0 A.M. _ L SERVICE IEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY . EMBER 11th, 1989 _ The Remembrance Day Dinner will be held at the Branch Hall. Guest speaker will be Father Hayes. 315 Weber St. N.; Waterioo 884â€"8731 SUPERIOR * HAROLD WATERLOO MEMORIALS BEAUPRE COUNTY 28 Victoria St. North _ | STAMPS FOR COLLECTORS ALARMS Beside Weston‘s Bakeries) & Fire Prowstion Equipment Kitchener, Ontario PHILATELIC SUPPLIES Tor Home and indueby Phone (519) 745â€"6136 Kâ€"W NAVAL ce ASSOCIATION | rovaL canapian Legion ._ _ BENEDICTION.______ .. "GOD.SAVE THE QUEEN" O God our help in ages past _ Our hope for years to come Our shelter from the stormy blast And our eternal home. W ages in Thy sight an evening gone: Short as the watch that ends the night O God our help in ages past Our hope for years to come y Be Thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home. P Waterioo Branch No. 530 19 Regina St. North, 44 King St. S., Waterioo I 196 Cedarbrae Ave., Waterioo Â¥ KÂ¥ KÂ¥ Â¥ UÂ¥ i i t is ‘ _ Ancreased expansion, has m » ~.. Waterloo and urban areas. 1 k Also, 4500 letters with an people in the Kâ€"W area. Theinsert tells you the pu : ~dlisbursed, also what the K. > September 30th, 1989. Poppy Week October 27th â€" November 11th, 1989 National Poppy Day Saturday, November 4th, 1989 ’m,-t.“uwmn‘inlhhm,flnK-WPmyFund. in order to meet the m_d‘:lrrjnn_nhd “Mmolqn-. one to each householder in Kitchener, Joeeph Oberhoiser, Chairman Kitchenerâ€"Waterioo Poppy Fund ‘Tel: 885â€"1001 K.W. POPPY FUND 742â€"8419 THEY SERVED TIL DEATH â€" WHY NOT WE hny-_..r_'_wol‘wpu- and Wreaths $25,611, Postage $9,926, Office WESTON BAKERIES LIMITED Lutheran lLife}s}® Head Office: Waterioo, Ontario. N2J 4G4 Telephone (519) 886â€"4610 560 Victoria St. North WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8, 1989 â€" PAGE A25s