do concerned parents, budding artists, C ‘I%MAMMJMM : ment have in common?:Right! These and many ~. bthers use the ‘extensive resources of the [ * Children‘s Department : of ‘Waterloo Public es " _ _ of moni"".“““ c 5s o mt y**"*"" eor uing 5; es L hener, on me 107 and Sale, pays special tribute to Maurice Nichol, who ï¬rlt.mught Tibetan works to Canada. The official openingâ€"celebration is futx::ed fun. Recommended for schoolâ€"age children. Free. "Tis the season‘ (almost!) The Royal Botaniâ€" cal Gardens‘ demonstration of festive decoraâ€" tions will he}s you deck your halls with new verve. Wed., Nov. 22 at 7 p.m. Please register. Anuoticvisual&eatisinstoreforyoufrom November 9 to 21. Tibetan Art: Retrospective An irresistible combination: comedy, magic and mystery Sat., Nov. 4, 2:30 p.m., join Owen Anderson at Parkside Branch for 45 minutes of traditions of two special people from the Global Community Céntre. Children seven and up will be charmed by stories and songs from farâ€"away lands. 10:30 a.m. Eugenia Tenga of Ghana, 2 p.m. Gilty Paynter of South Africa. Our P.A. DAnz_levent Fri., Nov. 3, introduces Children of Africa. Share in the culture and Each day, the friendly, informed staff helps um pollation to medioral tag:: Oer Cl LA forw: lengunge and cleat illstratione in childrens in in grasping computerâ€"basics, expanding their French voâ€" cabulary or learning to knit. All age groups can share in the pure joy of a good read: mysteries, adventures, classics, jewelâ€"toned picture books and even board books for tiny hands. Which question is most often asked? "Do you hnel'?ndimnrbooh?"Absolmly! As as being Children‘s Book Festival Month, November features an exciting menu of \\EM\\ER\A\\\E“\\EE\\E“ uP When bC. doctof® o:;l;?egd BB(\A%::: way eR OM eS Cy or w{“""m@w het 69 Miky to avoi$ â€" sowl ;;:rsemi%\:n;és L ;'3, 11 u?onth o\dBreent. s WHEY . pelpog me V \m\m w BE\.\E‘IES w1 ind NN nan‘t wet until 20\!"6 in need. show yO8 betieve i" the lae ot \xcmnot-w.w\oo and ArC® by donating |“ “‘““I B fhen hC doctof ordered wmp\etebedres"m avoid Red U Savre ‘{‘.epawe\abour,new there\nwe{ot Dt * . . {chent" :es'\&enmeather kee thehouse'mgoodorder. mM needfl\he\p fast. Vet m&sfl els 4 healthy paby DCV husbap&Bï¬anwas‘sway on wpï¬bomaiew Wee\;s\awr. a busin®®® tr'\%an&'chete " just doot 198 what) "*"" one WPP could t would bave &snedb“ut the ® "ov, and serv'\oelwaésot.b,nkf\l\m he Red cross d e" Y out" â€" Wlket ‘“ qWekn .. ov 7 _ ‘“m;:dws‘w““::‘zucm“"" 10da): mï¬\“‘- > ; _u she D er. is Chi a U Saep d o t SA AECCUTe Tales to Warm the Winter, and the imaginaâ€" tionsoftotsagethreetosixnreeomingWed., Dec. 6. Storyteller Dorothy Bowman weaves her spell at the main library at 10:30 a.m. and at the Parkside branch at 2 p.m. f Sun., Nov. 12, 1 to 4 p.m. Dr. Robert Price, noted authority on Tibetan philosophy and art will speak at 2 p.m. Refreshments and a door prize are part of the festivities. Everyone welcome. Films for Kids! Saturdays, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Childrenagethmtoninewillenjoytheoe films based on favorite fiction. November 4 ‘features include "Angus Lost," and "Pushmiâ€" pullya." November 25 showings are "Frog Goes to Dinner,"â€""Harry the Dirty Dog," and more. Parents welcome. Free. Our Money Talks continue Thursday evenâ€" ings, 7 to 8:30. November 2: Grete Halwachs speaks on Real Estate Investments. November 9: Susan Pottruff deals with Mortgage Financâ€" in%. Four professionals answer your questions. ‘ales to Warm the Wintar and the imastna and Sale, pays special tribute to Maurice Nicholo, who first brought Tibetan works to Canada. The official opening celebration is verve. Wed., Nov. 22 at 7 p.m. Please register. Anexoticvisualtrntiainltoreforyoufmm November 9 to 21. Tibetan Art: Retromcï¬ve and Sale, pays special tribute to Maurice a if VC SORiinrPnie O â€"ACnmbstiinih ty â€" hob to Dinner," the Dirty Dog," and more. Parents weleomu. "Tis the seéason" (almost!) The Royal Botaniâ€" cal Gardens‘ demonstration of festive decoraâ€" tions will help you deck your halls with new features include "Angus Lost," an pullya." November 25 showings are will spook at 2 p io. Refieahmemns oo Phatt At The Library Sun., Nov. 12, 1 to 4 p.m. Dr. Robert Price, mize are part of the festivities. Everyone Films for Kids! Saturdays, 2:30 to 3:30 F T T. hildren age three to nine will enjov tgese wE o. n b9UK S en gker M q fBrs Boteie is s s Cress ho tor me\ndï¬ and W* "a ord6 on favorite fiction. November 4 aAdt nB are ?E\eor wg honng! 114A KING ST. SOUTH, WATERLOO 885â€"2455 COMPARE OUR BULK PRICES Christmas Baking Specials Por tb. _ Porkg WATENMQW.WEM@AVWL 1989 â€" PAGE 23 Thurs. and Fri. 7:30 to 9 p.m. Baking Supplies Nuts Saturday, November 11 at 8:00 p.m. Remembrance Day at First United Church (corner of King and William Streets, Waterloo) TRINITY JEWELLERS THE FUTURE OF TIME IS IN OUR HANDS OPEN: MONDAYâ€"SATURDAY 9:30â€"5:30 Regina Street at Columbia Street (Next to McDonald‘s) 886â€"7001 Nut & Baking Supply Visit our New Hamburg Store! 100 KING ST. SOUTH : UPTOWN WATERLOO i j 9 to 6 SAT. 7:30 to 6 p.m.