[jiiiiiiiii fd5j? I" fl® 7,: " "jC's"?' a Mt _j,'l'l"',s_'i:,'_i_'('_'i'"i'il,i'j".' am A 1313‘!" WHY RECYCLE? BECAUSE avauatile.iandtm sites are rapidly filling up. AT- -. BECAUSE nobody wants Af. on. a new garbage dump in tai2lltg their backyard. “:3:er BECAUSE every person it" ’5} in Ontario produces 2.2 q il " pounds (1 kilogram) of o o waste every day. BECAUSE 35% of waste going to landfill is paper and paper A products. - q BECAUSE packaging ri-ttfire-tac. _ _ represents 38% of house- _':/i'i?"""," hold garbage by weight it-Cf-f, and 50% by volume. . BECAUSE one tonne of recycled newsprint saves 17 to 19 pulp trees. BECAUSE products from recycled materials reduce air pollution by up to 96%. BECAUSE hundreds of thousands of marine animals have been - killed by ingesting plastics. 2 BECAUSE water pollution is reduced between 50 and 97% _ - when manufacturers use Q i recycled mptelials., BEAUSE Gi owe it to ourselves and our children. Recycling Week '89 is a province-wide event sponsored by the Recycling Council of Ontario and Ontario's Ministry of Environment. This ad has been sponsored by the City of Waterloo. For more information on Recycling Week activities, contact: Jean Reilly, co-ordinator of Recycling Week - 579-6767 kl " -. N, [ Af. 'rf] " Cllilitig 's ' " or: -9 Ssailm MG: 'tIWC-ally,- ,3:st BGB' t t“? IES Tg' 'tes. O C?, SEMI? tl . Give your plastic l ":ti& market vendors, loc Q l m to be re-usoc Lii, " ’7 q Donate gently IM Set, to chuitable org: . Rent seldom u () . supplies and to 'il), . Store and re 4-"- "dhfiGY and ribbon. I '. 7 . Th", a hat . Btiynw in returnable, WHAT CAN YOU DO? REDUCE f . Avoid buying dime-able products such as paper towels, plates and cups, disposable lighters and towels, plates and cups, disposable lighters and razors. - 'hye1othdiaperrrinateadofdiehte. . Cheap-par over plasticbagswhers possible. q Buyimwiththeleastnmountofpacknging. . Burtm1korestsortomrtaed products for C yyrrularhrumrdiuma. m) . Use twp-ugh]; coffee cups or mug: rather than GLAB8-RingebottUt, andglmjm before placing them in your blue box. 0 STEM/PIN CANS - Remove tops and . rinse well. Place empty food and beverage can: in your blue box. ‘ ALUMINUM POP CANS - Rinse and place in your ts1uebaxorabereptgeeanrxmyelingbarre1. PLASTIC POP NIPPLES - In municipalities when PET bottles are collected, remove tape and place in yourblue bar. l in mu I the life of your car Battery. msplum Bundle peep ind place gang: tfp or beanie rai Hue box: F . Give your plastic bags and egg cartons to ts market vendors, local farmers or health food l m to be reused. 5 0Donategentlyusedclothingandfumitute a " to chuitable organizations. _ L1C"5 "entseidoenusedartie1mrtnuht-tr . supplies and took. , sr:?.,) ot?tomandreutsewrappingpaper,btn" "dhfiGY and ribbon. Ir] - .Bupabattesryreehargerttndextend nacvcnal K K1431