PAGEN- FOR MORE INFORMATION: CALL 744-3291 UI0rtauwltattheydohet:rtrliiekistg,4/4 rock that has its roots in Mott The We (Hunter) and David Howie’s Ziggy Must period (Hanson). Hunter and Ramon have worked together numerous times since those slay days, most notably on Hunter's first solo flight in 1976. Y Uidoesn‘tmatchtheuniformexoellenoeof that record - Benson’s guitar has - sounded better - but the playing is no spirited and the vitality so genuine, it's hard not to enjoy. Sumshontheyoungguneethingor two about good old fashioned rock and roll. uaveittoHtutterandIto-tt'r-an albumafuraTh_too-'-ttig(it-. of Moe's favoriteadtttoetialtmettarhiUthtrlr, MoeandLarry.theoetworockvetenuhnve hmatwhattheydo,evmtaNr20H psiNupattd4ottlteryeyandrttllltddty, Jason isn't exactly I chip off the old block. For one thing, he lacks theymbtle touch d his father. Secondly. he's got too much MTV on the brain. Heattdhubandirurertttherormat: hair and angry-young-men look by Skid Row, torn jeans by Bon Jovi, and a repertoire thit could be plugged into a thousand and one rock videos. It'll take a lot more than I famous name for Andersen 'ii' latest pr [a that less IS indeed more Yulthta lanHunterartduitARottatm TtuiusBonum,aaingaaon,sortofttte1ateud Zeppelin dnunmer,John.Thelatter,ofamme, waaapioneer_altumanjaekharnmer who set the standard dheavy-gtetal mus- Pe.Di-tofTtrrtetlrtg yor-lik, a durttoqd for the @19in Ppt, yyATiRuttMltft9*Mc3eehhr_MM8qetLttg. The Northstar Centre is located above and behind the Dutch Boy Food Market at the corner of Highland and Belmont in Kitchener. Stop by the Centre any night Mom-Thurs. 6:30-9:00 pm. or call 744-3291. The Northstar Youth Organization pro- vides youngsters with Kitchener/Water- Ioo's most comprehensive and exciting programs in Music, Dance, and Per- forming Arts. Classes are for both boys and ir s, and there's NO EXPERIENCE NEC§SSARYl Choose from programs in Brass, Percussion, Dance/Colour Guard ... your child will develop new skills, meet new friends and ENJOY A SUMMER OF TRAVEL AND FUN! NORTHSTAR YOU' ORGANIZATION CADETS OF DUTCH BOY DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS (ages 10 - 15 years) patpttgttigpptstittiidii2iei' PRE-CADETS 1tr.e1.-yyettrtrltiyi'rtqti, put 'sfi,td,'gg7tigfgith',tg,titdtgtit. But other than 1972'I about Blue Rim, Aztdeessnhaoelaattt-tthute, whit ()','l'ld'l'ih'll'lol1'lrv'l,lrlfl'lUl'dh%te River was, it brought to mind James Talon whoiethetedtoberidingtutaileMofa waveatpopularitr. Relmsirtgan!ylttmnplmoFamyturhis _firat_otstreutikead-nstsittove,,'-ial. lywlteNtdersertisstqragimstantntguertr tionoftir1ksuns.ButbithUmiit,"tt'irthe IJpeittttdrtosdisthe My! "r""'etntita1)y ambitious, a lengthy narrative that's reminis- (ages 6 - 9 years) olkloro. Dunn! M38 mammal... I ballad?, and they're an of hip but ever. His ambitious, a lengthy narratii/e that? '%silui. lit? “Tm WI?“ athtt.ttytote mulling- less is India. are' you listen- TH CRABTREE; , EVELYN j (y4RlSTjjifhi1ir _ CARPET CLEANING ANY 4 ROOMS TOILETRIES & COMESTIBLES Arr (519) 944110 i'i'iiii'0"lTP 1 rcEE mammal "0tmgiqttGittBmttgtt, W2 FEW“