1aintiieriiYoar help’ is needed 5 PIN BOWLERS ALI. You on WI. "GET YOUR GAME INSMAPE" Take Athatttttte Of Our Pm SUNDAY Att, 10 AM. . 12 NOON Sale Hours: Mon. Eye Examinations Arranged or bring in your own prescription) KM"; PM - Boutique PRoriiiitiitiNAL INSTRUCTION B I. 'lllltllll','r/,'l4 81 Volwna ... A WHY To Grow. B voluntednp. you an â€3531 the lives, ' t'g'At'tg.tl%tdtggTgt.tite . F can fg'l,' with ,riFhttaemt Ind skills with sptkiti0rrortoutt-in_200erttnttsunity organiutiou and mm. Rot information on these and other mrthtntet opportunities, tttf, om Volunteer “mat Service at 74 ' x taEDBBt"r%astttgig6h' R,'. 1331311le :5 centre, . and Qhere a ttp-todthl parent my side a éhild: Volunteers will welcome ehildren and adults andtttahrtttqteaattftntahle.Therwii1 initiate and model Won positive interae. tion tete e.hild errstuyy., My WM a, m. â€a mm;- iehNGt diai%'ti, feeling! of anxiety, and anger. The centre For your appointment Phone 746-481 1 .vohttirftA?tat. ler 'rt. thyw. Bt “-Iw a} N "Be M qm ha" - Fri. mad-o'pjni Sat " Fm. ngiao-e pm Starts October 27, 1989 "Dbl: van"rinTrsiruttstTiiisptr-tgkttru,tu"ttsteiirr "$434611 With the. salt, flowing waves of 0 Matrix perm. Waves fhatqubk' and feel natural. Never frizzy or dry. Matrix perms actually condition your hair while they perm..Aild self adjust to the type of hair you have. Leaving your hair silky, shiny and alive. Regular $65.00 Discount applies to, Now Q41 Shampoo, Cut & Style Included Call for yayarintment The . Hem Company wmdoo Tm Square. Wm 886-2770 656-2900 o able for one three-hour shift each week. Adults, t mature high lubed and college students are l welcome to participate Training will be pro- v vided in communication skills, problem solving l and 'i',',','","'.',,,"',,':",,',",',',',',. Volunteers in this I, program wi pert . an important t service in alleviating 'l,','l'ldllud pain felt by " _ '1"gttf'gghtot,tigrgi,1,it,1,i,f,i,i.i,iis' â€and t" ly NEEDED: yot!et1itegrmFttorgirtg t particularly bargain hunting? Then we need skim! A,weekly meals program for seniors L W833 a hot nourishing meal mayor could s be involved in menu planning while keeping l th-toth-al/rad-HG'; 'e commitment of 8 hours a week would include 2 t hours for shopping and one hour for meeting. in This is an opportunity to help senior citizens e and meet interesting people. (119EE) is open Friday evennngs' , Saturdays and Sun- days y WaterlooKVoluntoen should be avail- aplies to Spiral t Specialty Wave at regular price levels $42 WIIIlam St., Wallaby On the first floor don't miss our beautiful line of table linens & lace, In our Gazebo we carry an exquisite line of decorative towels and bathroom boutique items to add that final touch to your bathroom. We have many items to help gm with your hall a shopping. Our 5 looks forward to giving you the personal attention that you deserve. â€serve Ill I. " 3";ny Ct $-‘ dir/arch; s ( mmyStora 16 KING ST. (Across from Benlamm's) ST. JACOBS 664-2963 Mom-Sal. 9:30 a.m.-5:30 pm Sun. 1-5 “awn... 746-5456 Ar? snag-3L w. New PRESCRIPTION' s"""".',?'"-"""""' SENIORS AND SHUT-INS e towels and n boutique add that final WATERLOO TOWN SQUARE 884- 1 500 20% on a“ 5ng )s9ti',l igii', ’ ' t r , -ee. ---------, V ii)liililiiiiri.ii I maxi!" . s", -. Jia - "3: '" i; , iMllrllE " ENS, al 2:17.25 7;: Maile-r Tc" . 1.27:4; Tm' " T "'. 3:. 'iu. - - (r Jt ' %,.“I/:l\/‘kq;* _.:: Mt T5, w J h p, A ihi'Yit ft SttN T ",' $1., 1‘11: H I \, "e, w: 2* "visa: & Ail Halloween Merchandise FASHIONS Complete your taf wardrobe with a mnler coat by Lonoor‘ Fog All this and many other gift Items Includmg Meagan: Chma Dons and a Iovely lune of monan decorate! Items Upstaurs tC, Buttons , Bows Nugmgowns * Papoagallo Shoes Jewellery a: Lacy Cotton * Susan antol * Skyr . Herman Gem * Alpean * Sumes 8 Seawmd * Beautvfu! Fashion All-.d