Cum counéil Midi}; ia, Giiiiiiiiii'a !obthy.sFiyrtrtnundpm.adGiiGiiGTii'iiiri loBauTinthtfeweztfmdeIstendaoflhethity. to out purdtasittg property orthptwo sittsitmq.umorirmomiditin"tiGtGti'ai"ti Bent,_30uncil ,rat"outtrhhrarrboardmemtseidAi as: y. "lea-insisnverygoodshort term solution, but webeIiave itiattotaiood1ongurmsohttiG/' said 'tttj, be bl f the f t . t . e or citytorentspace or ut)),';']'?])',",':',"'.',',',',,,",',)',',','?)'.',',',',.',','. "LitmuybranehladtiGiiiiiis' anchor and -Krru-IBIER.somm-m ~WM..mag ~DEWMHG.175M& -ST..IAOOBS.m-u P_atyt.iieetouiiiiiidirr-eiarioint committee tf library Ind City -erttatives, 11tttg,i,tee.',tt2tt,t1?itiii, ho the 'nt.mstrttt!inermetrramiamt m 1t'hr1ttetdtoitivrrumifiirGiGGiririiii' mwmwlmwforthebrmhu. mud] nin- n" (A. a... 1......1. l:L...._'-- "‘Cirié'ï¬ranch That' it the ' 450 ERB ST. W., WATERLOO (BEECHWOOD PLAZA) 747-3181 Will -tiiiifiy.rryamh mm in mm or “One; amen? Two? tliriiis"i'r' That it the question for city committee to answer CROSS COUNTRY PICNIC PACKS And iota (nor): ornaments, to sing about! All handmadc . . . all affordable. painted stars whining. Fillagncc ttiidita8, 8nocked balls adangling, Olive wood t8letinitB, Applique a-glistening . . . COMPLETE WITH HATES q STAINLESS STEEL UTENSILS q WINE GLASSES . CORK SCREW . CUTTING BOARD . TABLECLOTH . NAPKINS crafts of the world ANOTHER UNIQUE GIFT IDEA FROM THE STAFF OF BATH a. GIFT BOUTIQUE - -___ .-- n...“ u wuuuvlww u! w nionalcompluandthineouldbenwuflnby favorable leaning term†Cluidy told council that studies indicate Nook. reading in the mound most favorite leisure time activity pnfomd hr residents of Waterloo. “The library board is looking for approval of this Plan.†it angst to work on acquiring two 11tttti" drpr forfitltrr a commercial or "AIM W. WEDNESDAY mm 6. 19$ _ PAGE A13 33 ERB STREET WEST - ON WATERLOO SQUARE 885-6140 FREE CONTAIN)" . AFFORDABLE REPRESENTATION 815 Wttter St. El! PUB & RESTAURANT . -- Treat Yourself Atrium m An open, airy atmosphere, unique shops, sidewalk cafes all make The Atrium a truly original shopping experience. SPECIALIZING ON PASTA I PASTA SAUCES 746-4160 77he Tamra F/ty ’mo AROMA CAFE Gourmet canoes roasted daky French Pastries 1trtrtei'Gftsortntuat.2, 744-041 1 Triam'rmxs â€Juana an totlertrbles ANTIQUES