmmumm mmsmm.w,m #tgrr.t-t?th'Radttrdtrttsat 24742527, , “mm-mum trt_trtqrmnt,hrm1t"ttjm.et 1ttsaAtt*mtt#ttmttAler*sq-tr whmu7u7a5, Music by Richard Rodgers 1 Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein ll Book by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse Suggested by "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers" Directed by Marie Reid and Catherine Lehmann Skelton n. â€mum-lumen ntl". '0Mir"tqtllthHh+ttr"t.the$6amm my- man- so: an J_r_AIe34?991r1t9tM,11ettr9f.yv, June 2, 3, 4, 5, 1993 DoytAlper7t90pan. St. David Catholic Secondary School Presents Rodgers and Hammerstein) MINI cAnNATLoggs rum-m Pan-3mm?) mmu.nn,m a momma», momma “WM I,†mmananp 'i5r. '6tttth.esttyAtm.East,Ftto tetttt.tfaWNttHttNmfNm) 885-2180 ' momus..xnamnr if (vaH-n) 742-7221 St. David C.S.S. Cifetorium Tickets $7.00 . For ticket information call: if†- FLW-i 'V It . a I I . . . PM typots Inc. Sound “Music WJEZ'Q Prim 885- "l'Jt-':- in“! angina- tl 3'!