Greeks in die fifth centuiy 3.6. The “m†18-inch high pup. pets, place the work of the Greek I)/lttt(.i,1t.t!itittiss briiiii "r"-' Grit/iid, theatre ttf UW Eun'pidu 2houiarii; t,r,tt"t2$2',,t, Tue." Nov. 2tathratt._A&tti-'ottpriuitrtlr, advanceticketureonnleatthe UWBax‘Mu. r,'r'aBrttN'i',,tlut tts',d,tt am atTuletheflmmrrhomedfhi, mother who died when she saw tutmetimntrfherltmsr,atts. Dionymhueome to vindicate 1dyg,',t,I't'ti,tthrdt= manyaeeept . smahip,Ptnth. ens. t1tttNtrtsrt ruler, Opposes SUPERIOR llilillE0lllh18 A {Inm- Glut may oom- ityLt.rt1tttag.t.AthsIltsiumity tf6te1trtr'bamtanitie Thu- t'#,ht'gg,'g'tNg,tttei' 528 Victoria St. N., Kitchener (Beside Weston Bakeries) 745-6136 LARGE INDOOR suownoous YOUR WORN. SHOULD IE ORDERED NOW For Winter Installation mm DRE , M ,iti'-liai'l)"'iiitiiit mm A L 'ii'iii:i'41"s!"-'tiii-" A.r?y.t.t,trltolsern_pttiretr, 'u ttdyiidin)tirpatrvegnifGlGG performed throughout Canada tmdtheUniudthates.miad ImNsstrrotdratnaat'ttttUUni. unity in Medford, Mama. fluettxandttteauthor,oris booksonbothancie,ttamimod. eettt-.mtnarionettess,ot ,rhielthehaabui1ttnorsthaita 1Peiru,r-aot,eeighted doth with wooden heads. into it: correct 25l 385 Frederick St., Kitchener FREDERICK STREET MALL innture dramatic works. In partie- ular, The Bacall†contains some WY, terrifying scenes unsuit- -atsie%r youth-ii a}; This production of The Bacchus is jointly sponsored by the Classi- cal Studies and Drama depart. ments of the University of Water. loo, and the Clash: department of Wilfrid Laurier: University. FACTOR\ IE ARE TH WF MAKE 'ma tut T Us'"' l IE SELl rs [ECiniii5E,%l guy-nut. l £321 Inqgm-lmhui 143-8501" I'"%irsTG't"""" eyt2trtfria.- WC HOURS: Howey-many "