loo . Chronigle: Krown Rust Control*, Busy Bee Ingustry in the regi â€" Currently, J.M Schneider is the single largest water user in Waâ€" water for meat product produc tion â€" the heaviest water using industry in the And an sion would result in a major min&'eï¬hi‘diud information hï¬m icians, mï¬ï¬‚mï¬"ï¬wmq council Wwas not in the nood »‘ï¬u 'wmeiuli mot take unless "one :of the hmdï¬_ wbwulzay.at moved...a motion: to reconsider, my ©Pek SBiQ maxt decade ts . Asl sarin on the matter > Stop Piller .. eip’g‘gsioh;" ; residents \_ urge city . (Continued on page 5) 5. WAI‘,ERLOO We s For Humanity Apor P hn o ow Ti