WATSMut0dMRtMlrtieDteetrtAvtaermatteyta, in-PAK Mt This Year, get Homefit for Christmas! Equipment tr Ski Exercisers x} Aerobic Accessories x? and much, much more! A: well as collecting toy: for (ll',"',:,'::':,') “mi 2:3 tor' or children and teenage" up to 18 years old, Gardiner aid, because teenagers enjoy Christmas just as much as litlle children do. Toys can be delivered to the recovery home, 174 King St, N, in Waterloo, between i) am. and 9 pm. seven days a week. Those who know of a family who might betteftt from the toy drive can call the recovery home for informer tion, at 886.3330. tin on Trer*e" of collecting tarrkrtttedrive. "his yea we we ting {or new toys. In the pan we had -udhornerrorgetitirumdtor, inttunatuatelr we're not in the positionwhaewecnnberepdr- IngWyu.†Christmas dreams Equal "uoii%"ttGG ifi7i WMNAH) Gardiner laid the {on come Mumdmw. out the community, including M prim and 'mTtorate do nor-{3039mm collect toys or mtx?srhoenetesr d1ive,edrtrsteuedbwute= pike-h don-M 177-375;; "-.. MWM/ THAT'S HOW MANY CANADIANS ARE gowns SKATERS r K :1 'i,