giant; - _ Tiiitghty t week in Madam Ontario. The Harry 8itton Memorial Wclwuwell attended with 36 tararttss1titrr%tuter,girttaundersotthe KMthunitaChthvithtarinkotclare 'xlatxBillGi1dmr,andgoetkhnarr,wasra tt-gtuttoittaarandmurttmrthintheover. all tom piano. The Wigwam 1t/22, of Lmy Mr, Gauge hngtott, ner, numb:y Howden Manama last end, last Tekjoe,imtmaehedttteprim1iat. Skip FYarthtl1rrhiAartdttinum6taiHighlandrink ttmthu1etrehartttre, mrilrAm'itut8)rttaietriorarttfoei1 Gard mtfthtnthqnd11tlteCftrutaustightaarean intut-k.Neeam1otatiftastfood Pauu.rttntptbrrtypt-rgtowusdyoueantse hon-by 9 pm. “you with to drive further, N 'albttmitii-toiitr-iuarrayot ttatiAr)qitisa1rttrretimrapopiiar “Galina? holiday season. The an†out aim curling bonspiela have f_tft,d,e$ett,t.s.h,tt,al0ttr1.eiurireirrvre "tt?d.inyettuy-tt1tod1rvmetttriet uplift ajny ttteg,',',, nvate party, op wx'i',ir',),'li1,'t,et' wags; t wo even make Santa blush. So . . . check your list twice and dash in to RlSKY BUSINESS. You'll find some unusual ways to 7 _ be naughty, and some delicious ways to be . _ I iiiiiii7G7GEisi, yo? can be both. Enjoy our fabulous selection of exotic lingerie. seductive merry widows, teddies. baby dolls, gowns, garter belts and daring Eating: for her and . C case a unique E,), of hot, deliciously vored lotions a: body oils. or how ghoultam tantalizing‘ e 'oco ngvelties. exciting . a u t games. crazy tr,',',',',',', and T-shirts. amorous m s, tt',lili'1ii'i),iil'ii'i'li,ii, /i'lli, our ous us novelties that 3&1 ty tptriitdtas relax T." at mam happtmirtgs II. " cnmsnus nouns: _ tJally to 9:00 Sat. to 6:00 KITCHENER GUELPH 119 KING fl ' W. 67 MACDQNELL ST at Roundup . . . Executive d'mctor Don Weaver reports the " Community Foundation distri. bttttdt86,i)0tignmtstiorrrthreharitatrtt needs in the K.W area this year. President Terry Osbourne must feel Santa Claus took the form 'fuk Hanna, who donated a cool million to the fund recently. Weaver indicates thefhmiitsmaehiage1oeitotut2 million Ittttrhttothatithuairignitieantrrain ttenerttting the area ... Mike Kapshey says Santa will arrive Dec. 17 at the Waterloo K of C children's Christmas party at the Dearborn hall ...t%mtrMitethruruthe hoetofthe Kiwanis travel fihn series Dee. 15 at the Humanities Theatre which will feature a visit to Belile and Guatemala . . . Joy Scheifele of the M Street Mennonite Church welcomes donations ofeookies fortheChristmas plateeof goodies which will he delivered to the senior citizens ... Happy birthday Business and Professional members Dawson Jamieson, December 17; Don Green, Dec. 20; Rod um Dec. 22; Bill Paterson, Dee, M; Bert 8%. Dec. 26; and Les Wheeler, Dec. 27 ... K- Symphony campaign manager 1t','tttlti'r,'r1te",t,t, that the with: of otteryti etsfor aguarearispieki up as Christmas gift items. Tickets cost $35 or 3 for 8100. And speaking of the symphony. my favorite Pop Concert conductor Howard Cable will be here Dee. 21:23 for the Christmas WATERutoCMRtmttxE,tttEDtettttAY-BErtt3,t--PAaEtts CRABTREE & EVELYN cl',,".'.'."' u- l DMD-nun“ -rhtAg..rt TOILETRIES & COMESTIBLES CRJDAPPLE TREE YQIIMI-IU tt.rtr1mtt-rgerhrttrrtm'ttt “wutm‘ ANDCOMBTIILES MIMW 'EtetattdEsur8te Mmmmmm!Richlmersofsmoathvanilla andchocrolateDairyCtueensoftsenewith deliciousdarkfudgeandcrispchocolatecookie'saDairy(NeenFrozenCgte tittoosehromourdispliiy.Orphoneaday aheadfbryourspecialChristrnasorder. Tteatyourfumilyandfiiendstothebesttg theseastm--aDairyiNeen FrozenCakeor Log. Tstheseastmtoceletxateinthebestot tas.te-sithascrumMiousDairyaueenCalu? Faun-II M III In“: (an) mm Al "It â€(I TNF WITHADAIRYQUEEN CAKEORLOG. LIGHTLIP We treat you right'. '- OFFER AVAILABLE AT Minn-(mat MlOmen-deu