Wei-rim rm plat Eden Rayner hell but: sleet-d the Univetlity tttWaterloo and Mol. son's Male Am J the Week. Brian is m Hannibal, Ontario aadathirderArtotadant. Briathhardmekanddatarmi. nation are hil gt%tmt qualities. He has been a fgtlattgtt for the Rarrite _ team all year. He was very inltrumental in UW’e win over Windsor, on Saturday October 21. to - a hirt-'tSibii"i'iruh%iLiiti'i hajart0.iiqttptE.iiuAt captain, in “it an eliinhhrm10tlt ,,'»;h . totrthmtkttiitt _ ' " juhfog,,tg,'ggtf,is, T . m _ 2tdtt'tigtttit!P'. "iiiii GiiiiViiriiiaii i Ai'dll'll'gl;' tttttttl, tjiGii,Gii" F ' T;'.", 113E; Studio: Ji,it,i,l'i"s"i' Jill plead birth in her nee at the Iaittr#ehritatimtai ans-tur- “Athletes of them»: 1 pitiirgV v",,',',":',""""""'"' ism; .8.", iitriiesttiit Athletes of a; "lltll,tt Athletés of the Week "il,t12tttartutimttae 2g"ggutgigt..1'ttid,t2 , thmmï¬â€˜umï¬mbmmhï¬h qr- â€in. orrhadarhiritytf th2"attgl .m _'Put!Gra'ariiiii;i7i'iL"l2tl'litik thrallatarmleetioa. “a W t8etthatt1 1kndm-MigratandPW Bauer C": Athlete. of :hethWeekkg MaCollege or ewoe Octane-16. met leading the Condom to their mud consecutive OCAA Women's Sgtbal1 Championship. She won three games, including a whither. ,r'il7ill'ilSl,'"l'lttttpge 1ttgltait,irhii.iii,1iii,ii, "m'aion titAdith C a Ireaml. 1htty_i'iiiirtiniTiiiiir'i She is currently a second-1 “Swamp-much“- nin. m Nina: Mind 'tmetgpeefimrtammintsrrdeei. 'sit, It? .mf va'gttteiq. but not. um ' 1?ffihatu'hireg y Posh 'aiiiiG Fiihr"iiiiF 'sttatierttintheBusint-Adtnimb Flu] Bauer tallied an impreos in 50 points for Conestoga at the Durham College Invitational bas. ketball tournament» A native of Kim, Bauer is enrolled in the third-year of the Construction Engineering Tech. nology program. Will qlways receive a warm reception at the Waterloo Inn in: and {in thing. we'll Always peoetdetttebestthatrsttttemd 475 kme St N ' Waterloo Mkrzrtpoo 'TNN,