Thank you to all who ruled HI the last mumupal election. A special “thank you Fr to all who bated for "It? In H/Z a/l a wry Merry Chrustruus and a pram-[,wrnu a- New Year. PAGE AB WjTERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNES AY, DECEMBER 18. t991 BUYING OR SELLING? Call He-r‘) Ppp for ali ynur red tilah‘ rim-(1‘. . Rf.9IyF1VItll, . C()\I.\"§R( tll, . [NIH “XML . RtRhL . I.N1bh'T3tr.'NT . (USN LT“GSER\1CES Herb Epp Iss-ay “Mk“ r,rr'rv, 5704600 'r ' 715-71363 YOU IT! 51m Mel Barrie ‘0 re Jr "No. I have not cut back Through the traditional gm exchange I've managed to survive Nancy Trautrlm Kitchener "No, I have not Christmas 15 the one tune I can give to my family and employees." Manes Matsias Kitchener Have you cut back " you: Christmas spending this year? "No, I spend out of love, I don't spend money." _ "No, but because I go to school, I never have enough money to spend in the Ctrst place" Adrienne Kolotylo Waterloo Although 36 months have passed, the investigation continues. With the cooperation of the National Centre for the Analysis of Violent Crime in Washington, DC. a prorile was created of the attacker, as well as suggesting new avenuesrof enquiry to lead to his arrest. On December 22, 1988, Pearl Irene Pettitt, 77 years, was found dead in her room at the Parkview Motel, 721 Woolwich St., Guelph, where she had lived alone for the previous several months in a rather reclusive lifestyle. _ - - The police irastigation soon determined that Mrs. Pettitt had been surprised by a male intruder who severely beat and sexually assaulted her. Anyone With Gowiedge or information-concerning Mrs. Pettitt or this homicide investigation is urged to contact the Criminal Inyestigatio1Braneh of thefnyslph Police Fprce. NEEDED: Puppeteers. Express your flair for drama by becoming Volunteering ' t ' A Great Way To Grow. By volunteering, you can brighten the lives of many, helping yourself and your com- munity to grow. The Volunteer Action Centre of Kitchener-Wa. terloo can help match your inter. est and skills with speeirlc jobs for volunteers in 200 community organizations and programs For information on these and other volunteer opportunities, contact the Volunteer Action Centre at 742-8610. VOLUNTEEI made in area school classes to teach children to accept differ, ences in others and thus learn the appropriate attitude to assume when encountering a person with a disability. Training' will begin in January. A commitment of one half day a week is required. (0770) a puppeteer and at the same time create public awareness to break down barriers faced by physically challenged individuals. The troupe of puppets depict various disabilities, Performances are E