MWamwam dsends.rtt'-ttirnetorrreim old tbrnilr_tmditioeta or erode -oeskotrmrverytnm. "rameroutetniaimermder- ,mttingthrmighrourh-rlte1s the weather which kw? Krh-it'etimstoJointhe19 Maddmpmtomlifo. This recipe makes two delica- vananons at a traditional festive favorite, But, don't limit them Just to holidays! 1nareverGl_dshomthe pastthreetuea&s,treeoyum- imamdisexreerirtgthat,a)h- linking isn't Maul! and, b) it's hm,irandmuxirtg.Nothittti, more welcoming than the deli- cxous aroma ofbread: and cakes baking in your very own oven. “1 cup golden raisins le cup chopped mixed candied fruit '1 cup anon le cup candied cherries, halved ‘u cup orange juice 3 cups Inpprox.) all purpose white or never bleached flour 3 cups whole wheat flour 'm cup granulated sugar 1 tsp. salt 2 pkgs. quick-rise instant. yeast lie, cups milk h cup butter or margarine 2 eggs. beaten. A Ir/boil, wig together raigins, candied Iruit, citron. cherries and orange juice. Let stand 30 min. Utes. rme 'Q cup chopped pecans 1 tsp ground cinnamon lung sugan optional A tbkp '"r"ttet'tgCttretmot"rttttitp.m.R-t%tCttrhteDFpav. (iii) ROADHOUSE . © SHAG THE MOVIE j.', (ii) RENEGADES 'e,, 1 tiii) WHEN HARRY MET SALLY _ Fr f Putting the icing on the. cake melted butter or mtg:- JUMBO _i.,i":iit,ilit) VIDEO I We want to wish everione a Merry Christmas axroirttmtar,4ktptqstiar_ogs,gyp=a.h, What’s Coming (tis NIGHTMARE ON ELM ST. PART v’ @WEEKEND AT BERNIES ' ti) GREAT BALLS or FIRE tts STAR TREK If _ 100's of MOVIES AVAILABLE FOR LAST MINUTE GIFT IDEAS IOLIDA‘ and,rhotenruatitotrrchturge tstml,amtttim4-n'msdfhmr, 'g,rg,1"egt'ti/t1ge,f, “Mambo! touch (12bi0tprt " into dry hui. tm withhuit mixture.Mixin and reserved Bourttrmahe " dough. Knead on Hound sum until moth. 8 to 10 atinatecthmr;letrmt10mirr doubled in line, about 40 minutes. Bake in n 'o. ' men M to 40 minutes or until loaf sounds hollow when tapped. Cool on rack. Dust lightly with icing sugar. if desired. Stollen Sweet Buns - On floured surface, roll dough to 14 x 8 inches (35 x 20 em). Brush with mind butter; wrinkle with pe- can: and cinnamon. Beginning at wide and. roll up jolly-roll fash- ion. pinch ends to seal. Cut into 12 slices. Arrange, cut sides up, in lightly greased 9-inch round pun. Cover. let rise in warm draft-free place until doubled in size. about 40 minutes. Bake in n 350°F oven 25 to 35 minutetr or until golden. Remove from pan; cool on Dividedoughinhalt. BraiadStights-r6idothat dough Minnow Shy. t,tSie,ulniltf,"t up. Pueermseson1igtytlrgred an; pinch " to seai.buah with melted butter. Cover, let rise in warm duh-free place until Make. one braid and 12 tweet bum. Originated in the early ’303 in the maritime; this cake was an Gum Drop Clke BAKING white m-.-------"'. "onoeni-sstimsaltettr, tgc,rgt,t'tltttt,1 hit es. Soon- " . " geSfttdit.i'tegltlti' br,.it,i,ia,iiyiili,itttg'gg,2' _ -"'eNF C Mend M I tmgithr- " ' . mum ' ' , t_" _ . dr/T. " g'mul’l mil-aunt , r"" . = _ â€mtg†. " ' ei,',':',':.",',',':'.')?."':,?,:.,',,',",',,',',"',': ~CC’i’mmamresCarrlagszmmmevmageofSt. mndhl my in substituted '." Jatshsevery Saturday and .uhett1eriiimrtMng. "imminent-blowout _ 'P,1se?esf.?t.tielt.ttt!,2e,eyf T . ' F T .mmwmeavalabm‘ 'h1tt,1't'r'" â€m mous. t 742-3355 _ FAICr42iq6 2cupagrmulnudm T - 7 , as“: all hit? ., I " cups pun-pm w or _ nevertiu.ehsdtimtr ll _ l * ' i Ae, l 1seupurantttttilk 1tap.lemoetororattHt ' Or grated rind done mot lemon sugar. One at I time add can, beating aha ouch; bent until light and fluffy. Tons lk cup flour with gum drops; not aside. Com- bine remaining new and baking powder. Combine milk and Str. _tract., Aluruatirad.d flour. and "i)ipettyiy.rukittgeet) manhunt 1currwamtmiik A liquid to manned mixture, heat ing well after each addition. Fold in floured gum drops. Turn into lightly greased 10inch tube pan or an Much deep square or round Christmas cake pan. Bake in 325° F oven about 1% hours or until cake caster inserted id cen- tre comes out clean. Cool in pan on rack 10 minutes; remove from pan, cool completely. Wrap cooled cake securely in foil; store in refrigerator or freer er. Serve cut into slices or fingers. Ihitttbowl,tttnbu.ttyrand No chimicala or Wives SANTA'S N Hutu“ amps lion Itmmt tt Mm my: Au cf' "THE PRIDE OF UPTOWN WATERLOO" _ Multan (,'c,t so we trr. mimmoo. ONT: 51W ' mmrtrmnua) '".' BILLIARD AND DINING ROOM 'ii) H 'tt ' wouvoun m ppm! mu