_ Although me hospnlal was scheduled to be completed In January of this year, strikes mmm the budding Industry pushed comple- Mon date to September Henderson deemed to move Into a par. Hally completed Dunldmg Because she did not isrant oahenls sutterog through another Summt-u neatwave Without an conditioning It s very nice that the Brownie groups come m at CNnstmas to sung carols, but when you have lived your Me attending the theatre and the arts, It's not at the standard my are accustomed too," sad Henderson With iné addition or a means donawd by the Mutual Group, patients can enjoy pro- duchons Drought unto the hgspual It s not the Meal swualnon to move Into a nospual when rt'S not too per can! com- mew, but the move was very smooth, thanks to many an" and voturttoqrrrr." says Hm- It a ber'son went to the put; when they were llvmg In the community why shouldn't they enjoy that. here?" says Jones, After all, how many hospitals can boast havmg an Ice cream parlor, a smmmmg pool outmde courtyards. an Indoor-outdoor theatre and a bar†In another attempt to make the hospital less of an Insmunon. planners have gone to extreme lengths to make patients lives more tufong All parts of the nospntal have been linked together for easy maneuvering between bwldmgs Although easy access enables patents to move freely, one mam em IS monitored " patients with aulmenls such as Alzheimer‘s disease cannot wander out of me Dulldung A patuénf may be able to consume alcohol n the Emmy as long as a doctor approves. Hospital to “VG out the" last days - that m why Henderson was determined to make the hospital feel more like a home _ _ Weapon s siyspec:ally ham on chrome care dldn't always do that A dream 22 K-W Ptofile 1989 Health we, trut the move was very smooth. (hanks “We are hoping that Freeport will set the many sun and voluntoevs." says Meadow mandate! in m. chronic care tiqkt." says 0 Jones. “Pm proud at that, but I he! Because a move such as me one at ashamed that we (health care prolessuonals) The addition to Freeport Hostital inciudes a small swimming pool. Freeport Ham's We": incomes modern design: By the Year 2011 seven per cent of this country's population will be over the age of 85, says Henderson. therefore alternatives have to be found m order to care for these people. "These beds will be tine for five or 10 years," says Henderson, “people who need chronic care will always get that care, but we want to find new ways to keep people at home or In a nursmg facility for as tong as possubte tt While some may be experiencing growmg pains. (the staff for Instance has grown from 240 to 640) Henderson says all lengths have been taken to ensure that each patient or family teal comfortable In their new sur. roundmgs. "I think it's overwhelming when you raise $51 million through donations from the public. What I've found from this community IS that they always pull through. It you have a need, and you have the rest of your bases covered. this community will come through. Communities like Hamilton have to depend on big business and wealthy individuals to help them out," says Henderson. She attributed the boost to the pleasant atmosphere. a well air-conditioned building (eliminating odors) and the fact there are more things to do and talk about when visiting. Henderson says the people of Kitchener- Waterioo should be thanked for their gener- ous donations to the hospital. cases, Henderson said It is not uncommon that some patients will not survwe the change However, she added. not one death at Freeport can be attributed to the move. The Biggest change Henderson has seen since the move IS the Increase in visitations. (Continued from page 20) . Evaluation of business ideas q Strategic analysis for new products . Identification and development of new product opportunities . Selection of materials . Strategic business planning . Industrial design ti) . Creation of prototypes . Market mseamh GGialiiiiiri; . Evaluation of . Product testing f%-a-- inventor ideas The Stuff Dreams he Made of... Know no bounds to your imagination. If you are an inventor: innovator or entrepreneur, we can help tum your idws into valuable ptrxlucts and MTvicei, 156 Columbia Street W, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3t3 (519) 885-58 m Toll Free 143004654559 Fax 885-5729 ti) Waterloo